the best "democracy" money can buy

after 20 years and $2 billion dollars on this years campaign, the democrats finally learned something...MATH!
the O-bomb-us brain trust did a superb job of focusing on the swing precincts and counties and winning them in order to capture the states electoral votes.
in some states (swing states included) rMoney won most of the state except for the most densely populated voting areas, pretty amazing stuff. check it out on the maps where you can drill down to the counties and precincts.
the O-bomb-us brain trust did a superb job of focusing on the swing precincts and counties and winning them in order to capture the states electoral votes.
in some states (swing states included) rMoney won most of the state except for the most densely populated voting areas, pretty amazing stuff. check it out on the maps where you can drill down to the counties and precincts.
Maybe for too long it has been noticed that the low voter turnout in your country required no more than a few polls?
Voters are coming out in record turnouts - a first in a very long time.
Now a massive turnout is happening and all of a sudden "It's fixed"
Gimme a break.
Sorry, not following. Seems the term fixed is used a lot around here to say that voters are being supressed.
It is a little late to say "where have all the polling stations gone"?
Shuttered polling places, endless lines, and widespread disenfranchisement—particularly for minority communities
Gotta love those non-politician guys.
I also can't speak for anyone else but my girlfriend, a life long registered Democrat, discovered she was listed as a libertarian. Her address was also incorrect despite her changing it with them multiple times since we moved 5 years ago. Regardless of what you think about this whole thing, the process is a fucking mess out here. It would not surprise me if many people were incorrectly assigned to the wrong party. I witnessed it in my own household. She was one of the people clogging up the lines, and her provisional ballot might end up not counting.
Now that discourse aside....
I don't understand how year after year and knowing as a people there will be an election you guys don't call for election reform.
Super Tuesdays sound like a gimmick.
Your gf was assigned to the wrong party? I'm trying here to understand that as a land of the free you have to be choose a party and that it can be changed by others on election day.
Arizona is a state that requires you to be party affiliated to vote in that party's primary.
I know it is not your doing but a year of running entwined with voting days that lead up to the actual vote day seems wonky at best.
Your country has not seen anything like it because people are outraged what might happen.
Someone woke them up - and I won't say who, because you know.