What punishment for having sex knowing you have HIV?



  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602

    Back on topic, I honestly don't know what the punishment should be. Most of the laws are patterned after the ones against physical assault or attempted murder and I don't think there's a precise corollary there.

    Right, unless you can prove intent.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    ???? how many people has HIV-AIDS killed already ? most other STD's are fixwd with drugs or controled with drugs and AID's just straight up kills people it may taks some time but the end result final so if someond knowingly has HIV and continues to have sex without telling their partners it's the same as premetated murder
    so I don't think anybody is being picked on.

    Not all of them can be treated or cured and some STDs can be fatal. HPV causes cervical cancer in women. Hepatitis B is transmitted the same ways as HIV and is many times more infectious. It will also kill you just as dead but for some reason nobody ever talks about it.

    Some people with HIV take a stance that they shouldn't be obligated to warn others because nobody warned them. It's not my idea of logic but I've heard that argument on occasion.

    are you a med student or a doctor ? I have just decided not to comment on the is subject anymore your post made me realize I do not know very little about this topic.
    thank you and have a good day (as I try to sneek out un-noticed)

  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    Godfather. wrote:
    are you a med student or a doctor ? I have just decided not to comment on the is subject anymore your post made me realize I do not know very little about this topic.
    thank you and have a good day (as I try to sneek out un-noticed)

    Hey, sorry if it sounded like I was criticizing. I was just commenting that not every STD can be treated and that HIV isn't the only one that can kill you. Plus who knows what other microbes are out there waiting to start the next epidemic. Trust me, I'm a firm believer in protected sex.

    I'm not a medical professional but I spent 5 years as an HIV educator. So it's a subject that still holds a lot of interest for me.
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
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