OBAMA INCREASES DRILLS with Muslim Brotherhood



  • MoonpigMoonpig Posts: 659
    Godfather. wrote:
    fuck you and the muslim brother'hood thing are not really putting anything down that is fact based..just your opinion right ? so why don't you and moonpig give us some "facts" that show a positive impact on America from the muslim brother'hood.


    Ah here Godfather, I was asking what the problem with the Muslim Brotherhood is, if you didn't know, then you could have just said.

    Tell you what, if you're going to get your panties all up in a bunch, best not contribute.

    Like really, is this the best response I can expect from asking an honest to god question? Is it any wonder your political parties run the way they do.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Moonpig wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    fuck you and the muslim brother'hood thing are not really putting anything down that is fact based..just your opinion right ? so why don't you and moonpig give us some "facts" that show a positive impact on America from the muslim brother'hood.


    Ah here Godfather, I was asking what the problem with the Muslim Brotherhood is, if you didn't know, then you could have just said.

    Tell you what, if you're going to get your panties all up in a bunch, best not contribute.

    Like really, is this the best response I can expect from asking an honest to god question? Is it any wonder your political parties run the way they do.

    dude did you see the post above the one you just posted ? you guy's are asking for reasons and facts but when I ask inturn for the same you both post stuff like your not sure of what you are talking about, I can give more reasons why I believe MB/muslim's are trouble in the US but when asked what poitive influance the MB has in the US you both tell me I have nothing to offer....welll boy's it sounds like the pot is calling the kettle black.

  • Yeah please i need to go and hide the muslims are at it again and pretty soon the brown people to the south of us will be taking all of the jobs so we should kick all the immigrants back to Mexico , give me a brake more of the same fear mongering crap pathetic at best ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Yeah please i need to go and hide the muslims are at it again and pretty soon the brown people to the south of us will be taking all of the jobs so we should kick all the immigrants back to Mexico , give me a brake more of the same fear mongering crap pathetic at best ....

    that's it ? nothing positive to add ?...so typical of you my friend.

  • Godfather. wrote:
    Yeah please i need to go and hide the muslims are at it again and pretty soon the brown people to the south of us will be taking all of the jobs so we should kick all the immigrants back to Mexico , give me a brake more of the same fear mongering crap pathetic at best ....

    that's it ? nothing positive to add ?...so typical of you my friend.


    Positive positive :lol::lol:
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    Yeah please i need to go and hide the muslims are at it again and pretty soon the brown people to the south of us will be taking all of the jobs so we should kick all the immigrants back to Mexico , give me a brake more of the same fear mongering crap pathetic at best ....

    that's it ? nothing positive to add ?...so typical of you my friend.


    Positive positive :lol::lol:

    now we're talking :lol:

  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Someone google "Operation: Bright Star".......US forces training with the Egyptian military ain't a new thing. :twisted:
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    fuck wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    riotgrl wrote:
    So, is this a problem because they are Muslim? Or because this is Obama? Let's apply the same standards to all presidents - if you want to condemn Obama then condemn Reagan as well. Perhaps if more Americans understood their history then they might understand that painting with such a broad stroke can sometimes bite you in the ass. Spend some time really understanding the Reagan Doctrine before you condemn Obama. And just for the record, I am totally opposed to our military being involved in any foreign country at all. We need to shut down all military bases around the world and end all wars.

    OMG I see how how hard you people are trying to twist my post into something it is not....you want me to go through history and list everyone I would condemn? Or can we just stay on the current events my post covers?
    If it said Obama is training nice Muslims, or just nice people, for war I would say cool, help them learn to defend themselves......... but that is not the Muslim Brotherhoods history is it?
    Well, unfortunately for your purposes here, you know nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood's history, and you're talking out of your ass. First of all, the only thing you are able to cite in order to dismiss the Muslim Brotherhood is that, at one point, Osama bin Laden was reported to be a 'member' of it. However, if you knew anything at all about the Muslim Brotherhood, you'd know that it's not some fucking cult organization like Opus Dei where members are initiated and go out and perform duties that represent the organization. Instead, it is a completely decentralized, international 'solidarity' movement. It has no official membership base, no official ideology even to follow it! Some people who call themselves MB can be entirely Salafi, and some can be quite Reformist and progressive. There's also Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, all over the Arab and Muslim world, and they are very different depending on regions, local issues, etc.

    What's even more hilarious to me, however, is that this is not even about the Muslim Brotherhood. The article is actually about the Egyptian government. The United States is not sitting here running drills with some militia group, as you are trying to make it seem, but rather an actual government. But because Morsi is MB (and he actually resigned from his official position at the MB, since he was a leader of the group in Egypt), then it's as if there is no government of Egypt that was democratically elected, just a bunch of crazed Islamists taking control of the country.

    The issue that bothers me the most is, if your ignorance rested on "Forget foreign countries, let's just stay home and not involve ourselves anywhere," I would not mind at all. I'd say, ok, you have every right to remain ignorant about all these issues you don't care to involve yourself in. But when you have some grandiose idea that there is some great war (military or otherwise) for civilization that rests in helping Israel vs. the crazy Muslims who are trying to destroy everything liberalism has worked so hard to achieve, then you are just talking out of your ass and either need to go open a book, or kindly shut the fuck up.

    Did you notice The post was about MB in Egypt? and yes they do have an official ideology. But the main reason I don't agree with there ideology is because they are against gay marriage.
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • SeaSea Posts: 3,076
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    Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive, and it's a requirement here.

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