A story from Albuquerque :)

Hey guys, sorry I been busy the past few months. Ive had a lot going on and now driving around following this guy Eddie Vedder and Glen Hansard. Maybe you heard of him. Well heres a story I have for you about my trip to Albuquerque. Im sorry if its not written correctly. I failed English or Grammar class. Here's my go at writing the story for you.
First of all thank you to all of you who sent us such kind words and congrats on one of our dreams coming true. Thank You J
The day started off with us getting off to a late start. We left Phoenix about 10 am. I was hoping to leave at least 3 hrs earlier but I am not as young as I once was and life loves to kick me in the balls LOL.
So with the late start I figured we would be getting there with at least 2 hrs before show time. During the ride we must of hit the twilight zone because the road just went for ever. As far as the eye can see nothing but 1 long road.
After reaching the brink of insanity we started to see civilization. Finally reached the outskirts of Albuquerque at 5:30. I didn’t want to go straight to the venue so we checked into the hotel witch thank God it was right there off the highway. The same road I would travel to the venue.
So after getting ready We drive by the venue we see Ends bus and the excitement starts to build. Knowing we had second row seats we parked the car right across the street in a parking garage not caring if it cost $100. Thankfully it was only $8
So we rush up to the venue. There were about 5 people waiting outside Ends bus. I asked if he came out yet and they said no. I told them he most likely is inside already at this time. We then continued to rush inside.
We come around to the front of the building and there is no one to be seen. I asked myself are we at the right place or did we really go through a twilight zone and miss the concert already. You enter the place and there is a whole floor witch is empty so you have to go up the 2 sets of escalators.
Going up the escalators I was expecting to see a ton of people and there was maybe 5 fans and the rest was just people who worked there. The March stand was open. No line. I said to my wife any chance this is a belated Birthday bash Eddie put together just for me. She turned and looked at me with this stunned look like I figured out the big secret every one was planning for me and she say “Your such a dork. Were just early.”
I say hello to the people I know from the crew. Talk about how excited we are and how I cant wait for Casey (my 9 yr old son) to see Ed close up.
People start to pack in finally around 7. I figure I want to sit in my second row seats for as long as I can because I know I may never get this close again. We get to the seats and there is not many in there. We sit and wait. Finally the lights come down and Glen comes out.
For those that have not been to see Ed solo let me tell you Glen Mansard is worth the price of admission alone. What a treat to see Eddie and to have Glen open just priceless.
Glen starts off with his set. After the first song he notices Casey says hello and asks him his name. He then says this song is for Casey and plays Way Back In The Way Back When. He then plays another song and after that song Casey yells out “Panties In The Fountain” Glen laughs and says you want to hear that one then motions for the correct instrument and the night is off to a great start.
Now The Man comes out. I’m so close sitting here with my son on my lap my wife the row behind us (ha-ha) life couldn’t get any better. Boy I was soooo wrong
Ed finishes With out you and mentions seeing kids and he will try and watch his language. Casey says to me “Should I yell I heard it all so let loose?” I told him he may have but I’m sure the 2 yr old behind us hasn’t.
So the show continues and its just great. Hearing Ed sing and his banter between it was just perfect. Ed starts to sing Man Of The Hour and messes up right off the bat. Me being a great guy and knowing the song and singing along continue singing louder so he can hear and get settled. He hears me and starts to get into singing it where I’m at and then I guess the news hits that Obama has won and the crowed erupts a bit and he starts the song from the beginning. Believe it or not that may be my favorite part of the night and would have been tops but there was a bigger surprise to come.
We get through most of a great all-round show. We are now at the 2nd encore break and I know there is only 1 or 2 songs left. Since the crazy people in the front row thought it was over I moved the chair in front row aside and went right up to the stage with Casey. My wife got caught in the wave of people leaving so she couldn’t move up. Oh well Hehe.
Ed comes out rather quick and the people who were leaving now start to come back but the regulars are moved forward and took the good spots LOL. So Ed starts talking about the election. I’m holding Casey in my arms. Now he by no means is a small light fellow so he starts to get heavy. I ever so suddenly sit him on the stage trying not to alert the security guard who is right next to me.
