Parting ways, Manchester

InsideJob75InsideJob75 Posts: 126
edited June 2012 in Given To Fly (live)
Been listening to alot of Binaural recently and wanted to request 'Parting ways' for Manchester.

It hasn't been played since 2009 and most importantly, it's NEVER been played in Europe.

Please PJ, see you Wednesday.
Dublin '06, Lisbon 1 '06, Lisbon 2 '06, London '07, Manchester '09, London '09, Dublin '10, Belfast '10, London '10, Manchester 1 '12, Manchester 2 '12, Berlin 1 '12, Berlin 2 '12, Amsterdam 1 '14, Amsterdam 2 '14, Berlin '14, Leeds '14, London 1 '18, Prague '18, Krakow '18, Berlin '18, London 2 '18, London 1 '22, London 2 '22, Budapest '22, Amsterdam 2 '22
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