
  • iOnlyownMymindiOnlyownMymind Posts: 2,889
    I was :? there for a minute...
  • javis el errantejavis el errante Buenos Aires Posts: 6,140
    that song is beautiful... I don't remember how I came accross this, but I saw lots of videos and listen to lots of songs, got the into the wild song for free, beautiful...
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

  • Nevermind90Nevermind90 Posts: 722
    pretty nice one
    ~ Enjoy The Struggle
  • Stardog3..Stardog3.. Posts: 1,527
    Wow I really enjoyed this. Thanks for posting! Going to be definitely listening to more of her stuff here soon.
  • drewdawgqdrewdawgq Posts: 168
    This past weekend I was in Las Vegas. I arrived on Thursday and was sitting with a buddy in a bar in the Cosmopolitan waiting for the rest of my crew to arrive. This band came up on stage and starting doing a soundcheck. Considering it was just a random bar in the middle of a casino, we figured it was a cover band. They messed with their sound for probably an hour. It was kind of annoying. I didn't realize what they were doing until after the show; making sure they sounded absolutely incredible. Then they played two songs. My buddy and I were like "what just happened"? They sounded good and we had never heard those songs before. We asked our waitress what was up and she said the band would be playing tonight at 10pm. We spent the rest of the evening in the bar waiting for our party to arrive and decided we would watch the show (it was free).

    10pm rolls around and the band comes out. This girl says "I'm LP, and we're LP, thanks for coming out". At this point there is only about 20 people in the bar. They play one song and a few more people come. Then they cover "Where did you sleep last night". More people come, then LP starts showcasing her voice and more people come. Then they cover Beyonce's Halo and LP sings it amazingly. Now there's a traffic jam in the place and no one can walk past without stopping to listen. They play a few more songs including Levitator and finishing with Into the Wild. The crowd went nuts.

    I was really impressed by these guys so I went home and downloaded the EP. Her band might be a house band or whatever but she is the real deal. I give it 6 months and she'll be all over Alt Nation.

    If you've never heard of them, listen to Into the Wild then listen to Levitator. Then go ahead and download the EP from Amazon. Your Welcome.
    Tread Lightly.
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