Guitar to Ukulele chords

I've been learning guitar for a few years. Got a gift certificate to a local music shop. Was going to buy a Ukulele to play around with. Question, if I'm jamming with a friend and he is playing A on guitar (or Em, or C, or whatever) will that chord translate into the same chord on a Ukulele? Would we both play the same chords/keys on stuff?
Not quite sure if my question is clear enough. Hopefully you get what I'm asking.
Not quite sure if my question is clear enough. Hopefully you get what I'm asking.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Chords translate from gtr to uke. An A chord played on gtr and an A chord played on Uke will sound very nice together.
Your finger positions are not identical though, if that's what you're asking.
A uke is tuned to G C E A.
Glad I could help.
I am also relatively new to the ukulele. I have been playing guitar for years but about a year ago I decided to pick up a mid-level uke and learn how to play blues uke. Then Ed's album came out several months later. Cool.
I scored a really cool reso-uke a month ago! It's awesome.
Good luck with your playing.
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have fun
Such a great resource. If you are really into the uke, spend some time there. the forums are full of people ready, willing and able to help with any questions that you may have