How is the presidents batting avg?

Ask yourself
how is the presidents batting avg?
when hes wrong does it hurt us?
when hes wrong does it help our enemies?
Patterns....when he RUSHES to help....he's always wrong
rushed into good
rushed to declare video the problem......wrong....innacurate
When he WAITS to say something...... Fort Hood, Killing Osama Bin Laden, BP oil spill, Iran vs. Israel, Egypt, BENGHAZI
Rushed to judgement in Trayvon Martin case.....he was wrong....
Rushed to judgement in the police case for a beer at the white house!
HES ALWAYS WRONG!!!! It all helps our enemies.....ask yourself that with all these....use the questions above on all these issues......he's always wrong and it always emboldens our enemies!!!
all the spin coming from the WHITE HOUSE should make you crazy to support any of them!
Good luck trying to support them as they have failed all of us! Transparency is nowhere.....
how is the presidents batting avg?
when hes wrong does it hurt us?
when hes wrong does it help our enemies?
Patterns....when he RUSHES to help....he's always wrong
rushed into good
rushed to declare video the problem......wrong....innacurate
When he WAITS to say something...... Fort Hood, Killing Osama Bin Laden, BP oil spill, Iran vs. Israel, Egypt, BENGHAZI
Rushed to judgement in Trayvon Martin case.....he was wrong....
Rushed to judgement in the police case for a beer at the white house!
HES ALWAYS WRONG!!!! It all helps our enemies.....ask yourself that with all these....use the questions above on all these issues......he's always wrong and it always emboldens our enemies!!!
all the spin coming from the WHITE HOUSE should make you crazy to support any of them!
Good luck trying to support them as they have failed all of us! Transparency is nowhere.....
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Post edited by Unknown User on
LOL well if he was a pitcher.....he would lead the league in balks!!!!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
i think we should examine the C@ckblock Average, as in how many times did congress c@ckblock him and how many times did he score??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
is that a euphemism for something?
Uh... what?
rushed to declare video the problem......wrong....innacurate
Uh... except what? No, that was the mainstream news that did that. The attacks happened at the same time and the stories were lumped together by everyone... But although it's taken a while to sort fact from fiction and speculation and rumor... the president did not "declare video the problem."
When he WAITS to say something...... Fort Hood, Killing Osama Bin Laden, BP oil spill, Iran vs. Israel, Egypt, BENGHAZI
Um.. Waited to say something about Killing Osama Bin Ladin? You... wanted him to tell us before he did it?
Rushed to judgement in Trayvon Martin case.....he was wrong....
Uh... except... what? Who was wrong about what again? You wanna maybe explain that one?
Rushed to judgement in the police case for a beer at the white house!
And again... you wanna maybe give us some background on what you're blithering about?
HES ALWAYS WRONG!!!! It all helps our enemies.....ask yourself that with all these....use the questions above on all these issues......he's always wrong and it always emboldens our enemies!!!
Well no, it just makes you look like a raving lunatic. But please... please continue.
Um, yeah. Someone rushed Ambassador Rice onto 5 news shows -- and the State Dept has pretty much said it wasnt them. Obama didn't rush though. Right. He waited. To be in front of the world at the UN. Nearly two weeks later, even when we all knew there was no protest at the consulate over that video.
House testimony established Obama, Clinton, Carney, and Rice all made "untrue" statements attributing the attack to the video. Was absolutely not the best info at the time, not even close.
Read more: ... z28zRN79Dv
yeah I's Fox news but really this ain't to far off the mark.
"It's not the first time I've had a bad night,"
(CNN) - President Barack Obama conceded in an interview Wednesday his first faceoff with Mitt Romney last week in Denver was a "bad night" for him, but maintained his performance at the debate didn't alter the state of the presidential race.
"Gov. Romney had a good night," Obama said in a sit down with ABC News. "I had a bad night."
Oh really. We all knew that, eh?
Someome forgot to tell the people at Fox News.
LOL. Um, yeah, I hold my elected officials to a much higher standard than any news agency.... And I rely on more than just one, lots of international agencies were reporting there was no protest, that it was an attack, it was pretty common knowledge within 24 hours.
I do my best to read as much as I can before I go off half-cocked. And I refuse to finish that sentence on account of not wanting to get another warning from Kat.
But "we" didn't ALL know that. There was a very intentional effort on the side of many news agencies to mislead us. And many fell for it.
But that said... I don't recall the president "declaring" that it was about the movie in question and I don't recall him announcing that there was a protest. In my defense, I drink a lot.
Anyway... the point is that while there was a sea of hysteria, accusations, finger pointing and a bout of Mitt Romney showing his total lack of grasp on how to handle international diplomacy by making some "apology" slander, it will take a while to find out exactly what happened.
has anything changed ?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."