My new office, two walls of glass, one faces the IL parking lot,
the other a lovely cool green woods. Both inspiring.
My office ... I like the sound of that!
The other two walls have a glass window in each,
JB had windows put in all the work spaces.
It's nice for the flow and the eyes can wander beyond the walls,
walls we painted bold fall tones, each different, yet in theme.
JB sits on the other side of the window in the main lobby office.
He says all he can see of me is an inch of blonde hair on the top of my head ...
that gives him a funny feeling.
I tell him... if I'm having a bad hair day he might not know I'm there ...
he laughs and says ... "uh oh! more funny feeling."
I haven't been there for three and a half years. February 18, 2009,
when my injury changed me forever.
Now JB's voice, his whistling, his drumming fingers will fill my days.
My children's faces brighten my office, no matter the mood,
they are comforting, more than they may ever know.
Daughter comes in smiling, she quickly steals some mixed nuts and says ...
"oh! I knew you'd have a good snack around."
Son thanks me for the last night's dinner wrap hidden in Dad's cooler,
munching it he adds "I love you Mom" and strolls to the back warehouse.
So here I am,
in some ways it feels like I was never gone,
other ways ...
like I was never there at all.
I just know my car sits in the parking lot next to JB's,
this is where I am supposed to be.
A new chapter is being written ...
the old closed but never forgotten.
under the bridge time passes slowly
the world hurries by
doesn't see him at all
covered in a dirty blanket
some spares in his shopping cart
winter will be here soon
though time passes slowly
his hair is thick and matted
hasn't seen a brush in over a year
his face once clean shaven
now sports a salt and pepper beard
his mother speaks to him quietly
words he loved before
his father comes to visit
in the pictures in his head
he's not sure if it's his birthday
or how old he'd be if it was
he's not sure what city this is
or how long he lived here for
he is alone not lonely
cause the voices in his head
provide the company he needs
through the time that passes slowly
a favorite story with an unhappy ending
plays daily as it passes
it's about a handsome man
and a lovely lady too
a green backyard and picket fence
a dog Bruno with his ball
it's about a man who lost it all
as thoughts took him somewhere else
they ate his mind and spit him out
left him babbling to himself
he lost his lovely lady
his dog and home too
today he can not tell you why
but someday he will know
he is waiting for that someday
that God wraps the sun around him
brings him to his happy home
where thoughts can not hurt him
no Chad they don't drink wine :fp:
stereotype much?
What positive writing can you add to God's Parking Lot ...
have you been corresponding with God as of late?
Would love to have that shared...
sure i do spiritual correspondings. my daily goal is to be aligned with the universe, earth, & spirit realms. i don't do the christian (raised up a bit of catholic) or what have you type praying. i enjoy buddhism & hinduism. if you must know i do a bit of chanting along with buddhist monks as well as meditation. i listen to the earth and communicate with mother earth. these are the teachings i dwell in. i'm not one for the bible.
every single homeless individual i ever met was into drugs & alcohol. i have traveled nearly all states in the union and have spent time with poor homeless men & women. sometimes i hired them to unload my semi trailer. then needed crack & alcohol money and they are lumpers hanging out at warehouses across the country.
then there are the ones who hang out at truck stops and industrial areas asking for money help. i always gave then money & or food. this can be happening at 3am @ the produce warehouses in florida, california, or the nyc area
no Chad they don't drink wine :fp:
stereotype much?
What positive writing can you add to God's Parking Lot ...
have you been corresponding with God as of late?
Would love to have that shared...
sure i do spiritual correspondings. my daily goal is to be aligned with the universe, earth, & spirit realms. i don't do the christian (raised up a bit of catholic) or what have you type praying. i enjoy buddhism & hinduism. if you must know i do a bit of chanting along with buddhist monks as well as meditation. i listen to the earth and communicate with mother earth. these are the teachings i dwell in. i'm not one for the bible.
every single homeless individual i ever met was into drugs & alcohol. i have traveled nearly all states in the union and have spent time with poor homeless men & women. sometimes i hired them to unload my semi trailer. then needed crack & alcohol money and they are lumpers hanging out at warehouses across the country.
then there are the ones who hang out at truck stops and industrial areas asking for money help. i always gave then money & or food. this can be happening at 3am @ the produce warehouses in florida, california, or the nyc area
My experience with the homeless has been quite different working in the shelter etc...
so it goes, we will have to disagree on that from our very different life experiences
with who the homeless are.
