Ignorant Behaviours

The doosh parking in the disabled parking spot has spurned me to start this thread:
Ignorant Behaviours that really irritate the hell out of you.
Mine: Tossing the cigarette butts out of your car window. Use the ashtray, man, Our city's area endured a wildfire that seared the countryside and wreaked havoc on neighbouring communities because some slob tossed his cigarette out of his window.
Despite the threat of igniting a fire... butts are simply disgusting and they are litter. Every now and then, I see a big pile in a parking lot that some loser just dumped there. Fak off.
If you love your cigarettes so much- fair enough... dispose of your butt like a decent human being would.
Or... save them for earplugs at the next Crooked Vultures concert.
Ignorant Behaviours that really irritate the hell out of you.
Mine: Tossing the cigarette butts out of your car window. Use the ashtray, man, Our city's area endured a wildfire that seared the countryside and wreaked havoc on neighbouring communities because some slob tossed his cigarette out of his window.
Despite the threat of igniting a fire... butts are simply disgusting and they are litter. Every now and then, I see a big pile in a parking lot that some loser just dumped there. Fak off.
If you love your cigarettes so much- fair enough... dispose of your butt like a decent human being would.
Or... save them for earplugs at the next Crooked Vultures concert.
"My brain's a good brain!"
Post edited by Unknown User on
haha...You know, before I got to your second sentence, I thought about all the cigarette butts I see in the streets. My blood boils.
Really, is it that important that you beat the person who's walking in the rain?
me me me people then the same who pretend to not be and think they fool
I hate that, too. They see you walking towards your car in the parking lot but they just "need" to keep going because they're in a big rush despite already only going 15 mph.
The flip side of that is just as bad, too. People who will ignore the fact that cars are coming and just walk in front of them like it's no big deal. Sure, it's no big deal to that idiot because I slammed on my brakes to avoid turning you into a bloody mess on the pavement, but it's a big deal to my heart pounding in my chest and the crap in my car that just flew all over the place--especially when the stuff in my car includes groceries that are now all over the floor and under the seat.
Another similar obnoxious behavior is when you stop to let a pedestrian cross and they make no effort at all to move at anything above a snail's pace--especially when they decide to take an illogical path that leads to them getting back in the path of your car after they were already clear. How about a light jog or even a brisk walk to let me know that you're not a complete ass and/or the walking dead? Moving that slow when someone stops to let you cross is only acceptable from the elderly or the injured. Young, healthy people just being too lazy to move out of the way annoy the hell out of me.
Also, people who feel the need to walk side-by-side down a narrow sidewalk or the aisle of a grocery store even when they see people coming towards them are rude and it should be legal to hip check them into a large display of canned vegetables. Don't make someone else ahve to step off the sidewalk or back up against the shelf in the store like an escaped convict trying to avoid being spotted by the search light just because you don't want to walk single-file for 5 seconds until we pass each other.
- Pulling out to the median and stopping when trying to turn left - effectively blocking someone already in traffic from turning left. If you can't make the full turn, stay our of the median.
- Diving out into the right shoulder of a one lane road to go around someone who's waiting to turn left.
- Running red lights. If you can stop comfortably, do it. I've been sitting at a light already stopped and had people from behind me still go through it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Mine seem kind of petty...but I'm sick of idiots so engrossed in what's happening on their cell phone that it infringes on my ability to drive safely, or even fucking grocery shop.
I guess I'm just tired of inconsiderateness, on so many levels. Some folks need to lift their head, open their eyes, and see there's a world around them, not just within a tiny device.
Not just within themselves.
I agree with the above poster that spoke of people walking across intersections with shit in their pants. Not older people who need a bit more time... but younger people either drooling, sneering or gabbing on the phone. Come on, man.
I am just as disgusted by the cig butts I see everywhere as you are. And..... I'm a smoker. I always find a receptacle and if I can't, the butt stays in my hand or in my pocket until I find one.
They usually don't start fires though, I'm sorry to see that it happened in your city.
I usually follow it up with a sarcastic...your welcome.
Same thing happens to me here in Eau Claire. It's the state law here to stop for pedestrians and they don't for some reason. So one day I said f**k it, I'm going. The bus screeched to a halt and honked at me. I mouthed, "State Law" and gave the driver the double middle finger treatment. It's rare that I give one finger so double was like an extra special treat.
People that have big umbrellas. No effn need to be carrying around a patio table unbrella. Hey asshole, it's drizzling out.
Too funny! At university, the sidewalk was an obstacle course. Me being taller, those spoke ends would be mouth/eye level. I used to just swat them out of my face... with the person (attending university no less) normally in a complete state of surprise, "Hey man... what's your problem?" I'd just keep walking because... are you serious? You actually don't know what the problem is?
A tip to those who live in areas where crosswalks are respected ... at least look each way to make sure you are not about to get creamed by a pickup truck driven by someone from the rust belt. :geek:
People need to be smart and aware on both sides.
One of the causes of the idiots trying to pass 3 cars at once is the idiot driving 5-10 mph below the speed limit on a clear day. The worst members of this group are the ones who don't even do it at a consistent speed. They'll be driving 50 in a 55 zone and suddenly slow down for no reason to 45. Then, when it's clear to pass them they decide to speed up to 60 but just for long enough to keep anyone from passing them.
then there's the driver behind the slow car who has sevearl clear shots at passing but refuses to do it, which causes all the cars behind him to stay stuck behind the guy going 45 in a 55 zone.
Yeah, some people don't understand that a state law can't overcome the laws of physics and make a car stop on a dime. The worst ones are the families that visit the boardwalks around here who see the signs posted and think that means it's a good idea to push a stroller into the street and act stunned that the car traveling 35 mph wasn't able to stop when it was 5 feet from the crosswalk when they felt the need to push their kid into the road.
If a car is up close behind you for more than 5 minutes, you should pull over and let them pass. Same thing if you have more than 2 cars close behind you at any time (unless you're not the lead car).
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
They should keep a wet sponge by the register.
People who insist on shaking your hand. It is the number one transmission route for cold viruses.
A car salesman shook my hand the other day. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands after that. As I am leaving the sales manager insists on shaking my hand. Back to the sink again. I guess I am germ phobic
I understand that. I also was under the understanding that most people follow state laws. Apparently not...
I shake hands all the time. It's respectful.
etc etc etc I will pass on the handshaking
Just don't pick your nose or rub your eyes post-shake. You'll be fine.
My frequent handwashing is good and is a habit I carried over from years of working im the medical field
I might of mentioned this before, but when I come from out West and visit my folks in Indiana, I get looks of surprise mixed with distrust when I stop for people in crosswalks. Most walk in front of the car somewhat tense and peek out the corner of their eye wondering if you're messing with them and that you might lurch forward any second.
Regional differences for crosswalks are interesting. The two times I've been to London, I had almost 100% stop at crosswalks. Sometimes they would already be stopped before you even got close to cross walk and looked right/left. Where I live now drivers are pretty good. They even stop where there's no intersection. Part of that seems due to the fact that there's more than just cars in the road, so people are looking for things other than cars, and used to sharing the space. People that seem to have the attitude that the road is only for cars don't look for anything but cars and seem to be just staring 30 feet straight off the front of their car.
Yeah, Indiana treats crossing the road like a game of Frogger.
i did research in the cigarette butt littering world. it is a global catastrophe of epic proportions, land & water.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
How does one stroll (or drive) along and just casually toss their trash on the ground?
(ps...for some reason, refusing to shake hands reminds me of the Sienfeld where his girlfriend refused to taste the apple pie and wouldn't say why)