A tour of my comically ostentatious pedalboard

So first of all, I'm fully aware that this pedalboard makes me look like a total douche but at the same time, being an automation engineer, I couldn't stop once I started heading towards building something like a rack system without having to build a rack.
The heart of this thing is that musicomlab switcher. Basically a programmable true bypass patch bay but it also sends MIDI commands and can control amp channels as well if required. It's really slick and is the most space efficient way I've seen to fit 8 bypass loops on a pedalboard. It also contains buffers before Loop 1 and Loop 5 and an insert between Loops 4 and 5. It's very easy to program.
So I built this thing. Because I can. And it was fun. And I actually find it very useful. It is basically a rack system on the floor and looks slightly less douchey than toting around a rack. And I like effects. And making things do neat stuff. :fp:
The signal path is;
-Cantrell wah
-EFX unit:
* Loop 1 - my DIY dynacomp clone.
* Loop 2 - Line 6 M9 (the patches are changed by MIDI from the EFX) doing filters, compressors, boosts, modulation and some delays
* Loop 3 - MXR 78 Distortion with a GE-7 after it. I really like the distortion but the EQ of the pedal isn't optimal for my amp so I stuck the GE-7 in there
* Loop 4 - Way Huge Green Rhino (a tubescreamer)
The EFX then has an out to insert other effects so the volume pedal is next. The EFX also has a tuner output that activates when you hit the mute switch so the TU-2 is plugged into that.
* Loop 5 - my DIY OCD clone. I added an output buffer to the circuit to help it get along with other pedals.
* Loop 6 - a send to the Diamond Memory Lane Jr. An analog voice digital delay. Sounds very good. The output of this goes to a second amp (or mixer input) and is set for delays only (no dry signal). The EFXs loops are configured that plugging into a loop send jack doesn't cut the signal through the unit, meaning you can run simultaneous parallel outputs from it.
* Loop 7 - a send to the right input/output of the Line 6 M5 (again, the patches are changed by MIDI) doing reverbs and delays. Again, goes to the second amp or mixer input for more stereo options. Basically, if the M5 is being used for reverb, I have loop 7 on to do stereo reverb. If it's set for delay, Loop is off.
* Loop 8 - the left input/output of the M5.
Out to the black patch box which I'm still experimenting with. The lowest output is the main output which goes to one amp. The middle one is the output from the Memory Lane and the top one is the output from one side of the M5 which go to the other amp. These last two outputs have volume controls to sort of blend delay and reverb. I'm having phase issues though since the M5 and memory lane are out of phase and will cancel each other. So I'm not sure I'll be able to get it to do what I want but we'll see. It'll end up being an active blender circuit probably.
The tap pedal is plugged into an expression jack on the EFX which you can then configure to send tap commands via MIDI so it's set to send tap tempo to the M5. I can hit the tap tempo on the memory lane and the M5 at the same time because now they're right beside each other. Useful for stereo delay.
Line 6 doesn't implement MIDI thru on their devices for some reason so I needed that little MIDI box underneath to split the signal from the EFX to the MIDI inputs on the M5 and M9. Normally you can daisy chain MIDI devices but not with Line 6. An easy fix but annoying.
Power units are a voodoo lab PP2 and ISO5 plus wall warts for the M9 and M5.
Post edited by Unknown User on
you sir are not a douche.
you are a mad scientist
is it bad that i have been gigging for 10 years and would like to think that i have a decent understanding of gear and i did not understand half of what you described above? :oops:
i have never experimented with some of the things you have on there. partly because what i have always used works for me and partly because i like my rig as simple as possible. it is easier to troubleshoot that way.
that said, if i had unlimited time and unlimited funds i would attempt to make a board like you have done. the lead player in my band has done something similar. he has a trailer trash board and a couple of pedal power bricks and like 16 pedals on there and all effects are on at all times, but he has these pre-set settings assigned to a 4 button switch which disengages certain pedals to give him the tones he wants. i am guessing it is similar to what you have. it is pretty cool too... i give him shit all of the time because he has a 1981 jcm 800 and i never get to hear his amp tone
nice work. your board is awesome.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Savage set up!
Millstreet Arena - Oct 24, 1996
The Point - Oct 26, 1996
The Point - Jun 01, 2000
The Point - Aug 23, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
Manchester Evening News Arena - Aug 17, 2009
The O2 - Jun 22, 2010
Odyssey Arena - Jun 23, 2010
Manchester Evening News Arena - Jun 20 2012
Amsterdam Ziggo Dome - Jun 26 2012
Amsterdam Ziggo Dome - Jun 16 2014
That's one bad ass rack.
If Built to Spill ever adds a 4th guitarist, I'm sending them your way!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's what I need to build in order to blend the delay and reverb signals for the second amp. Well, I really just need the phase switch part of it but we'll see.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
I have wired up a bunch of pedal boards like yours but yours is the first one I've seen that has the bottom like it does. That's a smart way to do that, instead of drilling through velcro and plywood. Very clean.
I'll bite, so the stupid question of the day is "is the Altoids box there to hold picks?"
Legends have been doing this for years...
The typical Buckley big reverb sound.
And the typical POG organ sound.
Both of those are presets. Go from completely dry guitar to that with one click.
I ditched the MXR 78 distortion and equalizer and filled the space with an EHX POG 2. To replace the 78's distortion tone I'm actually using the Tube Drive model in the M9 now. I like it better.
I now dream of designing and building these things as a business. Too bad there's no market for it here.
BTW, I listened to some of your soundcloud tracks, very nice. The pedalboard demos were sweet, the Buckley and U2 stuff, but I also dug the two songs on there. Just makes me wish we lived close, I would be in your band for sure. Makes me wish I had my recording gear around, so I could get my own ass in gear and put stuff up. I haven't recorded anything in too long.
I would like to try to set up some sort of remote recording thing but of course now I'm using Logic instead of protools which makes that even more difficult I suppose.
I'm loving this pedalboard though. Totally amp-free. Of course it's just the same thing that the PODs/HDs can do, or the AxeFX, or eleven racks, made bulkier and more expensive but I like the personal touch you only get from hired goons, I mean, real pedals. The Tech 21s sound so much better to my ears than PODs.
The timefactor has been great. It's power far surpasses the M9. Having stereo delays available across all models instead of just one is excellent. I'm more on the fence about the space. It's really hard to dial but sounds great once you do. Plus it allows modulated reverbs which sound brilliant. However, the Line 6 plate model does the Buckley thing a bit better, mostly in the predelay. Lacks the modulation though. Luckily I have all the Line 6 stuff still available in the M5 and in my POD farm plug-in in logic. The Space chokes on preset changes a little bit but I'm hoping a software update cures that. Lots of people complaining about it on their forums.
Easy to Grab and Go too becuause there's no need for amps.
Now all you need is a lefty Jeff Tweedy SG... and you know the requisite time to have fun with it all.
The wiring is brilliant.
I really like having everything within sight though so I can tell exactly what's going on and any adjustments are right at my feet.
If I ever do need actual powered speakers with it I think I'll just try the Tech 21 Power Engines.
Not a tube to be seen. :fp:
My amps are gathering dust.
Please ship all tube related material to Northwest Ohio.... PM for details... I'll post pictures off everything you send on facebook so you can see how they are all doing...