Good to know you come from a place of peace but are you also aware?
like practice what you preach ...
that is one character building task there.
Character ...
I like that word, encompasses so much...
like honesty, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, loyalty...
Cars parked side by side with hardly room to open a door,
lots of shopping going on.
I love the change of season, bright red sugar maples scattered about the lot.
Isn't it cool how leaves change so beautifully for our entertainment?
Who thought all this up?
Thank you!
My autumn has been picture perfect, cloudless deep blue skies,
perfect temperatures, lots of color.
Feel that heavenly breeze, mmmm ....
a little leaf burning is carried on it.
With eyes closed it reminds me again of why I just love fall time.
Windows down I hear a little something from the truck next to me.
Oh! a Black and Tan Coonhound. I have a parking lot buddy!
'hey! how are you!'
up pops another at the sound of my voice
'Oh my! ... two of you! hi there!'
Dark brown eyes stare intently at my green.
I smile, they smile ...
we converse about the little things ...
weather, peoples passing by, what's for dinner, favorite toys, squirrels.
As their human approaches I wave and tell them all to have a nice day.
I watch their long ears blow in the breeze as they drive off.
When you have a dog by your side you are never alone.
Man's best friend, God spelled backward ...
It's the plan.
Who thought all this up?
Thank you!
'most especially thank you for them! that really made my day!'
Traveling about today I saw the church parking lots filled to the brim.
I saw many walking to their cars in Sunday's finest.
Smiles and hugs as red and yellow leaves twirled to their feet.
Blue skies held promise.
I saw a sign, it read...
"Have you thanked God today?"
Simple, to the point and my heart felt good ...
thanks is all I have.
The very elderly man jogged a circle around my car
small steps of determination
As he came past our eyes would meet
each time with his wink
I smiled
He smiled
He wore a blue fisherman's hat
covered in buttons
His life on his hat
tall stories big catches
and those that got away
I imagined his life of small determined steps
and how now with each pass I was apart of it
The very elderly man jogged around my thoughts
for the day and still
Determined we are ...
God's Plan
I waited in the car while my wife ran into the store. I decided to call and check on my Mom.
Call was short, no good news for us.
I people watched, listened to the double shot of music on the classic rock station.
Double shots are good, oh yeah got to make a stop at the liquor store too.
I was starting to get a little sleepy when I thought of this thread
and my girl's take on the world. It's almost like a light follows her around.
Then I looked to the sliding glass doors and out she comes talking with an elderly gentleman.
They both were all smiles and laughs. They walked together and stopped while she listened to him.
Thoughtfully. Sincerely. Respectfully. Genuinely. That's my girl.
I knew he was enjoying the light.
I knew it was making his day. I knew he was better for it.
Just like me. Just like all of us.
That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
Off to the garden center, 'can I sit this one out?'
"Sure hun, I won't be long"
I think to myself, uh oh, her famous last words.
I watch her move swiftly across the parking lot with the help of a shopping cart.
I remember a time she could garden, dig holes, covered in red Georgia clay.
My blondie so beautiful. So at home in the dirt. So gorgeous her creations.
People come and say wow to her gardens.
She could dance, the freest of spirits on the floor, putting coins in the jukebox,
that perfect ass swaying under a pretty flowered skirt.
We would hike, she sure footed on a forest path pointing out
and naming each bird, thrilled, childlike. I'm pretty sure birds love her.
I love her.
My mind goes back to the dark times and I think of God.
I'm not one to pray much and I'm not ashamed to admit I went to my knees
praying she would walk again. Be herself again. Be pain free. Not cry anymore.
She always cried at night when I pretended to sleep. I cried too.
Seeing her coming to the car now with a big smile and a cart of color
I know she may never be back to who she was before her injury
and that's ok with me.
She just keeps getting better and better in all the ways that matter.
Thank God for her and that.
That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
So the other day I get a fancy to stop at Publix and get some Sunflowers for my lady.
A favorite of hers. I think she's gonna really like this cause we are redoing the kitchen
in her new favorite color, yellow, with a sunflower theme. This is one flower I recognize
and know the name of so good deal. I park make my way in and out carrying
these giant long stems, absolutely huge sunflowers, I mean they are actually heavy.
Coming towards me through the lot is an elderly lady about the size of my sunflowers
and she looks pretty sad. Not bitchy resting face but just sad and small,
people and cars passing her by unnoticed. For a split second it seemed it was just she
and I in the lot. It was kind of weird. So as we passed she smiled at my flowers. Then I knew.
