MP3 song file corrupt for a 2005 show

VirgoWriterVirgoWriter Posts: 15
edited July 2012 in Given To Fly (live)
I've had a digital copy of the 10/3/05 show from the Wachovia Center in Philly for a while (bought through the fanclub) and noticed that now track 22, "Alive," is missing a chunk in the middle of the song. Not sure if this is a mistake or the file I have is corrupted somehow. Anyone know how I can get a good copy of this song (the rest of the show is fine).
08/12/92,10/30/93, 11/5/93, 06/24/95, 11/04/95, 11/06/95, 11/07/95, 07/10/98, 08/23/00, 09/02/00, 04/28/03, 07/05/03, 10/01/04, 10/03/05, 05/28/06, 6/19/08, 8/04/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/31/09, 09/02/12, 10/21/13

Ten Club 146XXX
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