Wall Street and Main Street

A question(s) that we can all ponder, answer, and discuss:
Was there a time when there existed a strong positive connection between Wall Street and Main Street? When there was a direct correlation between Wall Street's successes and the growth of Main Street? When one rooted for the other and worked with the other?
Was there a time when there existed a strong positive connection between Wall Street and Main Street? When there was a direct correlation between Wall Street's successes and the growth of Main Street? When one rooted for the other and worked with the other?
Post edited by Unknown User on
not sure what you mean by main street and wall street. In reference to wall street are you referring to traders, banks, or individual businesses? What do you mean by main street?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Dude. I've read your posts; we've conversed. You know what I mean; i.e. you're smart enough to decipher.
But, to clarify, I mean the performance of the stock market: does a growing stock market also mean a growth in wealth for Main Street: middle-class Americans, small businesses, etc.
Are the two intertwined? or, is Wall Street so far removed from Main Street that they are only concerned with their own benefit?
The Dow typically leads GDP growth by about 6 or so months, if that means anything. They are positively correlated. So, I'd say they are connected, since GDP growth effects every single person - main streeters or wall streeters.
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while I appreciate the complement, I wasn't sure what relationship you were talking about. I had a feeling it was something like that, but I didn't want to assume anything, been burned by that before in life in some very interesting ways
As Inlet has pointed out...the prosperity gap can grow when all sides are better off... Sure main street and the middle class can be healthy in a up cycle, but we are finding now that doesn't have to be the case with the current stock market ups. as the dow rises it doesn't have to mean better things for the middle class, but usually the middle class will only "do better" if wall street is cooking. As my buddy puts it...You pay me when i make you money, and you pay me when I don't...
So after a long winded and I am sure confusing answer, they are loosely intertwined but it appears that the relationship is pretty much one way.
who knows...I have had a very long week not sure my brain is still firing
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
No, you're right, it is now a one-way relationship.