The Pay Off ; New Book about Biden
Posts: 12,504
Imagine a scathing look at a vice presidential candidate. Put a “R” after that candidate’s name, like Sarah Palin, and you get big-name books, a controversial film and lots of news coverage.
Put a “D” after that candidate’s name, even when he’s still the sitting vice president, and it gets almost no attention. That’s the case with Jeff Connaughton, “a Biden Senate staffer turned lobbyist” who just published a book called “The Payoff” that Politico says “lacerates” the vice president.
Read more: ... z2AVEefzIT ... omaniacal/ ... nnaughton/
Put a “D” after that candidate’s name, even when he’s still the sitting vice president, and it gets almost no attention. That’s the case with Jeff Connaughton, “a Biden Senate staffer turned lobbyist” who just published a book called “The Payoff” that Politico says “lacerates” the vice president.
Read more: ... z2AVEefzIT ... omaniacal/ ... nnaughton/
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Awesome :fp:
Don't forget to add the world too! Both teams seem to want to fuck up this country/world. The race is on to see who'll accomplish that agenda! :corn:
something in a unfavorable light comes up about the Obama camp and someone will respond as you guy's have done, :fp: ....
sooooo no info to back up Biden ? that's actually what I was waiting for , this guy leaves the camp writes a book and shames Biden in it and it almost sounds like a disgruntled employee, don't give up so ez guy's if my post is incorrect info you wouldn't hurt my feelings if you proved it which is why I took the time to look into it and post a few other links to back up my topic.....but nooooooo you skip straight to "I feel sorry for ..."
and "Both teams seem to want to fuck up this country/world." (and maybe your right) but anyway please enjoy your weekend's
SERIOUSLY, why is it soooo fucken hard for you people to see??? You know who you are.
Believe in America!
yes it is
i read that and it was just like reading a newspaper article. bland. i read it and my first thoughts were like "ok, what point are you trying to make??" and rather than take over your thread by responding i let it go to see what people would say to further discussion. hasn't happened yet, so i didn't post here until now to explain my lack of action/interest and probably the same for a lot of the people who read the thread and did not respond. based on reading your OP it seems as if you want to turn it into this big "i support biden" vs "i hate biden" pissing match, or compare treatment of palin vs treatment of biden, and i'm not going to do that again...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Im not in Obama's camp. This book is about corruption on Wall Street and DC. Written by someone that worked for Biden? Biden is a dick? Big surprise! Where have you been? He's been like this his ENTIRE career. Everyone already know this about Biden, its a NON story. If you want to make it partisan and try to get dems pissed go right ahead. It accomplishes nothing but show you dont really care about any issues but instead like to throw mud on the other party's face. They are both guilty, that's why I feel sorry for you. You have no idea what is going on, especially if you think Mitt Romney has good ideas for this country. The guy wears magic underpants! Seriously though... a guy who made his fortune on taking government loans and sticking other people with the bill is who you want "in charge" (har har)? Again... I feel sorry for you.
:thumbup: hay ! have a good day sport.
yes, I see your point and I agree,thanks for the input Gimmi.
yes it is my friend.....yes it is.....gonna be somewhat of a miracle to see! WOW I cant believe its happening!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Yeah.. there have been no disparaging movies, books or news stories about Democrats.
And yet... there was that.. uh... what was that movie "Dreams about my Real Father" that told the story of Sarah Palin and how her mother was a porn star?
Oh wait...
Ted Kennedy even laughing from beyond the grave.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Who wants to read a book about Joe Biden? Really... who? WHO is THAT fucking bored... that they will buy and read a book about Joe Biden? I think the book about drying paint would rank higher than a Joe Biden book... leastwise, on my list it would.
Hail, Hail!!!