Enjoy them now because it's only a matter of time before the Chinese will eventually wipe out the entire species with their barbaric practice of shark finning. There are now less great whites out there than tigers which are another animal being destroyed by the Chinese.
I love animal shots too. I don't think I can EVER get enough of that little animated .gif of one penguin whacking another penguin in the back of the head and ending him in the water. I don't know how many hours I have spent watching that thing over the past 4 years.
this is hilarious
and the shark is smiling as well...
as if it has just smoke a joint...
I love animal shots too. I don't think I can EVER get enough of that little animated .gif of one penguin whacking another penguin in the back of the head and ending him in the water. I don't know how many hours I have spent watching that thing over the past 4 years.