The only way you could ever fail is if you never tried.

From 10,000 feet,
the roads are empty
scratches on a wooden cupboard
from an unskilled boy,
our houses, dust to be
swept under his bed.
From 1,000 feet,
trees have character:
individual beings separated
from overspilled paint.
Our vehicles show us
Lite-Brite gridlock.
From 100 feet,
faces are shaded.
Hair colors the foliage
of our dying hope.
Our smiles, the bags we
hang over our heads.
From 10 feet,
your eyes tempt mine.
Only a month or twelve
since last reading you.
Our palms, the sweating
symbols of our nerves.
From 2 feet…
On 2 feet…
Off 2 feet…
Now boarding.
Unknown destination.
Is there enough fuel
to get us there?
Has your chin recovered?
I rubbed you raw.
I made my mark.
You did, too.
And the moon keeps hiding
behind that old cedar
and this eastbound engine:
pendulum rocking you to sleep.
Hush, my baby.
Don’t you cry.
One day at a time,
and we can make it out alive.
the roads are empty
scratches on a wooden cupboard
from an unskilled boy,
our houses, dust to be
swept under his bed.
From 1,000 feet,
trees have character:
individual beings separated
from overspilled paint.
Our vehicles show us
Lite-Brite gridlock.
From 100 feet,
faces are shaded.
Hair colors the foliage
of our dying hope.
Our smiles, the bags we
hang over our heads.
From 10 feet,
your eyes tempt mine.
Only a month or twelve
since last reading you.
Our palms, the sweating
symbols of our nerves.
From 2 feet…
On 2 feet…
Off 2 feet…
Now boarding.
Unknown destination.
Is there enough fuel
to get us there?
Has your chin recovered?
I rubbed you raw.
I made my mark.
You did, too.
And the moon keeps hiding
behind that old cedar
and this eastbound engine:
pendulum rocking you to sleep.
Hush, my baby.
Don’t you cry.
One day at a time,
and we can make it out alive.