Tick tock

A direct connection between feelings and expression
stars and planets and silver-white haze thrown in
larger than peas on the ground
yes, bigger than human green beans!
humor is good, we need it
communication is freedom, isn't it?
speak when we want to
hold our own piece when we want to
(it's desire both ways)
want to, don't want to
say it, don't say it
walk, talk, be, think aloud
think silently too
follow the scent, or don't!
find the breadcrumbs or fall down
it depends on the rain or the lack of it
but quiet steps are fine sometimes
just as noise is fun at others
noise is reassuring sometimes
hear a foot-fall on the stairs
ear a scraping of a chair
hear a garage door open and a key in a lock
sigh, roll over, see the clock
sound and silence, okay
larger than peas on the ground
sweeter than ten jelly beans
smaller than stars and planets lined up above
stars and planets and silver-white haze thrown in
larger than peas on the ground
yes, bigger than human green beans!
humor is good, we need it
communication is freedom, isn't it?
speak when we want to
hold our own piece when we want to
(it's desire both ways)
want to, don't want to
say it, don't say it
walk, talk, be, think aloud
think silently too
follow the scent, or don't!
find the breadcrumbs or fall down
it depends on the rain or the lack of it
but quiet steps are fine sometimes
just as noise is fun at others
noise is reassuring sometimes
hear a foot-fall on the stairs
ear a scraping of a chair
hear a garage door open and a key in a lock
sigh, roll over, see the clock
sound and silence, okay
larger than peas on the ground
sweeter than ten jelly beans
smaller than stars and planets lined up above