The adult in this situation sat on their hand for an entire school year(the teacher) and accepted this behavior and then wants to go and one up the kid as if in a competition, sad bullying bullshit.
Congrats Teach, you made a funny.
eh we don't know that. I mean kids often have assignment books to be signed by the parent, there's parent-teacher conferences, report cards and progress reports. Just cause mom says she didn't know there was an issue doesn't make it true. All I know is this kid better do her homework next year
You say we dont know that, but you just made all sorts of generalizations in your pervious comment, your allowed, i'm not? i think your defending because your on the other side of the fence.
The adult in this situation sat on their hand for an entire school year(the teacher) and accepted this behavior and then wants to go and one up the kid as if in a competition, sad bullying bullshit.
Congrats Teach, you made a funny.
eh we don't know that. I mean kids often have assignment books to be signed by the parent, there's parent-teacher conferences, report cards and progress reports. Just cause mom says she didn't know there was an issue doesn't make it true. All I know is this kid better do her homework next year
You say we dont know that, but you just made all sorts of generalizations in your pervious comment, your allowed, i'm not? i think your defending because your on the other side of the fence.
You're allowed to do whatever you'd like The point is - we don't know. The report was based on the mom's story. I haven't heard the teacher's point of view or intent at this point. I'm not convinced this was bullying or meant to humiliate. If so, then there's an issue with the teacher for sure. A lot of parents actually sit with their kids as they do homework, help them and check it, so mom plays a role here too. I didn't realize I had to pick a side of the fence :? I'd need the full story before I did that.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Congrats Teach, you made a funny.
eh we don't know that. I mean kids often have assignment books to be signed by the parent, there's parent-teacher conferences, report cards and progress reports. Just cause mom says she didn't know there was an issue doesn't make it true. All I know is this kid better do her homework next year
You say we dont know that, but you just made all sorts of generalizations in your pervious comment, your allowed, i'm not? i think your defending because your on the other side of the fence.
Teachers are required to do what comebackgirl mentioned in her previous post when dealing with students with these types of habits. If the teacher hadn't notified the parent directly, then yes, the teacher would be stepping out of line. If it were a case where there was a language barrier or a learning disability, then yes, the teacher would be out of line.
Chances are, though, that this teacher has attempted to notify the parent and the warnings were ignored.
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
i'm sorry cmg, i'm just all wound up on this one, your a good egg.
That's ok. There was a real story that happened in my town a couple of weeks ago where special ed teachers were caught on tape verbally abusing a kid with autism. That wound me up :twisted: I really can't understand why or how anyone could do that to a child :( But most teachers really care about their students and I've seen some stories where the actual facts get skewed and distorted, so I'm just playing devil's advocate on this one. I agree with you though - if the intent was to bully, that teacher needs to be dealt with.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
i'm sorry cmg, i'm just all wound up on this one, your a good egg.
That's ok. There was a real story that happened in my town a couple of weeks ago where special ed teachers were caught on tape verbally abusing a kid with autism. That wound me up :twisted: I really can't understand why or how anyone could do that to a child :( But most teachers really care about their students and I've seen some stories where the actual facts get skewed and distorted, so I'm just playing devil's advocate on this one. I agree with you though - if the intent was to bully, that teacher needs to be dealt with.
This is second grade... yes ?
Homework is just beginning at this age. :?
Teachers vary so much in how they communicate with parents and also
how they insure success in their students. It really is up to them to let
parents know the routine that is required for the school year. What is expected
of both child and parent and what they in turn can expect from the teacher.
A comprehensive teacher will send handouts that come home the first week
explaining the weekly routine.
The first evening open house where the parents meet the teachers,
see the classroom, learn what the children will be doing during the year, reinforces this.
Directly following a few weeks later is is the one on one parent teacher conference
to discuss what is going well and what improvements can be made on an individual basis.
I wonder where all this was.
I remember very few teachers in all my years, pretty much only the kind ones,
where I excelled, mostly because of enjoying them and the subject.
Second grade...
But Mr Hanna my second grade teacher,
he gave me my nickname Pandi for the last 48 years, I remember so fondly. He went out of his way in his teaching skills and human skills to make everyone
feel like a good student.
Children need this, they did then, they do now.
They need to be treated with respect and have a teacher who is confident
the child can do the job.
And you know what, they can...
because the teacher is doing theirs.
You say we dont know that, but you just made all sorts of generalizations in your pervious comment, your allowed, i'm not? i think your defending because your on the other side of the fence.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Teachers are required to do what comebackgirl mentioned in her previous post when dealing with students with these types of habits. If the teacher hadn't notified the parent directly, then yes, the teacher would be stepping out of line. If it were a case where there was a language barrier or a learning disability, then yes, the teacher would be out of line.
Chances are, though, that this teacher has attempted to notify the parent and the warnings were ignored.
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Homework is just beginning at this age. :?
Teachers vary so much in how they communicate with parents and also
how they insure success in their students. It really is up to them to let
parents know the routine that is required for the school year. What is expected
of both child and parent and what they in turn can expect from the teacher.
A comprehensive teacher will send handouts that come home the first week
explaining the weekly routine.
The first evening open house where the parents meet the teachers,
see the classroom, learn what the children will be doing during the year, reinforces this.
Directly following a few weeks later is is the one on one parent teacher conference
to discuss what is going well and what improvements can be made on an individual basis.
I wonder where all this was.
I remember very few teachers in all my years, pretty much only the kind ones,
where I excelled, mostly because of enjoying them and the subject.
Second grade...
But Mr Hanna my second grade teacher,
he gave me my nickname Pandi for the last 48 years, I remember so fondly.
He went out of his way in his teaching skills and human skills to make everyone
feel like a good student.
Children need this, they did then, they do now.
They need to be treated with respect and have a teacher who is confident
the child can do the job.
And you know what, they can...
because the teacher is doing theirs.
I thought this was just our special moment :( I'm not sharing you! :twisted:
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"