Discount code for lollapalooza Chile

Amigos, soy de Chile y tengo una solicitud. Hace unos días me hice miembro pensando que obtendría el descuento para Lollapalooza Chile, no obstante no leí que después del 29 de Septiembre no habría código de descuento para miembros nuevos. La verdad es que es la razón por la que me hice miembro, aparte de tener el acceso a todo el material de PJ. Mi pregunta es si pudieran enviarme un código de descuento, mi correo es <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. y si no fuera posible, como cancelo mi suscripción, he mandando varios correos y no me han respondido del TENCLUB, por favor espero atento su respuesta, gracias!!!
Guys, I'm from Chile and I have a request. A few days ago I joined thinking I would get the discount for Lollapalooza Chile, however I did not read that after September 29 there would discount code for new members. The truth is that is the reason I became a member, other than having access to all the material in PJ. My question is if you could send me a discount code, my email is borisriquelme.m @ and if not possible, as I unsubscribe, I sending several emails and I have answered the TENCLUB, please expect attentive response, thanks!
Guys, I'm from Chile and I have a request. A few days ago I joined thinking I would get the discount for Lollapalooza Chile, however I did not read that after September 29 there would discount code for new members. The truth is that is the reason I became a member, other than having access to all the material in PJ. My question is if you could send me a discount code, my email is borisriquelme.m @ and if not possible, as I unsubscribe, I sending several emails and I have answered the TENCLUB, please expect attentive response, thanks!
Post edited by Unknown User on
igual pido lo mismo un descuento <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
saludos y esperando alguna respuesta.
yesterday I joined the tenclub and hoping to have the code .... I just read your question and if it is true that on September 29 we're screwed: (.......... pucha hopefully not.
just ask the same discount dsandoval.bello @
Greetings and waiting an answer.