Is it wrong?

To say Im beginning to hate this country, most of the idiots in it and want to move the f' out of here? Though Im beginning to hate everyone lately.
Somehow i fell if I dont get out of here Im going to lose my joy sense of wonder and excitement I have about the world and its people which I once had and Im quickly losing. Im beginning to think youre all a bunch of joy stealing pricks.
Maybe its not think its KNOW. I havent found anyone to prove it otherwise, as of yet.
Anyway, change of pace may do me some good.

Anyway, change of pace may do me some good.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I get a little tired of the same thing but I understand that I'm not the only opinion or idea on the train and that I am not always right...not always wrong either tho, it might be a good idea to understand that this is a forum we can all express our opinions and ideas on and we should be able to do that with out being called names or put into a catogory created to demean others opinions or ideas, if you feel your being sorounded by people you call joy stealing pricks that are stealing your sense of wonder and excitement you have about the world then maybe it is time you took a break frome the train just to save yourself from the horrible people you believe to be less than you in the world we share....just say'n it ain't as bad as you think it is.
My advice is don't waste time with hate for another minute of your life. It is the source of only more hate and puts a limitation on all learning and growth. To paraphrase Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Also, be grace in the face of nature. You will always walk away with love in your heart. Be ready to defend your liberty and that what you love as well. These are righteous causes if they come from a sincere heart. And by all means I agree with Godfather, if you are around negative joyless people remove yourself. Life is too short. Surround yourself with driven and loving people instead and that is what you'll cultivate.
Check out: Zen And the Art of Happiness By Chris Prentiss. Puts a great spin on how to handle life and grow from it's challenges.
Peace brother and don't let anything get ya down.
while i agree that this country and it's inhabitants are out of control and have lost all sense of what is important, maybe it's time that "we" act rather than comment. Because most people are just going to continue doing what pisses us off in the first place.
I never said I was miserable. Just because I think the world around me is full of pricks doesnt mean that Im not happy as a person, just calling it like I see it. Seems to want to suck the life out of me thats all.
really? no place to hide? Im not one who likes to stay in one place for long, maybe thats my problem Im getting itchy to move again
Life is all about energy.The more positive energy you're involved with, the happier you'll feel.
As you get better/happier in life you enable the people around you to get better/happier as well.
One thing I will tell you is, I used to post here "A Moving Train" a lot, and It never made me happy. I think discussion boards are a huge waste of time and energy, thats the reason why I rarely post here anymore.
Spend some time away from politics/internet/TV, and spend some time with (if you have one) family, start a fire in your back yard, play some music, Identify with things YOU can control.
Surround your self with people who make you happy, It dosent make any sense sharing your (private) life with people who don't make you happy.
Doesn't exist in this world.
Look around you, dying dolphins, people killing each other, starving children, people violating nature... people violating each other, bullies, harassment, this place screams I need fucking help... then there is just a handful say okay, im doing my best and the rest well, dont give a ratass. How can you sleep at night? Tell me how successful are human beings really? Or is it just an selfish individual plan that you think is getting you everywhere that in the end get you nowhere?
Then you wonder why people become atheist.
For all the shit that goes on around us - in this nation, in this world - I believe there's more beauty, and more to be appreciative of and take wonder in, than not.
Most days the glass is half-full...some others, not so much.
Anyway, wanderlust is a good thing. Not for finding somewhere to hide, but a new place to emerge.
In Hiding comes to mind, now.
Posts like this make me wish that "A Moving Train" had a TEEN section...
if one has lost faith in society put it in God, here you find the endless journey
past the pain and anguish, injustice and cruelty of this world to the path
The why don't you just leave France?
I think I missed my calling..... political joke writer...
Im making myself laugh "When is the last time you saw the Chinese Military in action besides harassing a bunch of innocent Tibetans? "
You weren't happy making mis-informed posts about welfare recipients and preaching about individual responsibility?
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
The Golden Rule will help you also ... it is positive joy
The other thing is, when I get to that strongest point of feeling misanthropic I'll eventually realize I'm also mad at my own stinking rotten self (if we're honest, we all know we have at least a little stinking rotten self in us) and then I feel motivated to do something useful to- to help someone or some critter or some thing- taking care of the garden, planting a tree, etc. Or save a rock from the bulldozer. I'm serious. I love saving rocks. Saving a rock from being crushed is a worthy action and puts everything in perspective.
The other thing that helps- look into the eyes of a loving dog, or admire the self confidence of an independent cat.
But also
There is so much good
So much love
Sometimes it's hard to find amongst all you mention above
But it's there
I know
Even on these boards
Even on the train
you've just made everybody think about how much love there is in the world...I love you too Sweetchild
another Amen from me!