Poor Mitt, it's hard to make friends...

HOW RUDE! 1:15 PM JULY 26, 2012
Oh Mitt Romney, please stop making us feel sorry for you. You go to Yurp so you can be a Celebrity Rock Star like Obama was in 2008, and “project leadership,” and everywhere you go, you make people hate you. What jerk thing came out of your mouth this time? Oh, just that London was probably going to do a crap job with its Olympics, is all.
“Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That’s something which we only find out once the Games actually begin,” [Romney] said.
“It’s hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting.
“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and Customs officials – that obviously is not something which is encouraging.”
The remarks were greeted with anger, with many British supporters of the Games taking to Twitter to accuse Mr Romney of being graceless and rude.
This is how you win hearts and minds, people. Like that of some nobody, David Cameron:
Now Tory Prime Minister David Cameron has swiped back. Said Cameron: “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.”
Meow, David Cameron, you catty bitch! But don’t listen to David Cameron, as he is totally gay for Obama.
Instead let’s reflect on Mitt Romney’s totally great resume as being the savior of the Salt Lake City Olympic games — the games John McCain called a national disgrace:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... Y29UIpGhAs
We can’t wait to see what happens when Romney gets to Israel! And Poland. Don’t forget Poland!
http://wonkette.com/479354/mitt-romney- ... ore-479354
HOW RUDE! 1:15 PM JULY 26, 2012
Oh Mitt Romney, please stop making us feel sorry for you. You go to Yurp so you can be a Celebrity Rock Star like Obama was in 2008, and “project leadership,” and everywhere you go, you make people hate you. What jerk thing came out of your mouth this time? Oh, just that London was probably going to do a crap job with its Olympics, is all.
“Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That’s something which we only find out once the Games actually begin,” [Romney] said.
“It’s hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting.
“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and Customs officials – that obviously is not something which is encouraging.”
The remarks were greeted with anger, with many British supporters of the Games taking to Twitter to accuse Mr Romney of being graceless and rude.
This is how you win hearts and minds, people. Like that of some nobody, David Cameron:
Now Tory Prime Minister David Cameron has swiped back. Said Cameron: “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.”
Meow, David Cameron, you catty bitch! But don’t listen to David Cameron, as he is totally gay for Obama.
Instead let’s reflect on Mitt Romney’s totally great resume as being the savior of the Salt Lake City Olympic games — the games John McCain called a national disgrace:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... Y29UIpGhAs
We can’t wait to see what happens when Romney gets to Israel! And Poland. Don’t forget Poland!
http://wonkette.com/479354/mitt-romney- ... ore-479354
Post edited by Unknown User on
that's some funny shit...I suppose he should be talking shit on the London Olympics...you know, since Mitt's Olympics cost about 1.3 Billion...
I can see why folks in London would be a bit put off by his comments...I guess you'd be happy if a visitor came in your home and told you how ugly your furniture is..."that's a fugly couch, but I'm sure it's comfortable..."
nothing to see here...move on...
"miserable person waiting for the next reason to be outraged" is the new "blinded by hatred for Bush"...times have changed, but the theme hasn't....
http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/ ... hp?ref=fpa
Mitt’s British Blunders: How It Played In The UK Press
DAVID TAINTOR JULY 26, 2012, 2:33 PM 2959
Mitt Romney is off to a spectacularly bad start in London, at least according to the British press ridiculing the Republican candidate on his first major foreign trip.
British officials — and the newspapers that cover them — took offense to Romney questioning whether London is well-prepared to handle the security issues ahead of the summer games. Romney called the situation “disconcerting.” British Prime Minister David Cameron hit back, saying there is no doubt “Britain can deliver.”
“We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world,” Cameron added. “Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.”
Then there was the issue of whether Romney forgot Labour leader Ed Miliband’s name, referring to him as “Mr. Leader.” All in all, “not a great day at the office,” Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun tabloid wrote.
Here’s how Romney’s visit to London played in the UK press.
The Financial Times played it relatively straight, writing: “Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican candidate for the US presidency, got off to a shaky start in his effort to show a statesmanlike profile when he seemed to get into a public spat with the UK prime minister over London’s readiness to host the Olympics.”
