Choices, Choices...

evenflowevenflow Posts: 401
edited July 2008 in Given To Fly (live)
Alright, I've decided to go ahead and splurge. I wanna buy three more shows from the tour, but which 3 should it be? I've already got West Palm Beach, Tampa, and Bonnaroo ('cus those are the shows I went to) but I'm clueless as to the others.

I know everyone says Camden was great, but which one? I understand that a lot of people have been upset over the quality of the sound (they remind me of back in the day whenever the boots were crowd recorded and cost $50), but that's not biggest concern. I'm looking (or listining, rather) for the 3 with the most emotion and fun. I'm not really concerened so much about the setlist and if a rare song was played or not, but just the top shows overall.

Also, which show would you say has the best version of Alive (besides 'Roo). I know a lot of "hardcore" fans don't really like this song but live, to me it doesn't get any better. The whole stadium singing at the top of their lungs, Jeff and Matt's power groove, Ed pumping up the crowd, and of course, Mike melting people's face with an extended solo.
How can anyone deny the power of this song live?
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