I don't think you should have been kicked out. And I bet that was not Eddie's call to have you kicked out. But maybe it was his security head's call, since he is supposed to keep Ed safe from people who try to get too close. Wanting to come on stage and play a song without being asked to do so is too close, in my opinion. I am sure many of us in the crowd are musicians and would love to play a song with Ed but no one is approaching the stage and asking to do so.
Side note: Someone requested Footsteps at the show I saw and Ed tried to play the main riff and then said "Does anyone know how to play it?" and I wish I did. This was different than the person who requested it walking to the stage and saying "Can I please play Footsteps on guitar and you sing it?"
ABQ 93, Las Cruces 95, ABQ 98, Bridge School 10/30/99, Lubbock 00, ABQ 00, Denver 03, State College 03, San Diego 03, Vegas 03, PHX 03, D.C. 03, Camden 7/5/03, NYC 7/8/03 + 7/9/03, Vegas 06, San Francisco 7/15/06 + 7/16/06 + 7/18/06, Kansas City 10, [EV:ABQ 11/6/12], Chicago 13, PHX 13, Denver 14--PJ24!, Telluride 16, Chicago 8/20/16, Chicago 8/18/18, Phoenix 22, Denver 22, Vegas 5/16/24
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
I was there last night. So you openly admitted to being an idiot? I was also about 5 rows back with an aisle seat on the one that you walked up. I wasn't surprised at all security came out and took you outside. You walked up the aisle to the front of the stage to shout something at Ed. What the fuck did you expect to happen?
when you are 'singing out all the time', do rude assholes approach and request to share the stage?
getting thrown out was fully of your own doing. no one else to blame there. not ed, not security - all on you dude.
and as a 10clubber you should know better. here's a fun fact - many 10c members are excellent musicians, yet somehow resist the urge to crash the stage when lucky enough to see the band.
don't forget to post several links to your awesomeness.
you have a very nice voice, now get over yourself.
why can't people just sit down, shut the fuck up, and enjoy the show? it doesn't seem that hard. title of thread says it all - don't say anything to ed on stage.
The issue is not that you yelled out something at an Ed show. That pisses some people off, but if you do it once or twice people will get over it.
The problem is that you approached the stage and took it upon yourself to force an interaction with Ed. As has been stated: no-one paid money to see you get on stage with Ed. Now, had Ed said "Any brave souls want to try Chris's part?" then by all means, have at it. But no. You had a little pipe dream of getting on stage with Ed (as I'm sure we all have) and decided to act on it. That is why you got kicked out. You didn't yell the request from your seat. You ventured into stalker territory.
It would have "made your year" to sing with Ed. Well, it would have made mine as well. But it's not going to happen, and I would never try and force it. No-one cares that you have a good voice. If you should be mad at anyone, you should be mad at yourself for missing part of the show after being kicked out.
People paid to see Ed. No-one cares about you or your dream to sing with Ed.
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
What an entitled, egotistical, fucking creeper. You're probably lucky you were still conscious when they hauled you out after approaching the stage like that. Take it from someone who is sane, and has at least a shred of common sense, there was not one single solitary soul in that theater, aside from your brother who was equally stupid for suggesting this, that would have given one flying fuck about seeing your dream come true.
I just don't get this behavior at all. I grew up in Tulsa. I moved out. My hometown's not as bad as most people not from there imagine it but there's plenty of idiots to make it difficult to convince people otherwise. Last night was some of the worst displays of respect for performers that I've ever witnessed. Glen and Eddie were both getting it. Someone actually shouting "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie" during Glen's performance. There were FAR too many lit up idiots at that show last night, as was evidence by the half hour long line bathroom line through most of the night. I sat right on the aisle where some guy comes up and starts shouting at Ed that he wants to sing with him. He was there for a full minute, not backing down before security came from behind the curtain to take him outside. The shouts were just overly obnoxious, it's fucking indescribable. You can distinguish the wasted idiots from your normal whistles and hoots, and there were a PLETHORA of drunk heckling last night. Keep that shit to yourself. I knew Ed would say something political and some Okie dipshit would shoot off their mouth.
What makes the Brady Theater great is also what makes it terribly annoying. The acoustics were designed before powered amplification existed. Anything you say can be heard by the entire theater.
Glen and Eddie both alluded to the issues of the audiences lack of RESPECT last night.
Just because everyone else was acting like an asshole doesnt mean you acting like one is justified.(By the way, balls move to come on here and admit to being "that guy".) I don't get what made you think in your mind that it was ok to approach the stage or say anything at all.. You should know that approaching the stage and yelling at the guy would be seen as a threat. You showed terrible judgment and there were consequences for your actions. How dare you be upset at anyone but yourself. I hope you at least learned something from this and will learn how to behave properly at the next concert you attend.
Side note: Someone requested Footsteps at the show I saw and Ed tried to play the main riff and then said "Does anyone know how to play it?" and I wish I did.
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
getting thrown out was fully of your own doing. no one else to blame there. not ed, not security - all on you dude.
and as a 10clubber you should know better. here's a fun fact - many 10c members are excellent musicians, yet somehow resist the urge to crash the stage when lucky enough to see the band.
don't forget to post several links to your awesomeness.
you have a very nice voice, now get over yourself.
why can't people just sit down, shut the fuck up, and enjoy the show? it doesn't seem that hard. title of thread says it all - don't say anything to ed on stage.
The issue is not that you yelled out something at an Ed show. That pisses some people off, but if you do it once or twice people will get over it.
The problem is that you approached the stage and took it upon yourself to force an interaction with Ed. As has been stated: no-one paid money to see you get on stage with Ed. Now, had Ed said "Any brave souls want to try Chris's part?" then by all means, have at it. But no. You had a little pipe dream of getting on stage with Ed (as I'm sure we all have) and decided to act on it. That is why you got kicked out. You didn't yell the request from your seat. You ventured into stalker territory.
It would have "made your year" to sing with Ed. Well, it would have made mine as well. But it's not going to happen, and I would never try and force it. No-one cares that you have a good voice. If you should be mad at anyone, you should be mad at yourself for missing part of the show after being kicked out.
People paid to see Ed. No-one cares about you or your dream to sing with Ed.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
What an entitled, egotistical, fucking creeper. You're probably lucky you were still conscious when they hauled you out after approaching the stage like that. Take it from someone who is sane, and has at least a shred of common sense, there was not one single solitary soul in that theater, aside from your brother who was equally stupid for suggesting this, that would have given one flying fuck about seeing your dream come true.
From another thread on douchbags at Ed's shows.