To get a better understanding of the origins of QM (and to a lesser extent, relativity) and why Einstein wasn't in agreement with that world-theory, I'd recommend a look at this book: Quantum .
Does a great job in layman's terms of laying out the theory and science behind it and how contentious it all was then. QM is almost accepted as fact today, but as Drifting points out it has some pretty gaping flaws -- the biggest of all being its inability to explain gravity in a meaningful sense. String theory and loop theory are trying to do so, but they also require that we accept that our universe is wrapped and folded up into multiple imperceptible dimensions (as many as 13, if memory serves, though it often doesn't) in order for the math to work.
One of the most interesting -- and mindblowing -- topics out there. One of those topics that makes me wish I was truly smart enough to understand it. Thanks for posting.
edit: honestly my biggest personal regret with regards to my education is that I somehow managed to go through both high school and college without taking a single physics course. I don't know if it would have made any difference, but I like to think it might have changed the course of my life irrevocably if I had discovered this interest at a younger age. Ah, youth.
As discussed in the World Goodwill newsletter “What is Life?”, esoteric philosophy regards Life as “a constant flow of electrical energy, while forms are temporary expressions through which life manifests at the dense physical level”. The whole of manifestation is therefore alive – the atom itself having a rudimentary consciousness. With this in mind we can take a fresh look at one of the big worries of our time – changes in global climate and weather patterns – viewing them from the angle of intelligent, electrical life.
Scientists are still debating the cause of the thousands of electrical discharges taking place all over the planet at any one time via thunderstorms and lightning. They are generally thought to be due to atmospheric perturbations and perhaps the impact of charged particles from the sun (the solar wind). A further conundrum has been the recent discovery of electrical discharges taking place high above thunderstorms called Transient Luminous Events. These dazzling displays include colossal towers of red and blue light known as Sprites, rapidly expanding rings of luminosity referred to as Elves, and rising up out of the clouds, fingers of bright light that have been christened Gnomes. These phenomena are difficult to explain mechanically i.e., as a result of wind driven charge separation taking place in the clouds far below. But in contrast to these orthodox theories of atmospheric science, pioneering thinkers in plasma cosmology regard the earth as part of an electric circuit in which the sun and the planets act as opposite electrical poles.
In this model, thunderstorms are the exact opposite to what they are currently thought to be. Rather than electrical generators, they are dissipaters of energy in an interplanetary circuit – lightning being the spark of a celestial current as it connects to the Earth. The colourful sprites, elves and gnomes are the form that lightning takes high up in the atmosphere where the pressure is low. Similar phenomena are routinely reproduced in laboratories when a long discharge spark – the analogue of a lightning stroke – is introduced into a vacuum tube when most of the air is removed; the colourful glows and filament like structures that occur corresponding to sprites. 1
The Ageless Wisdom teachings regard the whole universe as electrical in nature, the electricity with which we are familiar on the physical plane being the descendent of a great cosmic life that works on higher, more subtle levels of the cosmos and which, through the assistance of hosts of intelligent creators, brought the outer universe into being. In this scenario and as far as the earth is concerned, all phenomena of orbital planetary motion, the cooling and heating of air, clouds, rain, storms and winds are due to the inner electromagnetic forces of nature incessantly generating electric currents that restore disturbed equilibrium.2
This tendency towards dynamic equilibrium is something of a mystery to science, as the physicist Paul Davies commented: “Most computer simulations of the Earth’s atmosphere predict some sort of runaway disaster, such as global glaciation, the boiling of the oceans, or wholesale incineration due to an over-abundance of oxygen setting the world on fire…Yet somehow the integrative effect of many interlocking complex processes has maintained atmospheric stability in the face of large-scale changes and even during periods of cataclysmic disruption.”3
The constant restoration of equilibrium is known as homoeostasis – a common property of all living organisms as they regulate their internal environment to maintain a stable condition; and the earth itself is a living organism, its global weather patterns and climate guided by celestial intelligences in accordance with planetary and human karma. This, of course, is a far cry from the search for mechanical explanations by atmospheric scientists, but the primary causes of climate and weather must be sought for beyond the world of outer effects in the subjective realm of consciousness.
Conventional science has yet to discover that electricity is the fundamental force of the universe, but when it does, the discovery will undermine the foundations of the present, gravitational model and the idea of an intelligently ordered universe thrilling with life may then become a serious, scientific consideration. The cosmos is a huge electromagnetic field – albeit complex and intricate – and all lives within it behave as charged particles that are forever interacting and exchanging their own specific qualities with one another. As plasma cosmologists David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill point out, “From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organising galaxies, energising stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.”4
This new cosmology would clearly provide a basis for a renewed scientific investigation of subjects such as astrology, telepathy and psychic phenomena in general. It also throws light on why spiritual teachings emphasise the responsibility we all have for our thoughts and the subjective climate in which we dwell. In an interconnected universe the radiation of our state of consciousness has an influence on all other lives and kingdoms and either increases or decreases the quality of our environment. The Ageless Wisdom teachings say that accumulated human emotions even have an impact on the weather and that we most truly make our own climate in one significant sense.5
This is an intriguing thought in view of the current focus on climate change and the world crisis that has grown out of it. While global warming through carbon emissions may well be adding to this, there are many other factors at play from the esoteric viewpoint. To focus on one of them, it may be that our turbulent desire nature and selfish thinking is adding to the unsettled climate of the planet. Even on physical levels, recent scientific investigations are indicating how this may be so. An example is the discovery of biogenic magnetite in human brain tissue by means of which the human central nervous system may interact with environmental magnetic fields. Current research is looking to see if magnetic material exists specifically in the pineal gland as it does in birds and animals, by means of which they interact with the earth's magnetic field for navigation.
