Something We Can All Agree On?

Could there be greater proof of the problems with our society?
NBC’s ‘Today’ Skips 9/11 Moment Of Silence For Kardashian Interview
At 8:46 AM, in New York City and at the White House in Washington DC, there was a moment of silence to remember when the first plane hit the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In New York, the NYPD, FDNY, Port Authority Police and the families of the victims were present, while in Washington the President and the First Lady led the moment.
The cable networks all carried it, with ABC’s “Good Morning America” and “CBS This Morning” carrying it as well. The only national general news program to not carry the moment of silence was NBC’s ‘Today,” which, in an odd bit of counter-programming, opted to air an interview with “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” star Kris Jenner, who talked about the new season of the reality show, and her breast implants.
After the moment of silence ended, ABC went right to an interview with actor Richad Gere, while CBS went straight into a commercial break.
Here in New York, NBC did show the moment of silence, as WNBC broke into “Today” to carry locally-produced special coverage.
NBC’s ‘Today’ Skips 9/11 Moment Of Silence For Kardashian Interview
At 8:46 AM, in New York City and at the White House in Washington DC, there was a moment of silence to remember when the first plane hit the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In New York, the NYPD, FDNY, Port Authority Police and the families of the victims were present, while in Washington the President and the First Lady led the moment.
The cable networks all carried it, with ABC’s “Good Morning America” and “CBS This Morning” carrying it as well. The only national general news program to not carry the moment of silence was NBC’s ‘Today,” which, in an odd bit of counter-programming, opted to air an interview with “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” star Kris Jenner, who talked about the new season of the reality show, and her breast implants.
After the moment of silence ended, ABC went right to an interview with actor Richad Gere, while CBS went straight into a commercial break.
Here in New York, NBC did show the moment of silence, as WNBC broke into “Today” to carry locally-produced special coverage.
Here's a new demo called "in the fire":
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Post edited by Unknown User on
haha...good lord.
(it's all the other way 'round -- we're upside down)
And there it is... four posts in. :fp:
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Seriously? :fp:
There's a reason NBC (or the media) did it. The other poster did have a grain of truth in saying it was probably monetarily motivated. So, what's that mean? That means a large amount of people (a large portion of our society) would rather watch a woman who has become famous for having a daughter who had a sex tape talk about her boob job, rather than watch a brief ceremony (and more importantly violate the "moment of silence") to honor those lost on that infamous day. In other words, the demand for that trash outweighs the proper respect for the greatest loss of life from a foreign attack to ever take place on our soil. This didn't take place that long ago. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Anyway, you crack me up - I kinda feel like you just want to argue.
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Obviously a lot of people do. Although I've never heard anyone admit it.
Kris Jenner is a woman?? :shock: Well you learn something new every day. :oops:
Americans demand for trash has been around for a long, long, time. It's not an alarming trend or a statement about how no one cares anymore.
Let's just take comfort in the fact that I didn't ask you any questions.
Anyway, on any other day, it wouldn't be a sad or disappointing thing to see - in the scheme of things, at least.
But sheesh, you'd think there'd be some tiny bit of respect today, of all days...and at that time, of all times.
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if she wants to stay on t.v much longer she better ask another one of her kid's to do a sex tape
but this time with someone more Mr. Ed
Every time I go to the grocery store I am disgusted at the celebrity worship rags at the counter. But, I quickly come to the realization that there is a market for these rags, just as there is a market for poison (McD's, BK, Wendy's, etc.).
The American public is the problem. It's just human nature to constantly place blame on anything/anyone other than ourselves. Our culture is backwards.
It's human nature. Everyone has their 'kings and queens". You are posting on a band's messageboard after all.
That's the point of the thread. I agree.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
Anyway, I know your response was a joke, so, well done!
having said that - if they chose to hold a moment of silence ... that's their choice
celebrity fanaticism is at an all time high. it's disgusting.
Just an hour ago, I was on lunch in the break room at work, reading my book, but someone else was watching TV, and an ad for some talk show came on. Heidi Klum was the guest. It was all dramatic, because they were going to ask her "how she's doing". I don't care any more about how she's doing since her divorce than she cares about my life.
I will just never understand wanting to know about the life of someone I don't personally know. I don't want to know half the shit I know about people I actually know!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Oh my god, she had to go through a divorce?!?!?! It must be so difficult because nobody ever goes through a difficult divorce..........repulsive.
People have the power to change things, but we don't
WHY does anyone care what some celeb's baby is named or looks like?
WHY does anyone care that George Clooney and his girlfriend have split?
WHY should I care about Madonna's manly arms?
WHY does anyone care that Lady Fucking Gaga did...whatever?
It is horrifying.
Yeah, there would be mentions of actual news stories, but the majority was celebrity gossip. The top story wouldn't be the war or the economy, it would be the Michael Jackson trial.
They would switch to "International news" and the top story would be "Paris Hilton turned heads in Greece today."
They would have a few goofy stories about dogs riding surfboards and a feel-good story about the war like "this guy came home without telling his daughter and he surprised her on camera in front of her class... isn't that sweet? Isn't the war GREAT?"
And THAT is how we got this fucked. People didn't pay attention to what the government was and wasn't doing.
We can bicker about who was at fault later. The end result is that most people are totally unaware of just how fucked we were 4 years ago and aren't really able to tell you if we are or are not better off now.
And yes.... the Kardashian thing is foul.
Because for me... I'd really have to sit and think about it.
Hail, Hail!!!
I think Kris Jenner would try and come to a business agreement.....maybe a new sex tape ????
Yuck! I like porn as much as the next Reg'lur Joe, but a Nasty ass Skankasaurus Wrecks getting banged by the American Taliban guy? No thanx.
and if there was a Jihad on the Kardashians... I'd be like, "I really hate the Al Qaeda... but... they WILL put an end to all of the Kardashians... so... how bad can they be, right"?
I guess it would come down to a coin toss.
Hail, Hail!!!
Exactly. The networks are terrible. They sensationalize and dumb down the news. The only decent news I get anymore is from NPR.
Speaking of the networks pushing us to wars, I recommend "War Made Easy". Really disgusting how everything went down.