swap Vegas night 2 for Vegas night 1 OR ??

Wheels50Wheels50 Posts: 2
edited April 2012 in Given To Fly (live)
Ok. How I trade you both my night one&night two tickets for 2, night one tickets? I will pay the difference? Im leaving for las vegas soon (:-) monday ... have hard copy tix. Big fan with no luck w/ 10c, or TM. Trying to to get myself, and my friend in for night one. Anyway, <!-- e --><a href="mailto:karenalive@hotmail.com">karenalive@hotmail.com</a><!-- e -->. Give me a buzz. Cant wait for show, no mattter what happens with the tickets. I get to see Ed .... old post: One ticket. Email me...this is a TM harcopy tx. not FC.
I don't wanna think, I wanna Feel. How do I ...
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