So Ed busts into Rocking In The Free World. I Tell Casey to stand up and start to dance. He does but that security guard gives the look and says “NO WAY” I go to take Casey down and before I do that I look to the boss to see if its ok he is up there. Ed says its fine. The security guard again tells him to get down I just point to Ed and he gives the security guard the “its ok look”
Ed then calls Casey to come onto the stage more and sees Casey is a little shocked when he turns around and sees the amount of people he is up there in front of. Ed then says Dad come on up. He says now I think he says some thing like who else. Then 2 more people come up on our side. Glen is over there and Its just a great time.
Some people start to get down at the end of RIFW but I knew I wasn’t getting off the stage that quick. I knew we had 1 more song.
Now this is the best part. Ed says one more song. But before we can start I need a little help. He asks what Casey’s name is. Then says “Casey I need you to do some thing. We cant start until you do some thing for me.” He then shows Casey what button to push. Casey hit’s the button and Hard Sun comes on to a great big cheer.
I tell you. I am still smiling days after. Just to be apart of a special moment like this was amazing. I never aspired or even dreamed of being on stage singing 2 songs with a man that has been giving the me and the world such great music for the past 20 plus years.
The song ended. Ed was saying his goodbyes and on his way toward us he had a half of a Corona witch he handed to Casey. Everyone laughed at that. Casey turned to me as to say do I drink it? Before I let him answer I took it and drank it.
I waited to come off the stage because I didn’t want to jump down or use the stairs on the side of the stage. So When Jessie came out I asked if I can go out that way, pointing to behind the stage he said yes. Walking back there I was ready to see a bunch of people but there wasn’t. There was 2 ways to go. Left to back stage and right witch lead to the door. I debated and calculated my chances on how far I would get before getting sent out if I went left. When I looked right I seen Emil Hirsch and Eddie. My mind was pretty made up at that time. I shook Emile"s hand and said I loved the movie and then Ed hugged Casey and told him he did a great job. Ed then hugged me shook my hand and said great job dad. Ed said he had some thing for Casey but couldn’t seem to find what he was looking for so Casey asked if he could have the Set list. Ed happily obliged.
It was amazing. To be able to share it with my wife and son is just the greatest thing ever. I am also so grateful to belong to such a great fan club that was so happy for us made everything just so perfect. Much love to all my 10 club friends. You’re the best.
If the story ended there it would have been good enough. I asked Casey if he wanted to see Ed leave in his bus and without hesitation he said yes. We didn’t have to wait long. Jessie came out. Laid down the rules. No pictures and no signatures. Fist picture or sig request he is putting Ed on the bus. So Ed comes out with Glen. They start saying hello to everyone at the opposite end we were on. When Ed got to us he said “Hello Casey. Great job up there.” He seen Casey had the set list out and Ed said you want me to sign that?” Casey then said could you and Glen sign it. Ed signed it “ TO CASEY GREAT JOB GROW UP GOOD.” And Glen Signed it “GREAT SINGING” .
So now after so many years So many tour and so many hours waiting outside my son now has a autograph by Eddie and I’m left envying some kids set list
I hope you enjoyed me sharing our night in Albuquerque story. I tried to keep it interesting. I tried not to leave a lot out witch I know I did. Like all the great fan club members I met.
The part Casey wasn’t ready for was when we were walking through he venue and on the way out all the people congratulating him with high 5”s and turning to look at him and saying great job. He loved every minute of it. He asked if he was famous now. I told him he was always famous in my eyes but now the world sees your special. He then looks to his mom and I look at her and she says “ You really are a dork”
In closing This was one of the best nights ever in my life. I wish it never ended but all good things must end. The good thing is I know I heard myself singing through the microphone on RIFW and Hard Sun so Mr. Eddie Vedder Ill be waiting for my royalty checks in the coming future
Hahahaha. I would trade all the money in the world just to do it all again. Im sure a lot of you would too.
I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did sharing it
Thanks, Don

First of all thank you to all of you who sent us such kind words and congrats on one of our dreams coming true. Thank You J
The day started off with us getting off to a late start. We left Phoenix about 10 am. I was hoping to leave at least 3 hrs earlier but I am not as young as I once was and life loves to kick me in the balls LOL.
