Royal Southern Brotherhood

helplessdancerhelplessdancer Posts: 5,281
edited May 2012 in Other Music
These kats deserve their own thread
Saw them open up for 7 Walkers in NOLA
Loved the show. new(first) cd is solid+
They are touring the USA this summer and Europe in the fall

Mike Zito, Devon Allman, Cyril Neville – The soul of the south. Amplified soul for the new generation

"Before they even hit a chord, The Royal Southern Brotherhood have your attention. In the US South, where music is religion, two rock ‘n’ roll bloodlines tower above all others. In the saloon bars from Mississippi to Maryland, mere mention of the Allman and Neville Brothers casts a magic spell. Conversation falls silent. Pool balls stop rolling. Ten-gallon hats are tipped in respect and beer-bottles raised in salute. These aren’t just bands, they’re gods, and with a lineup comprising both the iconic Cyril Neville and Devon Allman, The Royal Southern Brotherhood come pre-loaded with expectations. Don’t worry: they can match them. The family tree might be auspicious, but this new band trades on talent, not genealogy. It’s not about rock history: it’s about the here-and-now"
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