F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,601
I went to school with the writer of that movie, he also wrote Recount for HBO. Havent talked to him since about half-way through college but was tripped out when I saw he was the writer of Recount.
If it is as good as that it will be great!
just watched it. i don't know how true it is, but it really paints palin in a bad light and i can see why she would distance herself from it. mccain wanted to run a clean campaign and was pretty honorable when it came to going negative. he refused to make rev wright an issue and he reluctantly went along with using ayers against obama. the movie makes it seem that he was very pained by that. i think the movie does a nice job of humanizing all of the people that we only see on tv, even if it was only based on the actual events.
the acting was very good. the three stars did a great job. i loved woody's character. i am not used to seeing him in a serious role.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
According to many people who worked on the campaign, it's very accurate in a lot of ways. Although the "then get me a woman" phrase is something John McCain denies saying, we all know that was pretty much what happened.
Sarah Palin was extremely unqualified to even be governor and hearing her idiot fan girls repeat the narrative like "She bordered Russia and looked right into the eyes of Putin!" was so face-palming it almost hurt to point out that New York City is a LOT closer to Moscow than Anchorage and that Russia is quite unlikely to stage an invasion of Alaska.
My favorite Palin defense from her army of idiots was "She's an energy expert" but when you asked what exactly IS an "energy expert" and what credentials did she have that made her one, they would either look on blankly or mutter something about "well there's a lot of oil in Alaska" to which I would answer "there's a lot of trees there, too, but she's not a lumberjack."
John McCain knows that he probably wouldn't have won the election anyway. But Sarah Palin made it impossible. She was such a dunce that stories about her brainlessness over-shadowed any positive coverage John McCain could have. And when Tina Fey went onto SNL and Lampooned her that well, he became the punchline to a bad joke right along with her.
And good. I can't stand John McCain and I'm very glad that four years later, he's being bonked over the head with introducing her to America and fame.
the most brutal thing that came out of Sarah Palin was listening to people here argue she had more experience than Obama and was therefore more qualified ... :shock:
the most brutal thing that came out of Sarah Palin was listening to people here argue she had more experience than Obama and was therefore more qualified ... :shock:
Or vote for her because she's 'Hot'.
Visions of 'Idiocracy' danced in my head.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
the most brutal thing that came out of Sarah Palin was listening to people here argue she had more experience than Obama and was therefore more qualified ... :shock:
Or vote for her because she's 'Hot'.
Visions of 'Idiocracy' danced in my head.
Former McCain senior campaign strategist Steve Schmidt sat down with MSNBC’s Morning Joe Monday morning and spoke candidly about his role in the 2008 presidential campaign, saying HBO’s Game Change was largely true.
“I think it was very accurate,” Schmidt acknowledged. “For all of us in the campaign, it really rang true. It gave you a little bit of PTSD at times. It did for me.But, look, I think it’s a story of when cynicism and idealism collide. When you have to do things necessary to win, to try to get in office to do the great things you want to do for the country and I think it showed a process of vetting that was debilitated by secrecy, that was compartmentalized, that failed, that led to a result that was reckless for the country and I think when you look back at that race, you see this person who is just so phenomenally talented at so many levels, an ability to connect but also someone who had a lot of flaws as someone running, you know, to be in the national command authority who clearly wasn’t prepared.”
Panelist Willie Geist questioned Schmidt on whether the selection of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a net positive or a net negative for the campaign.
“Politically, she was a net positive to the campaign,” Schmidt observed. “John McCain lost that race because the global economy imploded in the middle of September, and we were outspent by $250 million. I think a net negative in the sense that someone was nominated to the vice presidency who was manifestly unprepared to take the oath of office should it become necessary. And as it has become necessary many times in America.”
“Was it reckless of you?” Geist followed up.