I knew what I had to do, what my girl would do. I laid them in the old lady's cart
knowing that my story would mean far more than the flowers to my girl. I was right.
That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
So the other day I get a fancy to stop at Publix and get some Sunflowers for my lady.
A favorite of hers. I think she's gonna really like this cause we are redoing the kitchen
in her new favorite color, yellow, with a sunflower theme. This is one flower I recognize
and know the name of so good deal. I park make my way in and out carrying
these giant long stems, absolutely huge sunflowers, I mean they are actually heavy.
Coming towards me through the lot is an elderly lady about the size of my sunflowers
and she looks pretty sad. Not bitchy resting face but just sad and small,
people and cars passing her by unnoticed. For a split second it seemed it was just she
and I in the lot. It was kind of weird. So as we passed she smiled at my flowers. Then I knew.
I knew what I had to do, what my girl would do. I laid them in the old lady's cart
knowing that my story would mean far more than the flowers to my girl. I was right.
that was nice of you. hopefully the store folks did not charge twice for the same sunflowers.
The Oklahoma city parking lot is hot as hell. There is a bit of heaven waiting for me at home.
Mom lies quietly unable to move on her own. She dreams dreams dreams.
I sit and hold her paper thin skin hand remembering how strong she was. She and her yard stick.
She would laugh if she could understand, she can't, I can't.
I deserved that damn yard stick, you know, she taught me well.
My girl tells me so.
So God we don't know the time, no one does but you. No warnings this time please
just take her release her to the love that's waiting. Mom will always have our love here.
That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
I have a clear memory that haunts me today. Maybe it is the upcoming anniversary of or
because it is tour time but it brings me here to God's Parking Lot.
It was once a happy memory, now tainted by decisions out of my control.
Not fate but more the mistakes, misjudgments of others. I have heard how we are
all connected, that innocently, or not, our choices cause a domino effect.
That we may never know until that last final breath the pain we have inflicted
on others in our lifetime. On the flip side, the joy.
I guess we can only hope the scales are even. That we have balance in the end.
My memory is of a parking lot party, an unexpected party while picking up tickets.
One of many shows we had attended, by far the very best was to come.
It was the party in my girl's step, the smile, the squeals, the tears of joy
as she struggled to make her way back, as quickly as her injury allowed, back across the lot
to me in the waiting car, her lucky + 1.
It was the phone calls to the kids to share the moments, the thrills. It was the dazed words
of disbelief that she had received the best gift of her life. It was the hours lived
up to concert time when everyone she met she told.
She literally bubbled the news and nearly burst. If she could she would have jumped for joy.
It was the repeated thanks to God above for her good fortune arriving in the worst year,
the worst year of physical struggles in her life.
Showtime put her under Eddie's microphone for the concert of a lifetime,
her Idol, her love of almost 20 years.
She was star struck, mesmerized, in disbelief as the band took the stage.
Then her most cherished PJ item, her Eddie pick, was tossed missed and handed to her.
Her pick that now is carefully packed away out of sight and out of mind. A memory that has been
pushed away for the pain, the pain and loss she is living and avoiding.
Yes things are out of our control, the actions of others bringing life change,
even changing memories made.
I guess all we can do is to feel what others feel. Take a moment to walk in another's shoes
across the Lot. Realizing the pain we inflict and the joy we create and hope
there is the balance in the end. And if there isn't hope for forgiveness.
That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
Yes things are out of our control, the actions of others bringing life change, even changing memories made. I guess all we can do is to feel what others feel. Take a moment to walk in another's shoes across the Lot. Realizing the pain we inflict and the joy we create and hope there is the balance in the end. And if there isn't hope for forgiveness.
Bump for beauty, and the essence of this.
Any time you need or want to release more here, hope you know you're always welcome to.
thanks justam
the lot of the lot
How many can be the bad guy
How many only good
Could you
Can I
I'm leaving this world being me
even wrong
I'm leaving this world loved
even for the wrong reasons
Selfish still I am
I am
I won't be bad
even when bad is good
Show me the way
show me the way
show me the way
to shake a memory
must I keep them all?
I'm feeling bombarded ...
This type of bombardment is good though!
the sun moves behind dark clouds, yesterday's cold front.
It casts shadows on people, some sunny faces
some not so much.
Each have tasks to be done, some happy
some not so much.
Some don't even realize.
I watch and I wonder
what do they love?
what makes them smile?
