Hmmm Al Quaida almost got us! ... o-custody/
If I were Obama I would start attending the security breeding a each day
If I were Obama I would start attending the security breeding a each day
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Post edited by Unknown User on
they say sting I'm wondering bait ...
great publicity for the current powers that be
it's how my mind works...
edit Hastiness had my spelling wrong and therefore changes meaning ...
so sorry
A fowl?
C'mon, you two!
But yes, some serious shit could've gone down yesterday. I'm thankful for those who helped to prevent it.
And to think this kid is only 21. Wow.
Yes that thought definately crossed my mind, however I dont put anything past our enemies which are very strong, crazy and equipped on all levels. I dont want to be conspiratorial cause that could lead us to be blind in many cases. It does look good for Obama that we captured the guy, but it also looks bad for Obama for seeming inept and blind to the threat of TERRORISM. This is a fair analysis and we must take politics out of the equation when we are investigating threats against us such as this one. If this were carried out, today could have been a tragic day for America and the world! If you see something.....say something!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
THen how bad did it look for Bush when he didn't?
"We stopped 'em!"
How about: job well done this time. This had nothing to do with the presidential race.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
or powers that be
and not so good like Libya when they don't stop a terrorist or admit to one.
My thought was the process on how he was caught.
I questioned sting as compared to bait ...
just my suspicious mind, I'm sure.
some people you just can't please...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
You should just stop the charade and come out and say how much you disapprove of Obama and the 'current powers'! What's the harm in that?
you dont understand! It looks good that he stopped it! It looks bad that Obama has been pitching that "Al Queda is on its heels" and portraying that the war on terror is on the downside.....cause guess what....reality is that the war on terror is just in the beginning stages and may NEVER end! Got it?
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Figure out why?
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
I don't see anything political in this post - on the contrary.
Turn it political? Hmmm.... first couple of posts/exchanges by a couple of posters (to include OP) have already set that tone....
what do we win for making someone use the term "lib"?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
And even if it was?
The motherfucker bit, with the intent of catastrophe.
His mindset wasn't created by those who took him down, it was already there.
Of course one shouldn't live with the dreading of this place being flushed away; for me, it's a possibility but am I going to focus on that?
Nope - I'm aware that shit can go down anywhere, anytime...natural, man-made, whatever.
So yeah.
Makes much more sense....yadda yadda
*edit - I'm with you on that sentiment, Mr. Bombers.
"The federal case was the latest where a terrorism plot against the city turned out to be a sting operation.
Four men were convicted in 2009 in a plot to bomb synagogues and shoot down military planes with missiles - a case that began after an FBI informant was assigned to infiltrate a mosque in Newburgh, about 70 miles north of New York City. The federal judge hearing the case said she was not proud of the government's role in nurturing the plot.
In 2004, a Pakistani immigrant was arrested and convicted for a scheme to blow up the subway station at Herald Square in Midtown. His lawyers argued that their client had been set up by a police informant who showed him pictures of Iraq abuse to get him involved in an attack against civilians."
Whilst I do not condone any terrorist activity whatsoever, one can question how many of these operations are enabled by the undercover agents, almost egging the 'would be' terrorist on? Those that may 'talk the talk' but, in normal circumstances (ie not enabled), would never 'walk the walk' - having maybe the 'impluse' but not the knowledge or the resolve do carry out such an act unless it were 'spoon fed' to them. Someone wanting to do harm but unable to bring his/her 'ideas' to fruition. Also, it would seem that for this guy, there is no evidence of him being in contact, directed or trained by al Qaida - at least for the moment.
Once again, common sense escapes you. It must be really comfortable and cozy living in that bubble. (Or should I say, narrow-minded, ideological prison?)
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
and that can be influenced by what's in the news.
At the moment, it's not clear. It would seem from the sting operation and the guy's questions that he was 'independent' without any contacts and the thought he had made contact with an al Qaeda operative when meeting with the undercover agent.
""The thing that I want to do, ask you about, is that, the thing I'm doing, it's under al Qaida?" he was recorded saying during a meeting in a bugged hotel room in Queens, according to the complaint."
But only time will tell.
Al Queda is like America.....its an idea....the idea that is totalitarian and the rule of law is Sharia. The Caliphate is the pursuit and Jihad is the goal! Whether or not this terrorist was technically on the payroll of Al Queda does not matter.....its all inspired by their ideology! Hes a terrorist and influenced and inspired by Al Queda!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Wait... I'm a little bit confused here...
Are you upset that they stopped him from blowing that shit up?
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm thinking notoriety was the plan, making his buds proud.
I guess his accomplice they got on child porn on his personal computer :?
that's strange that's what he is charged with.
there are many "ideas" of what america is. my idea of america certainly is not the same idea that you subscribe to. i am critical of my country when it deserves it.....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
America has many scars but the world is much brighter due to America and her ideals! We are PART of the solution, not PART of the problem!
The reason they hate us is not because of our borders and geographics.....its because of our ideals and our freedoms and principles! You get to enjoy our freedoms so you should take an extra step in appreciation for our country!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
i am pretty sure that they hate us for meddling in other countries' affairs. not because, as bush so infamously put it, of our freedom and ideals :fp:
osama bin laden told you why america was hated. the palestinians tell you why america is hated. the iranians tell you why america is hated. the iraqis and afghans and saudis tell you why america is hated. the russians tell you why america is hated. do you listen? no. because if you did you would not type things like your above post.
i expect better of my country. i expect it to be the great country that it claims to be and tells the rest of the world that it is. i expect it to do what it says it is going to do. when it does that i appreciate it. when it doesn't, i criticize it.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."