Mother and Father of fallen SEAL

Mother of fallen SEAL Team 6 member blames WH leaks for her son’s death
President Obama’s team “put a target” on the backs of the Navy SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden, says Karen Vaughn in a video that suggests her son died three months later as a result of White House national security leaks.
“How dare they?” Mrs. Vaughn asks. “They put a target on my son’s back and even on my back. But a little over 90 days later, my son was dead.” Aaron Vaughn and 21 other Navy SEALs, “most of whom belonged to Team 6, the unit whose members were involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden,” according to ABC, died in Afghanistan when a helicopter he was riding on was shot down.
The video, released by the conservative Veterans for a Strong America, shows Vice President Joe Biden talking about the raid during a public event and Defense Secretary Robert Gates complaining that an agreement to keep the raid details secret “fell apart” as the result of such comments.
“Aaron called me,” Mrs. Vaughn says, referring to her son, Special Operations Chief Aaron Vaughn, who was killed on August 6, 2011. “He said, ‘Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean. Get rid of everything, any reference to me or my buddies, because there is chatter and all of our lives are possibly in danger, including yours.’”
Veterans for a Strong America, which previously released a video faulting Obama for politicizing the killing of bin Laden, encouraged voters to support the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan ticket at the end of the video.
VSA executive director hinted that such a video might appear in this election cycle. “We’re looking to [put together] a coalition, to field SEALs and operators that want to come out publicly,” Arends told Buzzfeed after the release of the bin Laden video. “I’ve had a lot of discussions with former SEALs and current SEALs. I’ve been talking to operators in the community. There is palatable discontent.”
The Father explains....
President Obama’s team “put a target” on the backs of the Navy SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden, says Karen Vaughn in a video that suggests her son died three months later as a result of White House national security leaks.
“How dare they?” Mrs. Vaughn asks. “They put a target on my son’s back and even on my back. But a little over 90 days later, my son was dead.” Aaron Vaughn and 21 other Navy SEALs, “most of whom belonged to Team 6, the unit whose members were involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden,” according to ABC, died in Afghanistan when a helicopter he was riding on was shot down.
The video, released by the conservative Veterans for a Strong America, shows Vice President Joe Biden talking about the raid during a public event and Defense Secretary Robert Gates complaining that an agreement to keep the raid details secret “fell apart” as the result of such comments.
“Aaron called me,” Mrs. Vaughn says, referring to her son, Special Operations Chief Aaron Vaughn, who was killed on August 6, 2011. “He said, ‘Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean. Get rid of everything, any reference to me or my buddies, because there is chatter and all of our lives are possibly in danger, including yours.’”
Veterans for a Strong America, which previously released a video faulting Obama for politicizing the killing of bin Laden, encouraged voters to support the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan ticket at the end of the video.
VSA executive director hinted that such a video might appear in this election cycle. “We’re looking to [put together] a coalition, to field SEALs and operators that want to come out publicly,” Arends told Buzzfeed after the release of the bin Laden video. “I’ve had a lot of discussions with former SEALs and current SEALs. I’ve been talking to operators in the community. There is palatable discontent.”
The Father explains....
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Post edited by Unknown User on
I DO believe that these men should NEVER have had their anonymity compromised in any way shape or form
If your government asks you to participate in such risky business as assassination then that same government and everyone involved with it should be able to guarantee your total magnanimity and safety before and after the fact.
Not that I agree that any assassination, even that of BL is EVER justified, no matter what all the rest of the population of the USA might prefer that I feel about it. I know he was a bad guy, a really bad guy, maybe the worst, but an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind. I know he (supposedly, do we really know?) was behind 9/11 and the 95 bombings and terrorism galore, but open your eyes, do we not, does our government not, do basically the same thing to achieve our political goals? Difference being, that we do not advertise or brag about our intentions...until this time, that is.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I believe what the father said in the video. Did you watch it?
It has been reported that the Taliban has infiltrated the Afghanistan army and police that are fighting side by side with our soldiers. So it is possible they knew.
They criticize Obama for politicizing the killing of bin laden....while politicizing the killing of a soldier. makes sense.
Add to this the huge cover up going on right now regarding Libya fiasco!
Save American lives.
what in the world does Obama, or any POTUS have to do with the day to day operations on the ground or in the air in foreign territory. Yes, in theory, he or she is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, but in reality, its those on the ground in the immediate area that are making the calls. Rules of Engagement...are not rules made to be broken...seems to me they are all the time..when we see fit that is.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I watched it, but i wondered if you believed it. I absolutely believe the Taliban has infiltrated the army and police, but what do you do? it the same problem we had in Vietnam, the enemy and the allies are indistinguishable. Which is why we wont succeeded.
I find it way too convenient that the same team that supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden are taken out that soon after, almost like we allowed it to happen for a reason. Not allowed to fire or return fire, Too Curious for me, something rotten in Denmark.
Well it would help if things that are supposed to be secret stay secret. Then I think we should get out of there. Because of the chatter that was going on the Seal was worried about his parents. Now if this country was not infiltrated with Taliban or al-Qaeda why would he be worried for his parents. I'm sure there is so much we don't know (the average guy).
They must have been really pissed to see one of the SEAL team put his experiences to paper with this book of his. Did I miss the reference to that in the article or videos??