Guardian Web News Editor Jonathan Haynes tweeted:
Jonathan Haynes@JonathanHaynes
Mitt Romney has questioned whether Britain is ready for Olympic Games?! Damnit Mitt! That's the job of the British!
In fact, The Guardian has an entire live blog devoted to Britons rebuking Romney’s visit.
Times of London columnist Janice Turner tweeted:
Janice Turner@VictoriaPeckham
So Mitt Romney disses our Olympics. We're the Special Relationship, the easypeasy bit of US foreign relations. How will he deal with China?
The Independent wondered whether Romney forgot Ed Miliband’s name during their meeting, writing that it followed his earlier “gaffe” of questioning the Olympic preparedness.
In an op-ed, the Telegraph’s Alex Spillius wrote: “f Mitt Romney doesn’t like us, we shouldn’t care.”
The paper called the start of Romney’s trip “humiliating.”
Sticking with the slapping theme, the London Evening Standard wrote: “David Cameron slaps down US presidential hopeful Mitt Romney over Games gaffe.”
The UK’s Channel 4 news even awarded medal status to Romney visit: a “golden gaffe.”
“It probably wasn’t the most diplomatic way to begin his London trip - but Mitt Romney told US television network NBC that he wasn’t sure if Britain was really ready to host the Olympic Games,” Felicity Spector wrote.
Even the BBC couldn’t help but get in on the fun. “Mr Romney is credited with rescuing the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, now he’s appeared to question London’s readiness to host a successful olympics,” host George Alagiah said. Throwing it over to North America editor Mark Mardell, Alagiah said: “If (Romney’s) here to make friends, he’s got a funny way of showing it.”
The Guardian??? :shock:
I'm glad I was sitting down when I read that. Shocking ... completely shocking. :?
That is yet another area where yo are wrong, it's always been about idiots looking for the next reason to get outraged. You know this to be true. Especially with a 24 hour news cycle.
not always, my friend...
personally, I find Mitt's poor social skills to be amusing...no outrage here...
be honest, if O-bama made these sort comments, do you think they would be chalked up to "much better to just say nice things rather than actually talk about the realities"...? come on, man...you know lots of folks would be going nuts...completely nuts...
I know you're saying this is "nothing to see here"...but this comment sums up my concerns: So Mitt Romney disses our Olympics. We're the Special Relationship, the easypeasy bit of US foreign relations. How will he deal with China?
got it...I've learned to check with you before responding...
I agree with you. But i'd say the same thing. Really, just poorly worded, but as you say perhaps it does mean something. Because he had to know they were going to ask him. It seems to me that either he worded it poorly, or he wanted to come off as knowing what he was talking about, agreeing with the public sentiment that there have been some big mistakes, and being willing to say unpopular things to foreign governments. Not sure if it was that calculated though, probably just a misstep, but in reality, a small one.
The Guardian has always had a pro-american ... and especially pro-republican ... demeanor to their organization. To find out they are specifically following Romney to criticize his every step just doesn't make sense.
The Guardian is actually famous for being a left leaning newspaper, quite the opposite from what you're suggesting. Criticising Romney's every step makes perfect sense.
The Guardian is actually famous for being a left leaning newspaper, quite the opposite from what you're suggesting. Criticising Romney's every step makes perfect sense.[/quote]
That's what I thought too
someone earlier mentioned what would happen w/china, holy fk w/this guy he'd likely complain about the food being too spicy.
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Maybe we can get Kat to work on it.
If it were China, no one would have a problem with him saying something bad.
Carl Lewis on Mitt Romney: 'some Americans shouldn't leave the country'
Mitt Romney has been rebuked by the US Olympic legend Carl Lewis after the presumptive Republican presidential nominee questioned whether London was fully prepared for the Olympic Games.
"Seriously, some Americans just shouldn't leave the country," the nine-times Olympic gold medal winner told the Independent.
it's all in how one looks at it.
It was a challenge indeed.
That's great.
Lee-Anne Goodman
The Canadian Press
WASHINGTON—Mitt Romney’s trip abroad was meant to illustrate his command of the international stage as he aims to deny U.S. President Barack Obama a second term in November.
