RSD Clutch Pigtown Blues

If anyone sees this I would be so grateful if you could pick it up for me!! There was only 1 copy in the whole of my city and it went before I could get it. I'm so gutted about it!!
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Post edited by Unknown User on
You got 2!?! Do you have plans for the spare one
Yeah I heard Neil's voice was out. I hear you about headline shows. There haven't been any over here since December of '09. Previous to that there used to be at least 2 headline tours per year. I'm desperate for a full UK headline tour!
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I have a feeling we'll be in for a huge headlining show once the new album finally comes out.
I love these "in-between" tours because you get some real gems. I saw them in Youngstown at this hell-hole that is no longer around shortly before Blast Tyrant came out. Its still the best Clutch show I've ever seen. They played "Cattle Car", "La Colundera" (we got the setlist and this is how it was spelled originally), "Willie Nelson" (which Tim has gone on record as saying he hates), and an early version of "Promoter". Might have even got "Guild of Mute Assassins" as well, I can't remember. It was 1000 degrees, met Neil before the show and he politely declined to play "David Rose" for us, chipped a tooth...awesome friggin' show. Couldn't have been more than 300 people there and it was completely packed.