Anyone up for jamming on some Pearl Jam songs? (Midlands-UK)

mystifyingyouth1mystifyingyouth1 Posts: 5
edited September 2012 in Musicians and Gearheads
Fellow Jammers,
I am a massive PJ fan. Their music means the world to me.

Since my teens (now 26) I’ve been playing guitar but I’ve struggled to find a band/direction that suits me and I feel like I go around in circles. Because of other commitments I also don’t dedicate enough time to playing even though it’s really my main passion (Same old story I know!) I’ve also got a degree in music technology so recording is a big passion of mine too.

I’ve got to point now where I’m fed up of trying to think about what to practice or what kind of band I want to start. I just want to get in a room with some like minded people to jam on some PJ songs, and it would give me something to solidly practice. Nothing gives me more pleasure than listening to a good PJ boot, and I always wish I could play it myself in a band situation. Anyone feel the same? I’m also sure it won’t do my playing any harm to learn a few PJ songs inside out!

So what I am asking is.....

Are there any other like minded people out there (Midlands Area- I'm based in Birmingham and Coventry) who fancy jamming on a few PJ songs? I play guitar and would fancy having a go at Stone’s and Mike’s parts, and I have some experience on bass so if there’s an overwhelming response from guitarists I could definitely have a crack at bass instead. Anyone know an Eddie wannabe? Or a Matt Cameron wannabe? Mike, Stone, Jeff, BOOM wannabe’s?

Yes..... I know this is a big ask but I thought I’d try my luck! Surely I can’t be the only fan from the midlands up for Jamming on a few of my fav bands tunes. I also know somewhere where we can possibly practice very cheaply in Birmingham.

Talk Soon

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Shame you're not nearer me. If be up for it if you were closer.
    London 29-10-96, London 29/30-5-00, London 20-4-06, Reading 27-8-06, London 18-6-07, London 11-8-09, London 18-8-09, London 25-6-10, Berlin 30-6-10 / PJ20 3/4-9-11, Manchester 20-6-12, Amsterdam 26/27-6-12, EV-London 30/31-7-12, EV-Orlando 27-11-12
  • Ah that's a bummer. Thanks for your reply anyway mate!
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