So with the late start I figured we would be getting there with at least 2 hrs before show time. During the ride we must of hit the twilight zone because the road just went for ever. As far as the eye can see nothing but 1 long road.
After reaching the brink of insanity we started to see civilization. Finally reached the outskirts of Albuquerque at 5:30. I didn’t want to go straight to the venue so we checked into the hotel witch thank God it was right there off the highway. The same road I would travel to the venue.
So after getting ready We drive by the venue we see Ends bus and the excitement starts to build. Knowing we had second row seats we parked the car right across the street in a parking garage not caring if it cost $100. Thankfully it was only $8

So we rush up to the venue. There were about 5 people waiting outside Ends bus. I asked if he came out yet and they said no. I told them he most likely is inside already at this time. We then continued to rush inside.
We come around to the front of the building and there is no one to be seen. I asked myself are we at the right place or did we really go through a twilight zone and miss the concert already. You enter the place and there is a whole floor witch is empty so you have to go up the 2 sets of escalators.
Going up the escalators I was expecting to see a ton of people and there was maybe 5 fans and the rest was just people who worked there. The March stand was open. No line. I said to my wife any chance this is a belated Birthday bash Eddie put together just for me. She turned and looked at me with this stunned look like I figured out the big secret every one was planning for me and she say “Your such a dork. Were just early.”
I say hello to the people I know from the crew. Talk about how excited we are and how I cant wait for Casey (my 9 yr old son) to see Ed close up.
People start to pack in finally around 7. I figure I want to sit in my second row seats for as long as I can because I know I may never get this close again. We get to the seats and there is not many in there. We sit and wait. Finally the lights come down and Glen comes out.
For those that have not been to see Ed solo let me tell you Glen Mansard is worth the price of admission alone. What a treat to see Eddie and to have Glen open just priceless.
Glen starts off with his set. After the first song he notices Casey says hello and asks him his name. He then says this song is for Casey and plays Way Back In The Way Back When. He then plays another song and after that song Casey yells out “Panties In The Fountain” Glen laughs and says you want to hear that one then motions for the correct instrument and the night is off to a great start.
Now The Man comes out. I’m so close sitting here with my son on my lap my wife the row behind us (ha-ha) life couldn’t get any better. Boy I was soooo wrong

Ed finishes With out you and mentions seeing kids and he will try and watch his language. Casey says to me “Should I yell I heard it all so let loose?” I told him he may have but I’m sure the 2 yr old behind us hasn’t.
So the show continues and its just great. Hearing Ed sing and his banter between it was just perfect. Ed starts to sing Man Of The Hour and messes up right off the bat. Me being a great guy and knowing the song and singing along continue singing louder so he can hear and get settled. He hears me and starts to get into singing it where I’m at and then I guess the news hits that Obama has won and the crowed erupts a bit and he starts the song from the beginning. Believe it or not that may be my favorite part of the night and would have been tops but there was a bigger surprise to come.
We get through most of a great all-round show. We are now at the 2nd encore break and I know there is only 1 or 2 songs left. Since the crazy people in the front row thought it was over I moved the chair in front row aside and went right up to the stage with Casey. My wife got caught in the wave of people leaving so she couldn’t move up. Oh well Hehe.
Ed comes out rather quick and the people who were leaving now start to come back but the regulars are moved forward and took the good spots LOL. So Ed starts talking about the election. I’m holding Casey in my arms. Now he by no means is a small light fellow so he starts to get heavy. I ever so suddenly sit him on the stage trying not to alert the security guard who is right next to me.
So Ed busts into Rocking In The Free World. I Tell Casey to stand up and start to dance. He does but that security guard gives the look and says “NO WAY” I go to take Casey down and before I do that I look to the boss to see if its ok he is up there. Ed says its fine. The security guard again tells him to get down I just point to Ed and he gives the security guard the “its ok look”
Ed then calls Casey to come onto the stage more and sees Casey is a little shocked when he turns around and sees the amount of people he is up there in front of. Ed then says Dad come on up. He says now I think he says some thing like who else. Then 2 more people come up on our side. Glen is over there and Its just a great time.