“Well, I was part of a team that settled on the result, you know. I didn’t wake up one day and say ‘let’s pick her,’” Schmidt explained. “But there’s a scene in the movie where I’m saying to Senator McCain — it’s almost verbatim– the conversation that happened, saying I would rather lose by ten points than lose by one point saying, ‘did we do everything we can to win?’ And for me, the experience on this campaign is that there are worse things than losing.”
Mike Barnicle pressed Schmidt on what he meant by that.
“When a result happens that puts someone who is not prepared to be president on the ticket, that’s a bad result,” Schmidt added. “I think the notion of Sarah Palin being President of the United States is something that frightens me, frankly. And I played a part in that. And played a part in that because we were fueled by ambition to win. And I think that ambition to win, to victory is what drives people in politics. It is a chess match in a lot of ways, but that result in how we got there is something that troubles me a lot.”
Good to see that Schmidt thought it was very accurate.
I would love to hear if Palin thinks the same...
Sarah Palin's reality is on the television shows she stars in. She seriously tried to explain how living in the closest proximity to Russian soil, helps in understanding U.S./Russian politics. And goes on an on about her evecutive skillset... even though she QUIT her elected office.
She is not going to approve of anything that does not show her and her family as the modern day, 'Father Knows Best' household... where easing of Middle Eastern tensions are solved in a 23 minute episode.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I plan on watching this on demand, hopefully tonight. Palin represents everything that's wrong with American politics.
I didn't vote for him, but I like John McCain and I feel vaguely bad for him at how 2008 turned out. Not that he lost, but how he had to transform himself to win the nomination. And then it seemed like he just got caught up in the whole fury of the race and doing whatever it took to win. He kind of forgot his principles and I think got swept up by Schmidt and his campaign and lost his bearings. Not sure what I'm trying to say. Maybe that he went into 2008 as a great politician and exited greatly diminished and I don't think his legacy will ever recover from that. Everybody loved the "reach across the aisle," "appearing on the Daily Show a dozen times" guy, who turned into "angry old man in front of a green screen" guy.
Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; Phila, PA 10/21/13; Phila, PA 10/22/13; Baltimore Arena 10/27/13; Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22; Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
i felt really bad for mccain after what bush did to him in the 2000 election. that was some of the most dirty campaigning i have ever seen up until this point with the current gop campaign. there used to be an honor system that some things are not brought up to use against someone, but all of those days are over now.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i felt really bad for mccain after what bush did to him in the 2000 election. that was some of the most dirty campaigning i have ever seen up until this point with the current gop campaign. there used to be an honor system that some things are not brought up to use against someone, but all of those days are over now.
I would have been extremely conflicted in the 2008 Election if the John McCain of 2000 was running. The John McCain that basically told the Christian Coalition of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson to quit peddling their religious views into political agenda... rather than the 2008 John McCain who catered to those whom would champion legislation based upon religious doctrine.
The decisive factor with either of the John McCains (the 2000, buck the system, maverick... or the 2008 boot licking lackey) would have been Sarah Palin. She would need to climb the political/intellectual Mt. Everest of politics to reach the ankles of Dan Quayle. With McCain's age, there would have been no way in Hell I would allow someone like Sarah Palin the next in line as the President of our country. No fucking way.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I really didn't think it was all that negative of a portrayal of her. I mean, she was a newborn mother and had a son in Iraq and a pregnant teenage daughter, and they took her away from her family and fed her information 24/7, and she didn't know anything about anything to start with. What did they expect? At least that's what I got out of it.
Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; Phila, PA 10/21/13; Phila, PA 10/22/13; Baltimore Arena 10/27/13; Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22; Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
I really didn't think it was all that negative of a portrayal of her. I mean, she was a newborn mother and had a son in Iraq and a pregnant teenage daughter, and they took her away from her family and fed her information 24/7, and she didn't know anything about anything to start with. What did they expect? At least that's what I got out of it.
I agree. It was a well-acted movie and was more "fair and balanced" then I assumed it would be. Considering she was thrown into the meat-grinder after a five day vetting process, I don't know how much better anyone else would do. They made her out to have excellent poise without the political refinement.