Close to me, walking past the car,
a young woman, child in hand.
I smile, she returns my smile.
Little one looks up at her mother,
she begins to skip.
I know what makes them smile...
the world hurries by
doesn't see him at all
covered in a dirty blanket
some spares in his shopping cart
winter will be here soon
though time passes slowly
his hair is thick and matted
hasn't seen a brush in over a year
his face once clean shaven
now sports a salt and pepper beard
his mother speaks to him quietly
words he loved before
his father comes to visit
in the pictures in his head
he's not sure if it's his birthday
or how old he'd be if it was
he's not sure what city this is
or how long he lived here for
he is alone not lonely
cause the voices in his head
provide the company he needs
through the time that passes slowly
a favorite story with an unhappy ending
plays daily as it passes
it's about a handsome man
and a lovely lady too
a green backyard and picket fence
a dog Bruno with his ball
it's about a man who lost it all
as thoughts took him somewhere else
they ate his mind and spit him out
left him babbling to himself
he lost his lovely lady
his dog and home too
today he can not tell you why
but someday he will know
he is waiting for that someday
that God wraps the sun around him
brings him to his happy home
where thoughts can not hurt him
under the bridge a lifetime passes slowly
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
stereotype much?
What positive writing can you add to God's Parking Lot ...
have you been corresponding with God as of late?
Would love to have that shared...
every single homeless individual i ever met was into drugs & alcohol. i have traveled nearly all states in the union and have spent time with poor homeless men & women. sometimes i hired them to unload my semi trailer. then needed crack & alcohol money and they are lumpers hanging out at warehouses across the country.
then there are the ones who hang out at truck stops and industrial areas asking for money help. i always gave then money & or food. this can be happening at 3am @ the produce warehouses in florida, california, or the nyc area
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
so it goes, we will have to disagree on that from our very different life experiences
with who the homeless are.
Good to know you come from a place of peace but are you also aware?
like practice what you preach ...
that is one character building task there.
Character ...
I like that word, encompasses so much...
like honesty, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, loyalty...
Next up in God Parking Lot ...
returning I sat in the car
rested my head on the steering wheel
and cried
I laid my head back on the seat
a small portion
of the night sky was mine through the sunroof
my moment to ask why
in the near distance came the hooting call
'oh! an owl'!
before the call ended another replied
together they answered each other
time and again
'I know' ...
'I know' ...
this the answer to my why
lots of shopping going on.
I love the change of season, bright red sugar maples scattered about the lot.
Isn't it cool how leaves change so beautifully for our entertainment?
Who thought all this up?
Thank you!
My autumn has been picture perfect, cloudless deep blue skies,
perfect temperatures, lots of color.
Feel that heavenly breeze, mmmm ....
a little leaf burning is carried on it.
With eyes closed it reminds me again of why I just love fall time.
Windows down I hear a little something from the truck next to me.
Oh! a Black and Tan Coonhound. I have a parking lot buddy!
'hey! how are you!'
up pops another at the sound of my voice
'Oh my! ... two of you! hi there!'
Dark brown eyes stare intently at my green.
I smile, they smile ...
we converse about the little things ...
weather, peoples passing by, what's for dinner, favorite toys, squirrels.
As their human approaches I wave and tell them all to have a nice day.
I watch their long ears blow in the breeze as they drive off.
When you have a dog by your side you are never alone.
Man's best friend, God spelled backward ...
It's the plan.
Who thought all this up?
Thank you!
'most especially thank you for them! that really made my day!'
in my head I hear the reply ...
"I know"
Seasons have distressed.
Heat from endless summers, snow and ice harsh upon it's surface.
Many have walked through, sat and watched.
Some have learned to listen.
Some have tripped, some have fallen, some have not gotten back up.
The beating heart continues through the millenniums,
it waits within the lot.
Do you ask for what?
For you of course, for you.
I saw many walking to their cars in Sunday's finest.
Smiles and hugs as red and yellow leaves twirled to their feet.
Blue skies held promise.
I saw a sign, it read...
"Have you thanked God today?"
Simple, to the point and my heart felt good ...
thanks is all I have.
"for God's Parking Lot" ... he wrote
gotta love him
Seeing God as you do in this thread, in everyday life and in everyday things, I see too. Thank God for you.
I waited in the car while my wife ran into the store. I decided to call and check on my Mom.
Call was short, no good news for us.
I people watched, listened to the double shot of music on the classic rock station.
Double shots are good, oh yeah got to make a stop at the liquor store too.
