The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Anything is annoying... You can blame anything on anything,
Without RECEIVING blame for anything. Anything goes, could mean
Anything. I'll do Anything usually finds itself equal to Anything
can happen. I didn't do Anything, so.... If you didn't do Anything,
You did yourself??? I didn't mean Anything by it... Well then, you didn't
Mean a variety of possibilities by your statement.. In short..
Anything is the scenic noun for everything!!!
See I don't even have to smoke pot to be stupid. !!
Lmao this message was sponsored by BiPolar Disorder.
We're gonna have soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Much fun at the Schilling before the show at Wrigley!!!!
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
- Christopher McCandless
want to be enlightened"
want to be enlightened"
Without RECEIVING blame for anything. Anything goes, could mean
Anything. I'll do Anything usually finds itself equal to Anything
can happen. I didn't do Anything, so.... If you didn't do Anything,
You did yourself??? I didn't mean Anything by it... Well then, you didn't
Mean a variety of possibilities by your statement.. In short..
Anything is the scenic noun for everything!!!
See I don't even have to smoke pot to be stupid. !!
Lmao this message was sponsored by BiPolar Disorder.
We're gonna have soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Much fun at the Schilling before the show at Wrigley!!!!
Damn Rice Krispie treats!!!
ya, everyone knows they're much more proficient at snowboarding.
I've only seen them on the water, but the skills are easily transferable.
The Rhino wasn't as lucky.
are you kidding me? what asshat sits around and thinks this shit up? :nono: :fp:
- Christopher McCandless
where the heck do you shop?
Why, do you want to push my cart?
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
maybe. is that what you want?
No. I carry a basket, and I don't want you holding up the line at the deli.