Instead, there was this headline Thursday adorning one of the biggest and most respected newspapers in Great Britain, the Guardian: “Mitt Romney’s Olympics blunder stuns No. 10 and hands gift to Obama.”
The Guardian even featured a live blog devoted to Romney ridicule.
“Romney in London,” read one Tweet highlighted on the blog. “Come on. We needed this. It’s a little comic relief. Kind of like Mr. Bean, only he’s an American.”
Indeed, Romney’s visit to the country considered America’s closest ally has been a veritable public relations disaster, one that immediately got off to a bad start when an unnamed adviser told the Daily Telegraph that the candidate’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage” means he can forge closer ties with Britain than Obama.
As Romney tried to distance himself from those remarks, the Republican presidential hopeful set off another firestorm when he suggested London wasn’t properly prepared for the Summer Games.
“You know, it’s hard to know just how well it will turn out,” he told NBC News on Wednesday.
“There are a few things that were disconcerting, the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials; that obviously is not something which is encouraging.”
He even raised concerns about the Olympic spirit of the British, asking: “Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? That’s something which we only find out once the Games actually begin.”
Prime Minister David Cameron was not amused.
“You’re going to see beyond doubt that Britain can deliver,” a testy Cameron told reporters on Thursday.
“We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” he said in apparent reference to the Salt Lake City Olympics managed by Romney in 2002.
London Mayor Boris Johnson joined in on the pile-on on the eve of the Games’ opening ceremonies later Thursday.
“There’s a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we’re ready. Are we ready? Are we ready? Yes we are!” Johnson told a cheering crowd of about 60,000 people in Hyde Park.
During a 45-minute meeting at 10 Downing St. earlier Thursday, Cameron reportedly raised his dismay about the remarks. Romney emerged from the meeting with a decidedly different tone.
“I am very delighted with the prospects of a highly successful Olympic Games,” he said. “What I have seen shows imagination and forethought and a lot of organization and I expect the Games to be highly successful.”
The White House, meantime, made a point of highlighting the president’s “full confidence” in Britain’s ability to host a secure Olympics.
“In keeping with our special relationship, the president also made it clear that he has the utmost confidence in our close friend and ally, the United Kingdom, as they finalize preparations to host the London Olympics,” said White House press secretary Jay Carney.
And yet Romney’s gaffes didn’t stop at the Olympics. He also mentioned meeting with the head of the top-secret MI6 British intelligence agency, something considered a protocol lapse.
Even the right-wing British media were critical.
“Who invited him?” asked the The Daily Mail, going on to call Romney’s British visit “humiliating.”
The paper’s political editor, James Chapman, provided a Twitter play-by-play of Romney’s very bad day. The most damning came from Chapman’s Whitehall sources, whom he said branded the candidate “worse than Sarah Palin.”
There was still more. Romney was also described as “devoid of charm, warmth, humour or sincerity,’” Chapman tweeted.
The Daily Mail also reported on what it considered another gaffe, calling it “cringeworthy” when Romney referred to British opposition leader Ed Miliband as “Mr. Leader” after the two men sat down for their own meeting. Other media suggested Romney had forgotten Miliband’s name.
Times of London columnist Janice Turner wondered how Romney will manage trips to actual trouble spots.
“So Mitt Romney disses our Olympics. We’re the Special Relationship, the easy-peasy bit of U.S. foreign relations. How will he deal with China?” she Tweeted.
Romney has also raised eyebrows for a fundraiser Thursday night that was expected to attract employees of Barclays bank, the first financial institution to confess to manipulating a key market index.
Bob Diamond, the disgraced former head of Barclays, was slated to host the fundraiser but has since cancelled. Barclays has been fined $453 million U.S. by American and British authorities.
After attending the opening ceremonies of the London Games on Friday, Romney might be relieved to see the last of Great Britain when he heads to Israel on Saturday. He’ll then visit Poland on Monday, meeting in both countries with public and private officials.
Ummm, so he's being accused of being British?
Mr. Bean....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Uhmm no he was being described for what he really is a fake bastard ....
He said he didn't even know when the dressage competition (his wife's horse is in the Olympics) was happening.
The press said he either:
1- is lying
2- is not like all other humans
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Umm You see that guy in your avatar? Go find him and light him (lighten) the hell up!
I'm good, thanks.