Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue Meltdown

So, the light bulb under the red power on jewel had been burned out for a month or so. I found a replacement and tried to install it. But for the love of christ, i couldnt get it in. IM aware that you have to push down and make a quarter turn clockwise to install and counter clock to remove. So after an hour of this i said "fuck it" and decided that i woiuld forget it and start playing. Its been working fine without it. So i set up, plug in, and there no sound coming from my speaker. Also, none of the tubes are lighting up. I checked the speaker connections and everyhing was fine.I removed the fuse and it dosent appear to be burnt. This amp has never failed me in the year ive had it except the little power om buld burning out. Someone please help me, the closeet Fender Electronics Service Center is 80 miles away and it would leave me without my amp ffpr a few weeks to a few months.
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A few years back, a buddy of mine bought a brand-new Hot Rod Deluxe, which fit his needs pretty nicely. Occasionally, he would run an extension cab, so at one gig, he had the amp and cab running, when all of a sudden, the amp started freaking out. I jumped on stage and plugged the extension speaker into the primary jack (the one the internal speaker is normally plugged into) and it seemed to work fine after that. We took the amp in to the service center, and they determined that it had something like 3 or 4 cold solder joints across the entire chassis, so they fixed it up and sent us on our way. Never had a problem after that, but still... brand new amp. Ridiculous.
I've seen and fixed cold solder joints on two different valve juniors, a tiny terror, and my powered sub woofer on my surround sound....
Nothing surprises me...
Funny enough...
This is a band I was never a member of, but every member of the band bought gear from me at one time or another. 5 guys, all bought something from me over the years. So the guy who bought the cold-soldered Hot Rod Deluxe used an old Crate Blue Voodoo 4x10 cab I owned years ago, and which I took the stock speakers out of and replaced with some Weber alnicos so as to use it with a Fender Bassman head. He ran the internal 12" as well as the 4x10 cab. Made that amp a lot more wooly and ballsy.
Glad your amp came back from the doc with nary a scratch. Reminds me of when I blew up the first amp I ever owned, never good to take an amp to the tech and not know what the eff is wrong.