Some people start to get down at the end of RIFW but I knew I wasn’t getting off the stage that quick. I knew we had 1 more song.
Now this is the best part. Ed says one more song. But before we can start I need a little help. He asks what Casey’s name is. Then says “Casey I need you to do some thing. We cant start until you do some thing for me.” He then shows Casey what button to push. Casey hit’s the button and Hard Sun comes on to a great big cheer.
I tell you. I am still smiling days after. Just to be apart of a special moment like this was amazing. I never aspired or even dreamed of being on stage singing 2 songs with a man that has been giving the me and the world such great music for the past 20 plus years.
The song ended. Ed was saying his goodbyes and on his way toward us he had a half of a Corona witch he handed to Casey. Everyone laughed at that. Casey turned to me as to say do I drink it? Before I let him answer I took it and drank it.

I waited to come off the stage because I didn’t want to jump down or use the stairs on the side of the stage. So When Jessie came out I asked if I can go out that way, pointing to behind the stage he said yes. Walking back there I was ready to see a bunch of people but there wasn’t. There was 2 ways to go. Left to back stage and right witch lead to the door. I debated and calculated my chances on how far I would get before getting sent out if I went left. When I looked right I seen Emil Hirsch and Eddie. My mind was pretty made up at that time. I shook Emile"s hand and said I loved the movie and then Ed hugged Casey and told him he did a great job. Ed then hugged me shook my hand and said great job dad. Ed said he had some thing for Casey but couldn’t seem to find what he was looking for so Casey asked if he could have the Set list. Ed happily obliged.
It was amazing. To be able to share it with my wife and son is just the greatest thing ever. I am also so grateful to belong to such a great fan club that was so happy for us made everything just so perfect. Much love to all my 10 club friends. You’re the best.
If the story ended there it would have been good enough. I asked Casey if he wanted to see Ed leave in his bus and without hesitation he said yes. We didn’t have to wait long. Jessie came out. Laid down the rules. No pictures and no signatures. Fist picture or sig request he is putting Ed on the bus. So Ed comes out with Glen. They start saying hello to everyone at the opposite end we were on. When Ed got to us he said “Hello Casey. Great job up there.” He seen Casey had the set list out and Ed said you want me to sign that?” Casey then said could you and Glen sign it. Ed signed it “ TO CASEY GREAT JOB GROW UP GOOD.” And Glen Signed it “GREAT SINGING” .
So now after so many years So many tour and so many hours waiting outside my son now has a autograph by Eddie and I’m left envying some kids set list

I hope you enjoyed me sharing our night in Albuquerque story. I tried to keep it interesting. I tried not to leave a lot out witch I know I did. Like all the great fan club members I met.
The part Casey wasn’t ready for was when we were walking through he venue and on the way out all the people congratulating him with high 5”s and turning to look at him and saying great job. He loved every minute of it. He asked if he was famous now. I told him he was always famous in my eyes but now the world sees your special. He then looks to his mom and I look at her and she says “ You really are a dork”
In closing This was one of the best nights ever in my life. I wish it never ended but all good things must end. The good thing is I know I heard myself singing through the microphone on RIFW and Hard Sun so Mr. Eddie Vedder Ill be waiting for my royalty checks in the coming future

I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did sharing it

Thanks, Don
Some words when spoken...Can't be taken back...
Post edited by Unknown User on
nice on ya don!
Who is wrong and who’s right
Thanks, I think
PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014, Auckland1&2 2024
EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
An amazing night that I'm sure u & Casey will remember forever
'03: Brisbane BEC Feb 8 '06: Brisbane BEC Nov 10 & 11 '09: Brisbane QSAC Nov 25
'11: EV Solo Brisbane QPAC March 10, 12 & 13 '11: PJ20 Alpine Valley Sep 3 & 4
'14: Gold Coast BDO Jan 19 EV Solo QPAC Feb 22, 23 & 25
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance: youtu.be/-HtF3gRYHnE
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
2018 - Fenway 1&2
2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
2023 - Chicago 1&2
2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
Thank you. If I was able to process what the hell just happend I sure would have shed a few tears. Its funny in some small way Casey seems to know how lucky he was. It realy is awesome to see Ed look out for kids and to take the time to make it all special for involved too.
