so let's get this straight
Posts: 3,353
from the article:
the RNC appears to fear Paul supporters "taking Mitt Romney slots and then not abiding by GOP rules to vote for the presumptive nominee on the first ballot in Tampa."
So the party fears people who have done well at caucuses because they follow the rules, and does not fear those who have changed the rules to get their majorities: (North Dakota I am looking at you) Alaska now charging 250 to become a delegate...The RNC now partnering with Romney in Ohio (which breaks their own rule)
So why on earth would they be afraid of the Paul supporters breaking the rules...they are the only ones who are strictly following them
also, who is there to be afraid of, why worry RNC, I was told Paul had no chance and that Romney was the nominee months ago...
the RNC appears to fear Paul supporters "taking Mitt Romney slots and then not abiding by GOP rules to vote for the presumptive nominee on the first ballot in Tampa."
So the party fears people who have done well at caucuses because they follow the rules, and does not fear those who have changed the rules to get their majorities: (North Dakota I am looking at you) Alaska now charging 250 to become a delegate...The RNC now partnering with Romney in Ohio (which breaks their own rule)
So why on earth would they be afraid of the Paul supporters breaking the rules...they are the only ones who are strictly following them
also, who is there to be afraid of, why worry RNC, I was told Paul had no chance and that Romney was the nominee months ago...
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Post edited by Unknown User on
That's the way I read these stories anyway.
Like the report says, it looks like the RNC is going to be breaking one of their rules.
This may be off topic and sorry if it is, but I have a question: isn't the head of the RNC, Reince Priebus, under investigation in Wisconsin in connection with something that has to do with Scott Walker? Not sure but I'd have to look it up.
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I heard something about that too but have not looked into it...I cannot keep up with all the corruption in the RNC...hell the GOP state offices in MN were just evicted because they failed to pay the rent for months :fp:
But not only is the RNC going to break their rules...they are doing it in response to people getting to where they got by FOLLOWING THE RULES...Alanis Morissette really screwed up my perception of irony, but I believe that is a pretty damn good example.
*** maybe we should start a thread on RNC / DNC corruption...on second thought, I don't think any of us have the time to gather all the stories
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Who would have thought?
I was just contemplating how to put this and I think outside of the negro comment, I agree with you...They keep claiming the race is about Anyone but Obama, when in reality if you asked neo-cons they would rather have Obama than Paul...What we are seeing is the end of the GOP...with all the publicized dirty tricks, and all the attempts to intimidate and terrify neo-cons into coming out to support anyone but Paul, they are showing their true colors to independents, many of whom support Paul...They are becoming irrelevant...
I am just shocked how scared they are after a group of people followed their rules and is succeeding...But mostly it is shedding a light on how controlled the party nominations are and have been. They have never been a truly democratic process and that is probably what they are most afraid of...losing their stranglehold on who their nominee should be
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Agree 90% with this: "They keep claiming the race is about Anyone but Obama, when in reality if you asked neo-cons they would rather have Obama than Paul." 100% if you take religion out of the equation.
Why there aren't more people marching in the streets--whether it be Tea Party or Occupy, ti doesn't matter--is beyond me.
Knowledge is power, and the people are powerless.
some day it will happen, and I think that day is approaching, and Dr. Paul going to every college campus up to and including BERKELEY for god's sake and drawing massive crowds. People may not like his ideas but I feel like he is going after a generation that will benefit from the challenging of the conventional political wisdom. At the very least he is getting people to have debates that 20 year old kids would have never had otherwise...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
--Romney doesn’t have the full backing of the republican or conservative ‘people’ vote.
--Romney looks Republican but applies Democrat thinking policies so people find him untrustworthy.
--Romney attempts to please all groups of Republicans has left him open to criticism on his pass records. He looks like he doesn’t fall far from the Obama apple tree. This makes Ron Paul begins to look like a normal conservative Republican; thus, the RNC needs Ron Paul to come out publicly endorse Romney and tell all his followers to support Romney.
2. Major problem for Romney is that
--Romney needs a ‘strong’ conservative VP running mate. I’ll say out loud, what is being whispered, this becomes a sensitive issue for their religious base.
--The people Romney are talking to for possible VP are future candidates for President in their own rights. They run the risk of political suicide, if Romney loses or if Romney is successful and continue his policies of playing both sides of the fence, because this is going to be a very, very, nasty, personal campaign and if Romney goes down so does the future of that VP's political career. The next words you will hear from him will be, Welcome to Fox News.
Until you meet large groups of Paul supporters in person, I would hesitate to make assumptions about the group. I think you would be shocked by the number that will NOT under any circumstances vote for anyone but Paul.
If the GOP had been neutral on the election and not basically tried to silence Dr. Paul at every turn you may have been right, but I bet there would be far less rabid fans if he was in the good graces of the GOP...that would have meant he played ball with them instead of telling everyone the game is rigged. Lots of bridges that have been burnt. But really what will hurt the GOP is all the large blocks of single issue independents that would have considered Paul and will not vote for Romney...
and I don't know too many supporters of Dr. Paul that attend caucuses, take over committee majorities at the local and state level that aren't hardcore. I don't see too many presidential candidates have people climb trees to hear and see them speak...of too many candidates who routinely pull in thousands at stump I think it is hard to make any assumptions on what they will do come November...If I had to make an assumption I would say these are the 3 choices that most will fall into: abstain, vote for Johnson, or, and this is my favorite, actually get to vote for Paul on the ballot in a form other than write in (a guy can dream can't he)
but this isn't about is about the irony of complaining about groups and using very pejorative words to describe the actions of the group for FOLLOWING THE RULES THAT HAVE BEEN is awesome to see the scramble...and if Romney was the presumptive nominee and they were so confident he will win, why on earth would they waste their time worrying about Paul's strategy...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
That good grace may come sooner, if Romney selects Rand Paul as his VP, especially, since Rand Paul has already said he’ll be in 2016 pool of candidates. I don’t see Rand Paul winning over his dad’s supporters or a 2016 bid, so of all the conservatives out there fore Romney's choosing, this maybe his best option.
But they won't vote for Obama; so, will they sit this election out?
I hope Ron Paul runs as an independent/lib. He NEEDS to be in the debates, and this is coming from someone who is not a Paul supporter--though I do jive with some of his ideas.