Rise Above and Reach Across That Aisle

Ok, I know the defeat and the victory are both still very fresh in everyone's minds, but going forward, we need to be able to join hands for the good of everyone.
How can we blame our politicians, who are just regular men and women, for not reaching across the aisle, if WE, regular men and women, won't even do it?
How can we blame our politicians, who are just regular men and women, for not reaching across the aisle, if WE, regular men and women, won't even do it?
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Post edited by Unknown User on
As soon as their done eating, i will be happy to.
because we pay them to!
It's our fault anyhow for electing the same idiots time and time again.
there needs to be term limits on all public offices. they only worry about getting themselves re-elected.
Alpine Valley Resort is etched in my brain!!!
Politics does nothing but breed hate. If people really want to unite, stop paying attention to politics altogether and pay attention to your neighbor, your family and friends. It's so simple yet getting wrapped up in the negative and division and competition is so much easier.
One comment by an analyst this morning was about the contorted redistricting lines so politicians can be elected over and over again without having to worry much about all points of view in their district. Instead of term limits, the districts could just be squares of area with all kinds of people in each district. I wouldn't mind that at all and it makes sense to me.
tough to make squares of equal number of people.
Why? They don't have to be squares all the same size. We have computers that could knock out a map of squares and rectangles with equal numbers of people in a heartbeat. The will to do it and a program needs to be written, that's all.
Good post, Hugh.
(ps to Kat - there was a near fist-fight here recently between two candidates over the redistricting issue - I wish this shit were so simple)
In the current climate, it's not surprising. It's just time for a non-violent revolution by the people, for the people. Politicians who think they are the center of the universe need a re-education about how this country is about the people, all the people.
Glad you came back, hedo. Ok, it's off to work for me. Have some great discussions, everyone.
Fiscal Cliff is coming and market knows it today (well except for Smith and Wesson stock!)
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
I just think the market today is people selling off the things they bought because they were sure who was going to win and they were wrong. Now they have to reposition their portfolios.
A topic I've written about throughout the whole damn http://www.dancingpartner.info series.
I just finished posting my 'morning after post at DP titled "worth dividing over?"
I will post it here tonight. I will post once again under—The Ageless Power Dance of Time.
I just thought I'd forewarn you; prepare you for yet another lenghthy post.
So, as someone pointed out; if we can't unify ourselves, what makes us think folks being tossed bucket-loads of perks and stimulus are gonna do any better? When do you think we should unify? How? Where?
Am I wasting my time trying to spark us here at PJ?
You folks constantly banter about the many defugilites we face but then move on. I want us to learn to move as one; learn to activate our power somewhere, somehow. Do you guys want to get something going or not? Think about it. Unity. It begins — one at a time.
Agreed. This is called, 'Term Limits'. We hold the power and really don't need Government to pass a law telling us we had the power at our fingertips from the beginning.
As long as we continue to vote via Name Recognition... we will will get the same old government we deserve.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yep, since we are too stupid to do it, I want laws:
1) President - 1 6 year term. I could be convinced of 8.
2) Senate - 2 - 6 year terms
3) House - 2 or 3 - 6 year terms
Either that or just make me Grand Pumba (or how ever you spell it) and watch me go to work!
12 and 18-year (potential) terms seems excessive to me.
The problem is... the Lobbyists have no term limits. That means, the only continuity of the legislative process is the Lobbys. what we would have is a legislature made of of rookies who are gong to learn the ropes from lobbyists with 25 or 30 years of experience in forming the laws to fit their wants. So, as Grand Poohbah... you will need to restrict or eliminate lobbying the government... which goes against market capitalism.
Also, what is going on in California, due to Term Limits, the same politicians rotate around and take on other government positions. For example, the Lt. Govenor will run his term and run for State Treasurer. If he loses, he runs the next cycle as State Controller.
The Federal Government would work the same way, except the same politicians will run for House or Senate... set up residency in another state and run for that office.
Anyway... if you can fix it... great, fix it. I think we can fix it by casting our ballots... intelligently.
Hail, Hail!!!
Maybe. But it's less than half of what we end up with now. My reasoning for the house potentially having more years is that they are elected at a more local level, closer to the constituents. As for Senate, you need some experience (just like any job) to get better at what you do. I guess maybe 2 4-year terms might be better.
Really I just want less elections and I want to know that they won;t be there forever...and that they know that going in.
Well, that is a great point. How about we shoot all lobbyists every 6 years?
Works for me.
Hail, Hail!!!
Why am I not surprised?
AS someone told me last night...it;s the political forum. :fp:
And term limits would help the problem about reaching across aisles...no?
It's a unity thread in a political forum which quickly stopped being about unity.
Shall I pm you my post and receive prior approval before submitting them in the future?
Your facepalm just screamed unity to me.
I disagree. you don't arrive at unity just by saying "ok, let's be cool with each other". it needs to be discussed, as it is being here.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Romney said he has a plan... people here have stated, he has a plan to make America better.
So, how about he reveal his plan, now that the election is over? I mean, he doesn't HAVE to be the President to reveal his plan, right? So... tell us what the plan is and we can discuss it and talk about putting the parts that will actually 'make America better' in play.
For example... let us know HOW we can put 12 million Americans back to work without raising taxes. To me, it sounds like a GREAT idea. I don't know how to put 12 million Americans to work without government contracts being involved... but, i'd definately be open to hearing how we can accomplish that.
Anyone think that's a good plan?
Hail, Hail!!!