Want Vedder solo tour hoodie L / who needs euro tour hoodie

janvanderdamjanvanderdam Posts: 524
edited May 2012 in Lost Dogs
Is there anyone willing to get me an Eddie Vedder crashious tour hoodie in size L? I can PayPal the money upfront. We could also work out a trade for the pearl jam European tour hoodie.
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  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,568
    Is there anyone willing to get me an Eddie Vedder crashious tour hoodie in size L? I can PayPal the money upfront. We could also work out a trade for the pearl jam European tour hoodie.

    Can't help, but I hope you find someone.

    After he's taken care of...anyone willing to buy a XXL for me? Or potentially a XXL europe for me? I can certainly paypal ahead of time as well.

    Good luck janvanderdam.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • I can get you an xxl Europe hoodie if you want. Get back the beginning of June to work out the details.

    Anyone else in need of a hoodie?
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,568
    I can get you an xxl Europe hoodie if you want. Get back the beginning of June to work out the details.

    Anyone else in need of a hoodie?

    Will do!!!
    hippiemom = goodness
  • DuncsDuncs Posts: 423
    Just curious. How do you know about the Vedder solo tour hoodie already?? Know any more details?
  • If the EV hoodie from this tour is similar to the one from last summer I'd love to get my hands on an XL. Still kicking myself that I didn't buy one in Hartford last year. Keep meaning to post on here to see if anyone has one but maybe I'll just try to get someone to pick me up one from the new tour.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,568
    Duncs wrote:
    Just curious. How do you know about the Vedder solo tour hoodie already?? Know any more details?

    Crash sent out an email stating he had worked on a design with Ed and mentioned something about upcoming Pearl Jam tour as well.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    I can get you an xxl Europe hoodie if you want. Get back the beginning of June to work out the details.

    Anyone else in need of a hoodie?

    I'd take a Euro hoodie if you are willing to pick it up for me :mrgreen:
  • guypjfreakguypjfreak Posts: 2,281
    uuummm have to keep my eye on this thread ................euro tour uuummmm sounds good :D
  • I can't get dozens of hoodies, but maybe I can buy a few. There are 2 nights so maybe I can buy a few each night.

    If you're interested send a mail with your size and I can see what I can do.

    But priority is trading one for the vedder solo tour hoodie in size L.
  • And maybe trade 1 plus cash for the 2005 black crashious Canada hoodie in size L.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,568
    I can't get dozens of hoodies, but maybe I can buy a few. There are 2 nights so maybe I can buy a few each night.

    If you're interested send a mail with your size and I can see what I can do.

    But priority is trading one for the vedder solo tour hoodie in size L.

    Understood. Good luck.

    You might want to email Crash and see if he has a 05 canada left. I just bought one of his website last month.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • What size did you buy and how much did it cost? And can you send me his personal e-mail address? I really need one in size L.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,568
    What size did you buy and how much did it cost?

    It was an XXL...his slim hoodies are a must to size up. The price, well, it was ridiculous. $175. I know, I'm a sucker.

    But he did contact me after and offer to add some embellishments, etc to make it a true 1 of 1. It's in the mail, can't wait to see it.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Do you have his e-mail?
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,568
    Do you have his e-mail?

    <!-- e --><a href="mailto:crashious@gmail.com">crashious@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Thanks.

    Send me a mail if you want a pearl jam 2012 European hoodie with you size. My e-mail: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:j.vanderdam@planet.nl">j.vanderdam@planet.nl</a><!-- e -->. I think they will be 60 to 70 euro, shipping outside of Europe between 20 and 25 euro.
  • janvanderdamjanvanderdam Posts: 524
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