This Could Be The Day?



  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    So when your own son forgets his mother's birthday and he is the ONLY thing worth living for..
    what's then worth living for if you aren't worth enough for the person you gave life to think your anything special.

    that's my only and last resort my back up plan was just fowl smelling insanity. :cry:
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    BhagavadGita, I think you're making yourself sad needlessly. Staying stuck on Ed makes you unhappy because you can't have him. Even if he wasn't a front-man in a band, he is a man in love and married to someone else. It's that simple. He's not available.

    Would you drive yourself crazy like this over the guy down the block who didn't love you and was in love with his own wife? I don't think so. So, why do you do it for Ed? He's just as unavailable as a person you might meet under other circumstances! You imagine that somehow it's different because he seems larger than life to you, BUT, essentially it's not.

    Despite his job, he's still a man in love with his own wife and unavailable to you. Period. No more, no less.

    Don't hang on and hang on and hope for something. It's not good for you!

    Be a fan, be a supporter, be a giver of love, but don't keep wanting more than that. It ain't gonna happen. :geek:
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    edited April 2012
    justam wrote:
    BhagavadGita, I think you're making yourself sad needlessly. Staying stuck on Ed makes you unhappy because you can't have him. Even if he wasn't a front-man in a band, he is a man in love and married to someone else. It's that simple. He's not available.

    Would you drive yourself crazy like this over the guy down the block who didn't love you and was in love with his own wife? I don't think so. So, why do you do it for Ed? He's just as unavailable as a person you might meet under other circumstances! You imagine that somehow it's different because he seems larger than life to you, BUT, essentially it's not.

    Despite his job, he's still a man in love with his own wife and unavailable to you. Period. No more, no less.

    Don't hang on and hang on and hope for something. It's not good for you!

    Be a fan, be a supporter, be a giver of love, but don't keep wanting more than that. It ain't gonna happen.


    You don't have anyclue what you just did. You took MY STORY my life and shit on it and did you that my precious story with shit on it now forever was going to help people with mental illness. How dare you fucking judge me. who made you God.

    Yea I'm gonna say fuck several times here because if you were smart enough to read it instead of being some pompous man you might have seen a woman writing about something she was fucking scared to say Notice how gentle most people were to me.

    Well if you had a small dick should I come out and tell you in front of abunch of other people that know too. I know that you know you have a small dick but I have some emptahy not to bring your tragic flow out. So hey if you never fuck another woman because of my hasty and unthought out remark..join the fucking club. I think you just stop a story that might have helped millions and sent me to be thinking i have no purpose anymore want waht the fuck do you know. I could be sleeping with him and what do you know you ass?!
    OH YOU MR DOWN TO EARTH THE NEXT TIME YOU HAVE 20 YEARS OF PROPHETIC DREAMS YOU DID NOT ASK FOR AND THEN BE TOLD YOUR INSANE AND THEN ARE DRUGGED FOR YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOU REALIZE YOU ARE INSANE AND YOUR THOUGHTS WONT STOP AND THEN SOME ASSHOLE ON A MESSAGE BOARD WHO THINKS IM A STALKER ANDthat i HAVE NO CLUE HE LOVES SOMEONE ELSE. DON'T YOU THINK THAT IS MY NIGHTMARE AND THAT WRITING THIS OUT IS THE ONLY WAY I KEEP FORM CUTTING MY WRIST BECAUSE PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE TO JUDGE THINGS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. fuck you and i mean fuck you who ever you are.. ban this thread i dont' care. just more incentive to believe my instincts that this was a safe place were wrong and if your instincts are wrong. why live... still small voices are just insanity. you have no decent way to talk to a person who is ill?
    Hey is that propane or gasoline that you just dumped on the fire hell that his my birthday. Did you not just see my last post pouring my heart out as a mom. Fuck you and your lack of compassion. I'm not arguing what you say but the cruel timing makes me think someday your in for the same kind of hell you just put me in on a day I didn't deserve. IT fuck you also if you don't understand that my writing is the only thing that keeps me alive.

    go live your righetous life and don't worry..i'll eventually take my own anyway you fuck head. I always thought you were kind. If you can't say anything nice then don't make others suffer more unneedlessly.

    i bet you feel all good about yourself now. have a lovely life. I'm sure you do.

    i hate this place.
    Post edited by BhagavadGita on
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    Yea well I guess this is my last post as everyone obvisously thinks i'm a stupid piece of shit and if i could i would blank out every fucking thing i have said on here thinking you people would have pity on me. I can't edit them cause some fuckhead changed it so i have to stay embarassed and ashamed by who I am.

    Ban the fuck out of me the very thing Ed hates. CENSOR MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I DON'T FUCKING MATTER TO ANY OF YOU AND I HATE myself very ever giving a shit. :cry:
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    edited April 2012
    I thought Pearl Jam fan thought on another level.

    Turn out your all as realitically cruel a the world appear to be.

    For all i know Ed wrote that and the shit is on my face.

    I feel like a 3 year old and God hid Easter egg and they are all rotten and you Justam are the fucked up assistant who did it for him.

    This place was kind and gentle enough with me to let me only take one unloving remark to make all people/writers of truth lose all hope. i try to forgive. If my child somehow (and he did call) if he knew where the fuck you lived he would come kick your ass cause he knows his mommy is trying hard to live well. trying hard to have something anything her writing comes alone and helps and if my on was not so sweet, I think he would find a nonviolent way to fuck up your mind One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest way and just sick back in terror and watch you have panic attacks from uncontrollable forces you can't explain and since you just fucked up his mothers precious attempt,,,he figures if he thinks about something long enough something shitty is going to happen to you cause he know the laws of karma. What compelled your know it all attitude. Ohhhhyou have over a billion post...oh your so important and repected. Better protect your precious Eddie. YOu a fucking man. Go watch some sports and get out of this womans head.

    somehow to forgive a fellow jamily member who make his mom so sad that she stops believing in God and goes back to not killing herself wtih her thougth everyday that she always dreamed she would write a fairy tale.


    never thougtht this place would throw me down the well. if the moderators were doing their job they would ban me..they would bad anyfuck head who hurt innocent poets. :twisted:
    Post edited by BhagavadGita on
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    note to you:

    if that was your way with tough love and your not intereted in sickos and our problems well point taken.


    I'm no longer you fucking playtoy live your life have happiness.

    I'll just sit around waiting to die.
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    So when your own son forgets his mother's birthday and he is the ONLY thing worth living for..
    what's then worth living for if you aren't worth enough for the person you gave life to think your anything special.

    that's my only and last resort my back up plan was just fowl smelling insanity. :cry:

    Happy birthday. I'm glad your son called. Walk away from the computer and do something you can enjoy on this special day.

    P.S. I don't believe justam was trying to be cruel. I hope you can forgive her when you are not so upset anymore. Please don't stop writing here. Writing is a great way to let your emotions out.
  • BhagavadGitaBhagavadGita Posts: 1,748
    Ha it's even wore. JUSTAM Is a woman!

    i bet you ahve a wonderful husband.

    go fuckyourself
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    Ha it's even wore. JUSTAM Is a woman!

    i bet you ahve a wonderful husband.

    go fuckyourself

    Was that last comment to me?
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    I'm really sorry I said anything. I was only suggesting you let it go because it was making you unhappy. :?
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