The pineal gland is situated in the centre of the brain in a tiny cave or resonant cavity. This may correspond to a resonant cavity that exists between the surface of our planet and its ionosphere – a spherical shell that is excited by lightning strikes from the two thousand or so thunderstorms that are taking place around the globe at any one time. It has been discovered that the electromagnetic resonances produced here are of a similar frequency to the alpha and theta states of the human brain and that other resonances also exist between various layers of the earth's electromagnetic ionosphere and the brain.6 The Ageless Wisdom teachings extend this interaction to the spiritual aura of the earth too, teaching that through meditation, resonances can be generated in the brain cavity in sympathy with the frequencies of the inner, subjective realms of the planet, and their potencies distributed in service to all living beings.
The ionosphere is just a part of the vast magnetic medium through which intelligent electric life works, and the clue to this has been with us all the time in the scientific term we use to describe weather and climate – meteorology. The Ageless Wisdom teaches that a veil of magnetic, meteoric dust surrounds the earth and it is the periodic expansion and contraction of this meteoric veil that affects climatic change. While less meteoric dust corresponds to a cooling of the atmosphere and glacial epochs, an increase of meteoric dust corresponds to a heating up of the atmosphere and hot eras such as the carbonaceous period. Geological records indicate that climate change has taken place repeatedly. Scientific expeditions have dug core drills down into glaciers and examined the tiny bubbles of air trapped over thousands of years and have correlated high earth temperatures with increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and carbonic acid are key indicators of periods of global warming and interestingly, they are also prominent components of meteoric dust. Science acknowledges the fact that “dust particles left by falling meteoroids can persist in the atmosphere for up to several months; and that particles might affect climate, both by scattering electromagnetic radiation and by catalyzing chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. However, the extent of meteoric influence on climate isn’t yet recognised.
When it is recognised that meteoric dust is an integral part of the electromagnetic veil that surrounds the earth, and that human consciousness can subtly affect this veil in some way, the collective responsibility we bear to the lower kingdoms of nature through the right use and direction of thought will also become apparent. Through the scientific use of meditation in accordance with the law “energy follows thought”, humanity will then enter into its birthright as steward of the planet and the all consuming purpose of human life will be devoted to fulfilling the divine injunction contained in the Great Invocation: “From the centre which we call the human race, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.” The fact that humanity is an electromagnetic “centre” in the vehicle of divine expression and has a destined responsibility to let this Plan of love and light work out in all kingdoms of nature points towards a truly awe-inspiring vision of the future. The power of applied group thinking will one day purposefully direct specific potencies into the lower kingdoms of nature to lift and redeem.
While these thoughts may seem revolutionary, the idea that all substance is alive and comprised of tiny elemental lives has been with us since the dawn of human civilisation in the great religious idea of planetary redemption. This is destined to come to the fore of human thinking again on a higher turn of the spiral as humanity takes on the mantle of earth stewardship and assumes responsibility for planetary evolution. The application of the energy of applied goodwill to all kingdoms of nature, as broached in the previous newsletter, “Right Relations with All Beings”, highlights the tentative beginning of this process. It is essential that all who are awakening to this tantalising vision of humanity's part in the Divine Plan join together to serve this cause – Goodwill Meditation groups,7 the Triangles network,8 and the Cycle of Conferences9 being wonderful examples of how to do so. The world is now moving through a critical period of crisis and decision and the hope lies before us of a vigorous new alignment with the Divine Plan. At this critical juncture of human history, may fresh light and meaning be thrown on the stupendous utterance of St Paul that “the whole creation groaneth and travaileth together in pain until now, waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.”
1. The Electric Universe, p 49, W Thornhill & D Talbott.
5. A Treatise on White Magic, p 226. Alice Bailey.
6. Theta waves are roughly thought to lie in the range of 6-10Hz, alpha waves in 8-12Hz. The resonance frequency of the earth itself has been measured to be 8Hz, in agreement with estimates first made by the inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.
ONE OF THE MAIN PREMISES of the Ageless Wisdom teachings as given to the world by Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey is that electromagnetism is the fundamental source and cause of all phenomena on every plane of manifestation–subtle and gross. This necessarily includes the physical plane and as such, this premise varies widely from that of standard gravity-based astrophysics. In fact, an ever-increasing catalogue of problems exists for the conventional science as 96% of the matter/energy needed to support the standard theory of the universe’s birth and functioning is missing. Exotic varieties of so-called dark matter and dark energy have been theorised to account for this, but to date, these hypothetical phenomena still exist solely in the minds and mathematical equations of astrophysicists. In order to maintain the principle cornerstones of their gravity-only model, i.e., the Big Bang, General Relativity, Black Holes and an Expanding Universe, astrophysicists need ever more complex theories. And meanwhile, space telescopes are sending infrared, ultraviolet and x-ray evidence that is making the standard theory more and more untenable.
This crisis in astrophysics is a welcome one from the angle of spiritual philosophy, for its complex and erroneous view of the universe and man’s position in it needs updating to reflect the elegant synthesis of reality. The notion of a cold, sterile universe inimical to life, where galaxies, suns and planets spin in isolation, has reflected man’s self-absorbed, materialistic consciousness down the ages. But today our steadily shifting perception towards universal brotherhood and interconnectedness is reflected in a new awareness of the electromagnetic nature of the universe. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire we are told that "All physical phenomena as we understand the term have an electrical origin, and an initial vibration on the first sub-plane of the physical plane."1 We find echoes of this great truth in the words of plasma scientists Wallace Thornhill and David Talbot:
From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organising galaxies, energising stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.2
This eloquent description of the nature of reality parallels the concept of Fohat found in esoteric science. Helena Blavatsky describes Fohat as "personified electric vital power, the transcendental binding Unity of all Cosmic Energies, on the unseen as on the manifested planes…On the earthly plane his influence is felt in the magnetic and active force generated by the strong desire of the magnetizer. On the Cosmic, it is present in the constructive power that carries out, in the formation of things—from the planetary system down to the glow-worm and simple daisy—the plan in the mind of nature, or in the Divine Thought, with regard to the development and growth of that special thing. He is, metaphysically, the objectivised thought of the Gods; the ‘Word made flesh’ on a lower scale; and the messenger of Cosmic and human ideations: the active force in Universal Life".3
In the Stanzas of Dzyan that form the first part of The Secret Doctrine, the truth is beautifully encapsulated in the following occult phraseology that speaks directly to the intuition:
Fohat; the swift son of the divine sons, runs circular errands. He is the Steed, and the thought is the rider (i.e., he is under the influence of their guiding thought). He passes like lightning through the fiery clouds (cosmic mists); takes three, and five, and seven strides through the seven regions above and the seven below (the world to be). He lifts his voice, and calls the innumerable sparks (atoms) and joins them together.4
In light of the above, an electric model of the universe would be a welcome step towards a rapprochement between esoteric and exoteric science, and it is therefore encouraging to learn of the pioneering work of plasma cosmologists. Their contention that we live in an electric universe is based on the fact that plasma makes up ninety-nine per cent of it–plasma generally being described as a sea of charged particles called electrons and ions that react collectively to forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields. While typically described as an ionised or electrically conductive gas, plasma is also considered to be a distinct and fundamental state of matter. Because it is often found in the form of ionised gas, it seems reasonable to speculate that this conductive medium provides an interface between the etheric levels of the physical plane and the gaseous state of matter. Through this mass of electrically charged particles, cosmic ideas in the form of galaxies, suns and planets are enabled to make the last stage of their descent from the archetypal planes into the light of day.
The process is described in occult terms and symbols in the Stanzas of Dzyan on which the first book of The Secret Doctrine–Cosmogenesis–is based, and continued in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Here, the awe-inspiring beauty and detail of the work of the celestial hierarchies that bring the manifested worlds into being are revealed to the intuitive mind. Through precipitation and diversification–from one state of solidification to another–from the unknowable and eternal through steadily lowered vibrational rates, they work until the precipitating idea eventually reaches that minute bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum that science can observe and measure. A cosmic idea thus transits across the borderline between the esoteric, etheric realms and the exoteric, gaseous realms to form the various phenomena of deep space that are recognisable to the orthodox scientists of today. The diagram shows a typical Birkeland current and the central z-pinch region–a cylindrical volume inside the spiral where extreme compression of matter can take place. I = current, B = magnetic field. From The Electric Sky, D.E. Scott.
A cosmic idea is electromagnetically transferred from etheric to gaseous levels through the common phenomenon of pairs of electric currents in space, entwining around one another to form double helixes. They are known as Birkeland currents, and any matter existing between these pairs of electric spirals undergoes tremendous compression. Its constituent elements are mixed–not homogenously, but arranged according to their electric potentials. According to plasma cosmologists, this is to be seen occurring throughout the universe and they suggest that this is the way that chemical separation takes place in cosmic plasmas. Furthermore, it may also be the way in which suns and planets are formed. In laboratory experiments, the matter gathered within the central vortex created by electric arcing is "pinched" into zones of spherical compression, and matter within it may be subjected to a greater or lesser degree of melting. If this process takes place on cosmic levels, its role in stellar and planetary formation becomes apparent.
"As above, so below" runs the great occult maxim. And in fact, the idea of a spiralling building pattern is not new when we recall the familiar biological spirals of DNA that are responsible for the way organisms are created, informed and sustained. Science has yet to discover that behind each strand of DNA lies a spiral of electric force, and indeed, that the atom itself is constituted of spiralling electric forces that provide the interface between the physical and subjective components of all organisms. Esoteric science has always advocated that electrical force underlies all building processes in the universe. According to The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, there are three basic types of electric motion in the cosmos, each one related to an aspect of the divine trinity that lies at the heart of many of the great world religions and philosophies–Will, Love-Wisdom, and Active Intelligence. These three are also known as electric fire, solar fire and fire-by-friction. Each of the three Gods or Logoi that comprise the divine trinity has all three aspects but demonstrates one more dynamically than the others and so is recognised as that dominant aspect itself.
With reference to A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (pp. 142-47), and beginning with the third Logos of the trinity, Active Intelligence expresses itself through rotary motion, which is due to the fire latent in matter itself. Rotary motion is apparent all around us–atoms, planets, solar systems and galaxies all rotate on their axes and within the perimeter of these whirling unified spheres are to be found variety and differentiation. By the revolution of matter, activity is increased making the material more pliable and adaptable. The active principle of this third Logos is the already mentioned Fohat, the steed who "runs circular errands" and is sent forth at the beginning of the dawn of a new manvantara to "dig holes in space" and join these fiery vortices to one another.
The second Logos of the divine trinity, Love-Wisdom, is seeking to blend with this active intelligence of the third aspect and He adds to the rotary motion of all atoms His own form of motion, spiralling periodicalmovement. By circulation along an orbit around a central focal point in an ever-ascending spiral, two results are brought about: Firstly, the gathering of atoms into forms. And secondly, by means of these forms, the gaining of needed contact and the development of consciousness through a gradual rarefying and refining of the forms as the spirit of love or the flame divine spirals ever onward towards the source from which it came.
The first Logos of the trinity expresses Divine Will through a literal driving forward through space. This forward progression is the will behind the evolutionary process that drives spirit onward until it emerges from matter with added quality and faculty from the experience it has undergone. It also increases the vibration of matter by means of its own. The function of this first Logos is to hold the spirits who are gaining consciousness in manifestation for the desired period and then to abstract and blend them again with their spiritual source.
This electromagnetic activity of the three divine aspects is to be seen operating on all the planes of the solar system. Out of the fusion of electric fire and fire by friction arises the spiralling periodic motion of solar fire, the Ray of Love-Wisdom that builds and sustains all forms within the solar system. This naturally includes the sun itself and the plasma view of the universe tackles the idea of an electric sun head on. The standard scientific view is that the sun is a self-consuming thermonuclear engine, whose light and heat are generated through nuclear fusion–the conversion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. However, plasma science regards stars as balls of plasma which, like galaxies, are formed through the electromagnetic z-pinch effect of electric currents shown in the first diagram. In space, electric currents form spiralling filaments around cells of plasma that transmit electrical power around a galaxy. At intervals, the electromagnetic forces that they generate cause them to pinch down to a very much smaller size. Plasma accumulates in the centre of the pinch. The increased current density causes it to shine, producing a star and powering it thereafter.
Again, the parallels with esoteric wisdom are striking. Helena Blavatsky wrote: "The Sun we see, gives nothing of itself, because it is a reflection; a bundle of electro-magnetic forces, one of the countless milliards of ‘Knots of Fohat’. Fohat is called the ‘Thread of primeval Light,’ the ‘Ball of thread’ of Ariadne, indeed, in this labyrinth of chaotic matter. This thread runs through the seven planes tying itself into knots. Every plane being septenary, there are thus forty-nine mystical and physical forces, [the] larger knots forming stars, suns and systems, the smaller, planets, and so on…The electro-magnetic knot of our Sun is neither tangible nor dimensional, nor even as molecular as the electricity we know. The Sun…gives out nothing of itself. It is an absurdity, therefore, to say that the solar fires are being consumed and gradually extinguished. The Sun has but one distinct function; it gives the impulse of life to all that breathes and lives under its light. The sun is the throbbing heart of the system; each throb being an impulse. But this heart is invisible: no astronomer will ever see it." 5
While the electromagnetic powering of the sun emanates from the inner planes, not the physical level, the intuitive insight of plasma cosmologists is on track. Galaxies and the stars and planets within them are all powered electrically from inner, esoteric sources, but they are also all related to one another on both the inner and outer levels by different grades of electrical energy or fire that flows between them. Electricity is the fundamental nature of the universe–a universe that is created and sustained by a chain of intelligent electrical lives–the great angel or deva hierarchies–and through their creativity, life is conducted between the inner and outer worlds. This occurs through the medium of ideas, an idea being an electric pattern whose shape is modified and voltage lowered systematically by groups of creative workers at various levels until it can display itself on the vibrational levels of the cosmos where mankind currently functions. On his own level and scale, spiritualised man similarly functions as an electrical conductor of life bringing new ideas to birth on the physical plane to transform and resurrect.
Through the pioneering work of plasma cosmologists mainstream science is on the threshold of acknowledging the electrical processes that build, sustain and transmute the visible universe. And this will be a positive step forward from its current view of the universe as a tomb of dead, lifeless matter that exploded into being out of nothing and is still expanding in all directions at an accelerating rate without aim or purpose. The concrete, scientific mind is now contacting the abstract realms of thought, but is in need of the guiding light of the intuition to reveal a simplified, more synthetic view of the universe as an organism with a set and stable form and constituted of living, conscious substance.
One of the tasks of the esotericist is to construct a bridge of reason between exoteric and esoteric science. As an electric view of the universe and the spiralling forces that construct it are taken into mainstream scientific thinking, the esoteric perspective may become more accessible. For esoteric science is based on the purposeful, electric drive of Divine Will contacting substance and accelerating its inherent rotary motion. The Love aspect of Divinity directs this motion into spiralling, cyclic movement on whose foundation forms of all shapes and sizes are built. From the myriads of spirallae that make up the atom to the kundalini force that rises in the awakening human being as a caduceus of electrical power, the spiralling proceeds. The elegant beauty of this divine process is to be noted exoterically in the double helix of DNA, and the long spiralling filaments of plasma in deep space. These correspondences all provide a rich field for contemplation, the very act of which will help to further precipitate the great truth that is descending from the "rain cloud of knowable things" into human consciousness at this time–that Space is an electrical entity. [-]
Reprinted from The Beacon
magazine April-June 2008 issue
1. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 319. A. Bailey
2. (website), David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill.
3. The Secret Doctrine. P. 111 (Facsimile edition), H.P. Blavatsky
4. Ibid., p. 31
5. Transactions of The Blavatsky Lodge, VII-VIII, p. 376. H.P. Blavatsky
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Einstein confirming the existence of "the ether", noting the intrinsic relationship between "ether", "space-time" and electromagnetism itself.
(marked up by me, for "clarity", actually i sent this to someone here as a PM, but thought it was relevant)
Michio Kaku: Einstein's Singularity -- the "infinity" of non-physical reality back of physical reality. Ie. the equations don't "fail to make sense", Physicists fail to "make sense of the equations". It's right there before you. Your own equations predict it. The finite physical reality of space-time collapses at various points to an infinite non-physical non-space-time reality. Both prestigious branches of your astrophysics explicitly predict this in their equations.
On "Wave Function Collapse", Retrocausality, effects of the Observer, Mysteries of Light:
The Experiment That Debunked Materialism - The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment explained: Physicists have OBSERVED the choice of an observer AFFECTING THE PAST.
Global Consciousness Project - Roger D. Nelson, Coordinator of Research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory at Princeton University for TWENTY TWO YEARS, explains the ramifications of the effects of coordinated global consciousness.
"The REG Technology, first developed at Princeton, had shown that mental volition cumulatively influences the behaviour of these sensitive physical systems over thousands of trials."
Drifting's Note: You do realize this essentially "proves the potential efficacy of PRAYER", right?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Does a great job in layman's terms of laying out the theory and science behind it and how contentious it all was then. QM is almost accepted as fact today, but as Drifting points out it has some pretty gaping flaws -- the biggest of all being its inability to explain gravity in a meaningful sense. String theory and loop theory are trying to do so, but they also require that we accept that our universe is wrapped and folded up into multiple imperceptible dimensions (as many as 13, if memory serves, though it often doesn't) in order for the math to work.
One of the most interesting -- and mindblowing -- topics out there. One of those topics that makes me wish I was truly smart enough to understand it. Thanks for posting.
edit: honestly my biggest personal regret with regards to my education is that I somehow managed to go through both high school and college without taking a single physics course. I don't know if it would have made any difference, but I like to think it might have changed the course of my life irrevocably if I had discovered this interest at a younger age. Ah, youth.
I thought my internet was lagging for a second when the remix first kicked in.
As discussed in the World Goodwill newsletter “What is Life?”, esoteric philosophy regards Life as “a constant flow of electrical energy, while forms are temporary expressions through which life manifests at the dense physical level”. The whole of manifestation is therefore alive – the atom itself having a rudimentary consciousness. With this in mind we can take a fresh look at one of the big worries of our time – changes in global climate and weather patterns – viewing them from the angle of intelligent, electrical life.
Scientists are still debating the cause of the thousands of electrical discharges taking place all over the planet at any one time via thunderstorms and lightning. They are generally thought to be due to atmospheric perturbations and perhaps the impact of charged particles from the sun (the solar wind). A further conundrum has been the recent discovery of electrical discharges taking place high above thunderstorms called Transient Luminous Events. These dazzling displays include colossal towers of red and blue light known as Sprites, rapidly expanding rings of luminosity referred to as Elves, and rising up out of the clouds, fingers of bright light that have been christened Gnomes. These phenomena are difficult to explain mechanically i.e., as a result of wind driven charge separation taking place in the clouds far below. But in contrast to these orthodox theories of atmospheric science, pioneering thinkers in plasma cosmology regard the earth as part of an electric circuit in which the sun and the planets act as opposite electrical poles.
In this model, thunderstorms are the exact opposite to what they are currently thought to be. Rather than electrical generators, they are dissipaters of energy in an interplanetary circuit – lightning being the spark of a celestial current as it connects to the Earth. The colourful sprites, elves and gnomes are the form that lightning takes high up in the atmosphere where the pressure is low. Similar phenomena are routinely reproduced in laboratories when a long discharge spark – the analogue of a lightning stroke – is introduced into a vacuum tube when most of the air is removed; the colourful glows and filament like structures that occur corresponding to sprites. 1
The Ageless Wisdom teachings regard the whole universe as electrical in nature, the electricity with which we are familiar on the physical plane being the descendent of a great cosmic life that works on higher, more subtle levels of the cosmos and which, through the assistance of hosts of intelligent creators, brought the outer universe into being. In this scenario and as far as the earth is concerned, all phenomena of orbital planetary motion, the cooling and heating of air, clouds, rain, storms and winds are due to the inner electromagnetic forces of nature incessantly generating electric currents that restore disturbed equilibrium.2
This tendency towards dynamic equilibrium is something of a mystery to science, as the physicist Paul Davies commented: “Most computer simulations of the Earth’s atmosphere predict some sort of runaway disaster, such as global glaciation, the boiling of the oceans, or wholesale incineration due to an over-abundance of oxygen setting the world on fire…Yet somehow the integrative effect of many interlocking complex processes has maintained atmospheric stability in the face of large-scale changes and even during periods of cataclysmic disruption.”3
The constant restoration of equilibrium is known as homoeostasis – a common property of all living organisms as they regulate their internal environment to maintain a stable condition; and the earth itself is a living organism, its global weather patterns and climate guided by celestial intelligences in accordance with planetary and human karma. This, of course, is a far cry from the search for mechanical explanations by atmospheric scientists, but the primary causes of climate and weather must be sought for beyond the world of outer effects in the subjective realm of consciousness.
Conventional science has yet to discover that electricity is the fundamental force of the universe, but when it does, the discovery will undermine the foundations of the present, gravitational model and the idea of an intelligently ordered universe thrilling with life may then become a serious, scientific consideration. The cosmos is a huge electromagnetic field – albeit complex and intricate – and all lives within it behave as charged particles that are forever interacting and exchanging their own specific qualities with one another. As plasma cosmologists David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill point out, “From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organising galaxies, energising stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.”4
This new cosmology would clearly provide a basis for a renewed scientific investigation of subjects such as astrology, telepathy and psychic phenomena in general. It also throws light on why spiritual teachings emphasise the responsibility we all have for our thoughts and the subjective climate in which we dwell. In an interconnected universe the radiation of our state of consciousness has an influence on all other lives and kingdoms and either increases or decreases the quality of our environment. The Ageless Wisdom teachings say that accumulated human emotions even have an impact on the weather and that we most truly make our own climate in one significant sense.5
This is an intriguing thought in view of the current focus on climate change and the world crisis that has grown out of it. While global warming through carbon emissions may well be adding to this, there are many other factors at play from the esoteric viewpoint. To focus on one of them, it may be that our turbulent desire nature and selfish thinking is adding to the unsettled climate of the planet. Even on physical levels, recent scientific investigations are indicating how this may be so. An example is the discovery of biogenic magnetite in human brain tissue by means of which the human central nervous system may interact with environmental magnetic fields. Current research is looking to see if magnetic material exists specifically in the pineal gland as it does in birds and animals, by means of which they interact with the earth's magnetic field for navigation.
The pineal gland is situated in the centre of the brain in a tiny cave or resonant cavity. This may correspond to a resonant cavity that exists between the surface of our planet and its ionosphere – a spherical shell that is excited by lightning strikes from the two thousand or so thunderstorms that are taking place around the globe at any one time. It has been discovered that the electromagnetic resonances produced here are of a similar frequency to the alpha and theta states of the human brain and that other resonances also exist between various layers of the earth's electromagnetic ionosphere and the brain.6 The Ageless Wisdom teachings extend this interaction to the spiritual aura of the earth too, teaching that through meditation, resonances can be generated in the brain cavity in sympathy with the frequencies of the inner, subjective realms of the planet, and their potencies distributed in service to all living beings.
The ionosphere is just a part of the vast magnetic medium through which intelligent electric life works, and the clue to this has been with us all the time in the scientific term we use to describe weather and climate – meteorology. The Ageless Wisdom teaches that a veil of magnetic, meteoric dust surrounds the earth and it is the periodic expansion and contraction of this meteoric veil that affects climatic change. While less meteoric dust corresponds to a cooling of the atmosphere and glacial epochs, an increase of meteoric dust corresponds to a heating up of the atmosphere and hot eras such as the carbonaceous period. Geological records indicate that climate change has taken place repeatedly. Scientific expeditions have dug core drills down into glaciers and examined the tiny bubbles of air trapped over thousands of years and have correlated high earth temperatures with increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and carbonic acid are key indicators of periods of global warming and interestingly, they are also prominent components of meteoric dust. Science acknowledges the fact that “dust particles left by falling meteoroids can persist in the atmosphere for up to several months; and that particles might affect climate, both by scattering electromagnetic radiation and by catalyzing chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. However, the extent of meteoric influence on climate isn’t yet recognised.
When it is recognised that meteoric dust is an integral part of the electromagnetic veil that surrounds the earth, and that human consciousness can subtly affect this veil in some way, the collective responsibility we bear to the lower kingdoms of nature through the right use and direction of thought will also become apparent. Through the scientific use of meditation in accordance with the law “energy follows thought”, humanity will then enter into its birthright as steward of the planet and the all consuming purpose of human life will be devoted to fulfilling the divine injunction contained in the Great Invocation: “From the centre which we call the human race, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.” The fact that humanity is an electromagnetic “centre” in the vehicle of divine expression and has a destined responsibility to let this Plan of love and light work out in all kingdoms of nature points towards a truly awe-inspiring vision of the future. The power of applied group thinking will one day purposefully direct specific potencies into the lower kingdoms of nature to lift and redeem.
While these thoughts may seem revolutionary, the idea that all substance is alive and comprised of tiny elemental lives has been with us since the dawn of human civilisation in the great religious idea of planetary redemption. This is destined to come to the fore of human thinking again on a higher turn of the spiral as humanity takes on the mantle of earth stewardship and assumes responsibility for planetary evolution. The application of the energy of applied goodwill to all kingdoms of nature, as broached in the previous newsletter, “Right Relations with All Beings”, highlights the tentative beginning of this process. It is essential that all who are awakening to this tantalising vision of humanity's part in the Divine Plan join together to serve this cause – Goodwill Meditation groups,7 the Triangles network,8 and the Cycle of Conferences9 being wonderful examples of how to do so. The world is now moving through a critical period of crisis and decision and the hope lies before us of a vigorous new alignment with the Divine Plan. At this critical juncture of human history, may fresh light and meaning be thrown on the stupendous utterance of St Paul that “the whole creation groaneth and travaileth together in pain until now, waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.”
1. The Electric Universe, p 49, W Thornhill & D Talbott.
2. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, p. 160.
3. The Cosmic Blueprint, p. 132. Paul Davies.
4. Thunderbolts of the Gods
5. A Treatise on White Magic, p 226. Alice Bailey.
6. Theta waves are roughly thought to lie in the range of 6-10Hz, alpha waves in 8-12Hz. The resonance frequency of the earth itself has been measured to be 8Hz, in agreement with estimates first made by the inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.
7. See ... tion_group
8. See
9. See following article.
For those who would like to investigate some of the deeper aspects of the Electric Universe, please see our website at: ... ric_bridge
If I opened it now would you not understand?
–Crisis and Revelation in Astrophysics
By Laurence Newey
ONE OF THE MAIN PREMISES of the Ageless Wisdom teachings as given to the world by Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey is that electromagnetism is the fundamental source and cause of all phenomena on every plane of manifestation–subtle and gross. This necessarily includes the physical plane and as such, this premise varies widely from that of standard gravity-based astrophysics. In fact, an ever-increasing catalogue of problems exists for the conventional science as 96% of the matter/energy needed to support the standard theory of the universe’s birth and functioning is missing. Exotic varieties of so-called dark matter and dark energy have been theorised to account for this, but to date, these hypothetical phenomena still exist solely in the minds and mathematical equations of astrophysicists. In order to maintain the principle cornerstones of their gravity-only model, i.e., the Big Bang, General Relativity, Black Holes and an Expanding Universe, astrophysicists need ever more complex theories. And meanwhile, space telescopes are sending infrared, ultraviolet and x-ray evidence that is making the standard theory more and more untenable.
This crisis in astrophysics is a welcome one from the angle of spiritual philosophy, for its complex and erroneous view of the universe and man’s position in it needs updating to reflect the elegant synthesis of reality. The notion of a cold, sterile universe inimical to life, where galaxies, suns and planets spin in isolation, has reflected man’s self-absorbed, materialistic consciousness down the ages. But today our steadily shifting perception towards universal brotherhood and interconnectedness is reflected in a new awareness of the electromagnetic nature of the universe. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire we are told that "All physical phenomena as we understand the term have an electrical origin, and an initial vibration on the first sub-plane of the physical plane."1 We find echoes of this great truth in the words of plasma scientists Wallace Thornhill and David Talbot:
From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organising galaxies, energising stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.2
This eloquent description of the nature of reality parallels the concept of Fohat found in esoteric science. Helena Blavatsky describes Fohat as "personified electric vital power, the transcendental binding Unity of all Cosmic Energies, on the unseen as on the manifested planes…On the earthly plane his influence is felt in the magnetic and active force generated by the strong desire of the magnetizer. On the Cosmic, it is present in the constructive power that carries out, in the formation of things—from the planetary system down to the glow-worm and simple daisy—the plan in the mind of nature, or in the Divine Thought, with regard to the development and growth of that special thing. He is, metaphysically, the objectivised thought of the Gods; the ‘Word made flesh’ on a lower scale; and the messenger of Cosmic and human ideations: the active force in Universal Life".3
In the Stanzas of Dzyan that form the first part of The Secret Doctrine, the truth is beautifully encapsulated in the following occult phraseology that speaks directly to the intuition:
Fohat; the swift son of the divine sons, runs circular errands. He is the Steed, and the thought is the rider (i.e., he is under the influence of their guiding thought). He passes like lightning through the fiery clouds (cosmic mists); takes three, and five, and seven strides through the seven regions above and the seven below (the world to be). He lifts his voice, and calls the innumerable sparks (atoms) and joins them together.4
In light of the above, an electric model of the universe would be a welcome step towards a rapprochement between esoteric and exoteric science, and it is therefore encouraging to learn of the pioneering work of plasma cosmologists. Their contention that we live in an electric universe is based on the fact that plasma makes up ninety-nine per cent of it–plasma generally being described as a sea of charged particles called electrons and ions that react collectively to forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields. While typically described as an ionised or electrically conductive gas, plasma is also considered to be a distinct and fundamental state of matter. Because it is often found in the form of ionised gas, it seems reasonable to speculate that this conductive medium provides an interface between the etheric levels of the physical plane and the gaseous state of matter. Through this mass of electrically charged particles, cosmic ideas in the form of galaxies, suns and planets are enabled to make the last stage of their descent from the archetypal planes into the light of day.
The process is described in occult terms and symbols in the Stanzas of Dzyan on which the first book of The Secret Doctrine–Cosmogenesis–is based, and continued in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Here, the awe-inspiring beauty and detail of the work of the celestial hierarchies that bring the manifested worlds into being are revealed to the intuitive mind. Through precipitation and diversification–from one state of solidification to another–from the unknowable and eternal through steadily lowered vibrational rates, they work until the precipitating idea eventually reaches that minute bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum that science can observe and measure. A cosmic idea thus transits across the borderline between the esoteric, etheric realms and the exoteric, gaseous realms to form the various phenomena of deep space that are recognisable to the orthodox scientists of today.
The diagram shows a typical Birkeland current and the central z-pinch region–a cylindrical volume inside the spiral where extreme compression of matter can take place. I = current, B = magnetic field. From The Electric Sky, D.E. Scott.
A cosmic idea is electromagnetically transferred from etheric to gaseous levels through the common phenomenon of pairs of electric currents in space, entwining around one another to form double helixes. They are known as Birkeland currents, and any matter existing between these pairs of electric spirals undergoes tremendous compression. Its constituent elements are mixed–not homogenously, but arranged according to their electric potentials. According to plasma cosmologists, this is to be seen occurring throughout the universe and they suggest that this is the way that chemical separation takes place in cosmic plasmas. Furthermore, it may also be the way in which suns and planets are formed. In laboratory experiments, the matter gathered within the central vortex created by electric arcing is "pinched" into zones of spherical compression, and matter within it may be subjected to a greater or lesser degree of melting. If this process takes place on cosmic levels, its role in stellar and planetary formation becomes apparent.
"As above, so below" runs the great occult maxim. And in fact, the idea of a spiralling building pattern is not new when we recall the familiar biological spirals of DNA that are responsible for the way organisms are created, informed and sustained. Science has yet to discover that behind each strand of DNA lies a spiral of electric force, and indeed, that the atom itself is constituted of spiralling electric forces that provide the interface between the physical and subjective components of all organisms. Esoteric science has always advocated that electrical force underlies all building processes in the universe. According to The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, there are three basic types of electric motion in the cosmos, each one related to an aspect of the divine trinity that lies at the heart of many of the great world religions and philosophies–Will, Love-Wisdom, and Active Intelligence. These three are also known as electric fire, solar fire and fire-by-friction. Each of the three Gods or Logoi that comprise the divine trinity has all three aspects but demonstrates one more dynamically than the others and so is recognised as that dominant aspect itself.
With reference to A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (pp. 142-47), and beginning with the third Logos of the trinity, Active Intelligence expresses itself through rotary motion, which is due to the fire latent in matter itself. Rotary motion is apparent all around us–atoms, planets, solar systems and galaxies all rotate on their axes and within the perimeter of these whirling unified spheres are to be found variety and differentiation. By the revolution of matter, activity is increased making the material more pliable and adaptable. The active principle of this third Logos is the already mentioned Fohat, the steed who "runs circular errands" and is sent forth at the beginning of the dawn of a new manvantara to "dig holes in space" and join these fiery vortices to one another.
The second Logos of the divine trinity, Love-Wisdom, is seeking to blend with this active intelligence of the third aspect and He adds to the rotary motion of all atoms His own form of motion, spiralling periodicalmovement. By circulation along an orbit around a central focal point in an ever-ascending spiral, two results are brought about: Firstly, the gathering of atoms into forms. And secondly, by means of these forms, the gaining of needed contact and the development of consciousness through a gradual rarefying and refining of the forms as the spirit of love or the flame divine spirals ever onward towards the source from which it came.
The first Logos of the trinity expresses Divine Will through a literal driving forward through space. This forward progression is the will behind the evolutionary process that drives spirit onward until it emerges from matter with added quality and faculty from the experience it has undergone. It also increases the vibration of matter by means of its own. The function of this first Logos is to hold the spirits who are gaining consciousness in manifestation for the desired period and then to abstract and blend them again with their spiritual source.
This electromagnetic activity of the three divine aspects is to be seen operating on all the planes of the solar system. Out of the fusion of electric fire and fire by friction arises the spiralling periodic motion of solar fire, the Ray of Love-Wisdom that builds and sustains all forms within the solar system. This naturally includes the sun itself and the plasma view of the universe tackles the idea of an electric sun head on. The standard scientific view is that the sun is a self-consuming thermonuclear engine, whose light and heat are generated through nuclear fusion–the conversion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. However, plasma science regards stars as balls of plasma which, like galaxies, are formed through the electromagnetic z-pinch effect of electric currents shown in the first diagram. In space, electric currents form spiralling filaments around cells of plasma that transmit electrical power around a galaxy. At intervals, the electromagnetic forces that they generate cause them to pinch down to a very much smaller size. Plasma accumulates in the centre of the pinch. The increased current density causes it to shine, producing a star and powering it thereafter.
Again, the parallels with esoteric wisdom are striking. Helena Blavatsky wrote: "The Sun we see, gives nothing of itself, because it is a reflection; a bundle of electro-magnetic forces, one of the countless milliards of ‘Knots of Fohat’. Fohat is called the ‘Thread of primeval Light,’ the ‘Ball of thread’ of Ariadne, indeed, in this labyrinth of chaotic matter. This thread runs through the seven planes tying itself into knots. Every plane being septenary, there are thus forty-nine mystical and physical forces, [the] larger knots forming stars, suns and systems, the smaller, planets, and so on…The electro-magnetic knot of our Sun is neither tangible nor dimensional, nor even as molecular as the electricity we know. The Sun…gives out nothing of itself. It is an absurdity, therefore, to say that the solar fires are being consumed and gradually extinguished. The Sun has but one distinct function; it gives the impulse of life to all that breathes and lives under its light. The sun is the throbbing heart of the system; each throb being an impulse. But this heart is invisible: no astronomer will ever see it." 5
While the electromagnetic powering of the sun emanates from the inner planes, not the physical level, the intuitive insight of plasma cosmologists is on track. Galaxies and the stars and planets within them are all powered electrically from inner, esoteric sources, but they are also all related to one another on both the inner and outer levels by different grades of electrical energy or fire that flows between them. Electricity is the fundamental nature of the universe–a universe that is created and sustained by a chain of intelligent electrical lives–the great angel or deva hierarchies–and through their creativity, life is conducted between the inner and outer worlds. This occurs through the medium of ideas, an idea being an electric pattern whose shape is modified and voltage lowered systematically by groups of creative workers at various levels until it can display itself on the vibrational levels of the cosmos where mankind currently functions. On his own level and scale, spiritualised man similarly functions as an electrical conductor of life bringing new ideas to birth on the physical plane to transform and resurrect.
Through the pioneering work of plasma cosmologists mainstream science is on the threshold of acknowledging the electrical processes that build, sustain and transmute the visible universe. And this will be a positive step forward from its current view of the universe as a tomb of dead, lifeless matter that exploded into being out of nothing and is still expanding in all directions at an accelerating rate without aim or purpose. The concrete, scientific mind is now contacting the abstract realms of thought, but is in need of the guiding light of the intuition to reveal a simplified, more synthetic view of the universe as an organism with a set and stable form and constituted of living, conscious substance.
One of the tasks of the esotericist is to construct a bridge of reason between exoteric and esoteric science. As an electric view of the universe and the spiralling forces that construct it are taken into mainstream scientific thinking, the esoteric perspective may become more accessible. For esoteric science is based on the purposeful, electric drive of Divine Will contacting substance and accelerating its inherent rotary motion. The Love aspect of Divinity directs this motion into spiralling, cyclic movement on whose foundation forms of all shapes and sizes are built. From the myriads of spirallae that make up the atom to the kundalini force that rises in the awakening human being as a caduceus of electrical power, the spiralling proceeds. The elegant beauty of this divine process is to be noted exoterically in the double helix of DNA, and the long spiralling filaments of plasma in deep space. These correspondences all provide a rich field for contemplation, the very act of which will help to further precipitate the great truth that is descending from the "rain cloud of knowable things" into human consciousness at this time–that Space is an electrical entity. [-]
Reprinted from The Beacon
magazine April-June 2008 issue
1. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 319. A. Bailey
2. (website), David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill.
3. The Secret Doctrine. P. 111 (Facsimile edition), H.P. Blavatsky
4. Ibid., p. 31
5. Transactions of The Blavatsky Lodge, VII-VIII, p. 376. H.P. Blavatsky
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