I was starting to get a little sleepy when I thought of this thread
and my girl's take on the world. It's almost like a light follows her around.
Then I looked to the sliding glass doors and out she comes talking with an elderly gentleman.
They both were all smiles and laughs. They walked together and stopped while she listened to him.
Thoughtfully. Sincerely. Respectfully. Genuinely. That's my girl.
I knew he was enjoying the light.
I knew it was making his day. I knew he was better for it.
Just like me. Just like all of us.
"Sure hun, I won't be long"
I think to myself, uh oh, her famous last words.
I watch her move swiftly across the parking lot with the help of a shopping cart.
I remember a time she could garden, dig holes, covered in red Georgia clay.
My blondie so beautiful. So at home in the dirt. So gorgeous her creations.
People come and say wow to her gardens.
She could dance, the freest of spirits on the floor, putting coins in the jukebox,
that perfect ass swaying under a pretty flowered skirt.
We would hike, she sure footed on a forest path pointing out
and naming each bird, thrilled, childlike. I'm pretty sure birds love her.
I love her.
My mind goes back to the dark times and I think of God.
I'm not one to pray much and I'm not ashamed to admit I went to my knees
praying she would walk again. Be herself again. Be pain free. Not cry anymore.
She always cried at night when I pretended to sleep. I cried too.
Seeing her coming to the car now with a big smile and a cart of color
I know she may never be back to who she was before her injury
and that's ok with me.
She just keeps getting better and better in all the ways that matter.
Thank God for her and that.
A favorite of hers. I think she's gonna really like this cause we are redoing the kitchen
in her new favorite color, yellow, with a sunflower theme. This is one flower I recognize
and know the name of so good deal. I park make my way in and out carrying
these giant long stems, absolutely huge sunflowers, I mean they are actually heavy.
Coming towards me through the lot is an elderly lady about the size of my sunflowers
and she looks pretty sad. Not bitchy resting face but just sad and small,
people and cars passing her by unnoticed. For a split second it seemed it was just she
and I in the lot. It was kind of weird. So as we passed she smiled at my flowers. Then I knew.
I knew what I had to do, what my girl would do. I laid them in the old lady's cart
knowing that my story would mean far more than the flowers to my girl. I was right.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Mom lies quietly unable to move on her own. She dreams dreams dreams.
I sit and hold her paper thin skin hand remembering how strong she was. She and her yard stick.
She would laugh if she could understand, she can't, I can't.
I deserved that damn yard stick, you know, she taught me well.
My girl tells me so.
So God we don't know the time, no one does but you. No warnings this time please
just take her release her to the love that's waiting. Mom will always have our love here.
because it is tour time but it brings me here to God's Parking Lot.
It was once a happy memory, now tainted by decisions out of my control.
Not fate but more the mistakes, misjudgments of others. I have heard how we are
all connected, that innocently, or not, our choices cause a domino effect.
That we may never know until that last final breath the pain we have inflicted
on others in our lifetime. On the flip side, the joy.
I guess we can only hope the scales are even. That we have balance in the end.
My memory is of a parking lot party, an unexpected party while picking up tickets.
One of many shows we had attended, by far the very best was to come.
It was the party in my girl's step, the smile, the squeals, the tears of joy
as she struggled to make her way back, as quickly as her injury allowed, back across the lot
to me in the waiting car, her lucky + 1.
It was the phone calls to the kids to share the moments, the thrills. It was the dazed words
of disbelief that she had received the best gift of her life. It was the hours lived
up to concert time when everyone she met she told.
She literally bubbled the news and nearly burst. If she could she would have jumped for joy.
It was the repeated thanks to God above for her good fortune arriving in the worst year,
the worst year of physical struggles in her life.
Showtime put her under Eddie's microphone for the concert of a lifetime,
her Idol, her love of almost 20 years.
She was star struck, mesmerized, in disbelief as the band took the stage.
Then her most cherished PJ item, her Eddie pick, was tossed missed and handed to her.
Her pick that now is carefully packed away out of sight and out of mind. A memory that has been
pushed away for the pain, the pain and loss she is living and avoiding.
Yes things are out of our control, the actions of others bringing life change,
even changing memories made.
I guess all we can do is to feel what others feel. Take a moment to walk in another's shoes
across the Lot. Realizing the pain we inflict and the joy we create and hope
there is the balance in the end. And if there isn't hope for forgiveness.
Any time you need or want to release more here, hope you know you're always welcome to.