I really enjoyed reading whole story twice
Congats again my friend
Now you have to frame this special set list
Couldn't have happened to nicer people.
Greg - the Canadian guy
2003: St. Paul
2005: Thunder Bay
2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa
2009: Chicago I, Chicago II
2010: Boston
2011: Toronto I, Toronto II, Winnipeg
2012: Missoula
2013: London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014: St. Paul, Milwaukee
2016: Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto I, Toronto II
2022: Hamilton, Toronto
2023: St. Paul I, St. Paul II
2024: Vancouver I, Vancouver II
~*~Rotterdam August 13 2009~*~Bilbao July 9 2010~*~East Troy September 3 & 4 2011~*~Amsterdam June 26 & 27 2012~*~Stockholm July 7 2012~*~
Summerfest - Jul 09, 1995*Savage Hall - Sep 22, 1996The Palace of Auburn Hills-Aug 23, 1998 Breslin Center- Aug 18, 1998,The Palace of Auburn Hills-Oct 07, 2000 DTE Energy Theatre-Jun5,2003,DTE Energy Music Theatre - Jun 26, 2003Sports Arena - Oct 02, 2004 Van Andel Arena - May 19, 2006Palace of Auburn Hills-May 22, 2006 Quicken Loans Arena-May 09, 2010
10-16-2014 Detroit
Thanks Nico my overseas friend. I am right wit your thinking. Im going to frame it up as soon as I get some pictures. Or a thumb drive to bring to have photos made
Im open for some framing ideas but what I had in mind was to try and get ahold of 6 to 8 great photos of Casey and me with Eddie and Glen singing up on stage together.
Im thinking the signed set list will be the center piece and depending on the size of the pictures 3 or 4 on each side going down the length of the set list. Then under the setlist evenly spaced the 4. Vedder guitar picks he was given by Eddie. He was given 2 perfect sets. 2 Batman picks and 2 of the 2012 ev tour pics so I can frame each side differently so front and back are shown. And because I think it may look like its missing something in the 2 bottom corners I will have both of our 2nd row ticket stubs. There to give it a nife full look. I will also have to use a nice matting. I don't know what color Casey would want. He will probably ask me what's Eddie's touring colors. Or I can suggest the color of the poster orget the poster as a background somehow. Its not a busy poster. Its just the guitar.
I don't have anything set in stone. I am open to suggestions.
I also was not able to take any pictures of us or casey with the guys on stage due to the fact I was allowed to be a backup singer on the last 2 songs. I wish I had thought of taking a picture of Casey with Eddie and Glen. Im sure Eddie would of allowed it for the boy.
So im asking and begging if necessary for any close up pictures that someone may have snapped of us 4 together. Even if its just my son and Eddie or my son with just Glen work's. Anything you think we may love to have framed.
Im not looking for the pictures for free. I will pay fair price what ever that would be or I can trade you some PJ or Vedder older tour merch or new that u may not have.
I will be forever grateful for a thumb drive or pictures or even a few emails of pictures I can open easily. Im not good with computers so if its a coded email ill need help getting it opened.
If you insist on not wanting anything for helping me I will send you something anyway. A nice surprise of some sort maybe something so you can share in our feeling of that night.
Thank you to all that have read the story. I hope it flowed well enough to keep you interested to the end. I haven't read it yet. Maybe ill give it a go after I say thank you to all that post on here.
It was wonderful to meet you, Casey and Heather before the show-hope to see you all again at an EV or PJ show!!
I wasn't there . . . only made it to the Phoenix show this tour . . . so I don't have any photos to share, sorry. Wish I could have been in that ALB audience!
PS I think I was sitting next to you for LV#1
I also was lucky to have seen Ed and Glen perform twice in Amsterdam last summer and have a good perception
of what you all witnessed out there.
Glad for you.
Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum July 7, 1998
New York City, NY MSG May 20, 2010
Eddie Vedder Solo Albuquerque, NM November 9, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
LA Nov. 23: 24, 2013
Denver 10-22-14
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
Yay Casey!!!
Best post of the year and the reason why this happened to you Don! Congrats to both of you!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin