I've been in production for two weeks...

What did I miss?
Why is there a guy dressed as a cow at Hollywood and Highland singing "God Bless America?"
Why is there a guy dressed as a cow at Hollywood and Highland singing "God Bless America?"
Post edited by Unknown User on
The last week or so, I've been wondering what everyone here would be saying about the whole ChickFillet Cluster fuck.
I find the whole thing a bigger comment on how we have become such corporately-controlled beings that everything we want to say needs to be said by buying a product. I can't say "I support marriage equality," I now have to buy a Lady Gaga single, buy a Human Rights Campaign sticker to put on my car, wear a pink triangle pendant to hang around my neck.
And the people who want to make sure I never become legally equal to them have to buy Toby Keith records, spend hours in line to buy a chicken sandwich and pay $30 for a screen-printed nylon American flag that was printed in China and cost about 2¢ to manufacture.
It's a very odd world we live in.
It is indeed!
Nice to have you back, Prince.
Then the terrorists have won.
because the the dude in the jack sparrow costume took the day off...he has a call back for an episode of icarly
Not too difficult to see, and definitely much in this place.
(not all over, but have seen it here, in spades; just have to be willing to look)
No, please tell what everyone outside of your production missed.
Please tell.
What what? In the ?
I asked her what she was going to do with them and she didn't really know. Mumbled something about giving them "in Christmas cards or something." It was really odd. But people didn't really know any other way to express their sorrow that such a popular figure had died other than to buy more copies than the person next to them. Because doing something other than expressing feelings and emotions by spending money didn't really compute. We're not human anymore. We're consumers.
A lot like in George Lucas's dystopian THX-1138 that depicts a world where people work all day, buy plastic cubes with the money only to dispose of them when they get home. The voice they hear tells them to "buy something and be happy." So they do.
Now the voice they hear tells them "if you support traditional marriage, that means you have to oppose marriage that isn't traditional and if you oppose marriage that isn't traditional, show that by lining up for hours for the chance to buy as many chicken sandwiches as you can." Some people bought 50 sandwiches and gave them to homeless people, some said they went to every ChickFilla place they could drive to that day and waited in lines all day long to "show" their "support" for "traditional marriage."
And this doesn't seem to really strike many people as... odd.
I was shooting a Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial, if you must know.
how's that for irony?
more of one than YOU'll ever be, anyway.
only if you consider telling someone that they're a man is an insult.
I have no idea what "yum" is. I get paid by whomever hires me to produce content for them.
I wish you'd being shooting at KFC 8 months ago on the day I fell and hit the back of my head at KFC and received my concussion. They'd get to see the proof on film and I'd have more than migraines and dizziness to show for it. :(
Well, at least I hope you filmed something finger lickin'
YUM, but the way is the company that owns KFC and a bunch of other fast food chains.
Haha... well, commercials are shot in a studio on a sound stage, not at a real restaurant. Those have... the kind of people who'd go to a fast food restaurant in them. And ew. But the moral of the story is be a vegan and you'll never have to admit that you slipped in a grease spill on the floor of a KFC.
Now now... I have more than one... um... ok yeah, I guess that's fair.
Yeah, I Googled that. But of course when you produce stuff like that, you don't actually work directly for the company but are sub-contracted by the ad agency that they hired. And often you're hired by the unit producer who's hired by the ad agency that's hired by the marketing firm that's hired by the company.
So I guess no matter what the gig, it always ends in a big clusterfuk.
The irony, I rarely eat that kind of crap. It was the end of a long day returning from a visit to see my dad and aliens invaded my brain and made me eat road kill. NO MORE!
Sound like yer, um, expanding your repertoire, Prince.
The gods have smote you.
I'll let you know when I've done a tampon commercial.
can not wait to see you frolic whilst wearing white shorts without a care in the world... cause you know so long as us gals have the right tampon our world is so balanced and carefree.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
A good definition of clusterfuck: Military term for an operation in which multiple things have gone wrong. Related to "SNAFU" (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up") and "FUBAR" (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair).
Probably not the analogy you were looking for, tybird.
To be fair, I always wear cargo shorts and bare feet when I direct. It's a thing.
I'm pretty sure I'd have no use for such a product myself but... Well.. I flunked biology.
They're great for nose bleeds too apparently.
In an interview with Yahoo News earlier this year, gay porn titan Michael Lucas said he would "of course" support the former Massachusetts governor.
Interesting indeed.