For Trade: RNDM Sticker or Wristband, ISO DeLuna Sticker

P34RL J4MM3RP34RL J4MM3R Posts: 1,329
edited December 2012 in Lost Dogs
I'll send you a RNDM sticker. Not a "Random" sticker :roll: , but an actual sticker from the band RNDM and you send me a Deluna BeachBall Sticker.
UPDATED: I'll trade for either a RNDM sticker or the orange RNDM wristband.
Thanks for looking,
There's no need to say goodbye
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • a5pja5pj Hershey PA Posts: 3,924
    Did RNDM ever put out any stickers? I didn't see any at the show or on the 10C site. Got a pic?
    Wouldn't it be funny if the world ended in 2010, with lots of fire?

  • It's the same as the logo on the bass drum. The pink clowd with the yellow explosion and RNDM!! in Green.
    Can't post pics, but I'll send you one on e-mail.
    There's no need to say goodbye
  • I'm still in search of a DeLuna Fest Beach Ball Sticker. Please help.
    There's no need to say goodbye
  • a5pj wrote:
    Did RNDM ever put out any stickers? I didn't see any at the show or on the 10C site. Got a pic?
    Not sure which one the OP has, but there are 2 RNDM stickers that are almost exact except for the background/outline. The one on the left has white back/outline, the one on the right has silver/chrome back/outline.
    larger image: ... ickers.jpg
  • Yep, those are it. I have the one with the Chrome/Silver background.
    Thanks Monkeewrench.
    There's no need to say goodbye
  • UPDATE: I'm upping the ante. I will trade either a RNDM Sticker or an orange RNDM Wristband for the Deluna Beach Ball Sticker. Last one I need to complete the US 2012 stickers. Please help.
    There's no need to say goodbye
  • a5pj wrote:
    Did RNDM ever put out any stickers? I didn't see any at the show or on the 10C site. Got a pic?
    They arrived at the merch booth later in the tour...I'm assuming the tardiness was also Sandy related (like the show prints).
    There's no need to say goodbye
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