The movie further reinforced my belief that you have better acting skills then decision making skills to be elected president ... and a shitload of campaign money. I can see why Super PAC's came to fruition if the GOP was outspent by $250M.
The movie further reinforced my belief that you have better acting skills then decision making skills to be elected president ... and a shitload of campaign money. I can see why Super PAC's came to fruition if the GOP was outspent by $250M.
Palin was the #1 reason why the Obama campaign was so well funded. She motivated the Democratic base better than anything Obama could've done or said.
Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; Phila, PA 10/21/13; Phila, PA 10/22/13; Baltimore Arena 10/27/13; Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22; Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
the most brutal thing that came out of Sarah Palin was listening to people here argue she had more experience than Obama and was therefore more qualified ... :shock:
I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin at all, but I don't know why I'd want to watch an anti-Palin movie. Why waste my time. Another question is why did they release this video now? Right after Super Tuesday? IMHO - they must've thought she'd be the nominee.
Anyways, I dislike her, but I do think she was more qualified than (at the time candidate Obama). She had executive experience, and he had none. Literally, none. She served as Governor for 2 years and Mayor for about 6-8 (not sure)and served on City Council prior, whereas Obama started as a community organizer, served as State Senator for about 6-8 years (not sure) and US Senator for about 2 (at least 1 of which he was running for President). I do understand why one would debate "overall experience", because Obama served a larger constituency and was educated at a better school. But, I still think Palin wins there, despite the fact that both weren't properly qualified. In my opinion, however, there's absolutely no doubt she had more "executive experience". There's no point in arguing this fact because anyone who would argue that Obama had more executive experience (as a candidate) doesn't know the definition of executive experience.
All that said, neither had the experience necessary to be President (in my opinion). So, personally, I'm very glad she's not running for President. And I hope the current President is sent home soon, so he can work on his experience or his basketball game some more.
I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin at all, but I don't know why I'd want to watch an anti-Palin movie. Why waste my time. Another question is why did they release this video now? Right after Super Tuesday? IMHO - they must've thought she'd be the nominee.
I didn't come off as anti-Palin, in my opinion. If anything, it showed the human side of her and what she went through. I don't know if it's accurate, but she didn't get painted as a monster.
I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin at all, but I don't know why I'd want to watch an anti-Palin movie. Why waste my time. Another question is why did they release this video now? Right after Super Tuesday? IMHO - they must've thought she'd be the nominee.
It's called an "anti-Palin movie" by the "liberal" media (what hogwash that term is), but I do not believe that to be the case. As I said above I thought the movie was quite sympathetic to her. Don't bother actually reading anything that anyone else says though, just like the subject we are discussing.
John McCain also had no "executive experience" in 2008, if that's how you want to define it. :roll:
2008 candidate Obama could intelligently discuss all aspects of presidential politics, domestic and international, and it had nothing to do with memorizing flash cards.
Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; Phila, PA 10/21/13; Phila, PA 10/22/13; Baltimore Arena 10/27/13; Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22; Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin at all, but I don't know why I'd want to watch an anti-Palin movie. Why waste my time. Another question is why did they release this video now? Right after Super Tuesday? IMHO - they must've thought she'd be the nominee.
I didn't come off as anti-Palin, in my opinion. If anything, it showed the human side of her and what she went through. I don't know if it's accurate, but she didn't get painted as a monster.
Fair enough. I didn't watch it. I didn't assume it was a direct attack on her, I assumed it was more subtle. Sort of like W. I watched that movie and it was horrible. So, I still don't understand why'd I'd want to watch a movie on her, since she wasn't even President. Why not make a movie about Obama? Or Clinton? Or Regan? They were actually President. That could be interesting.
Does anyone really disagree that Palin had more "executive experience" than Obama? If so, briefly explain. I'm curious.
Fuck executive experience. Who gives a shit? Shes a moron who had experience running a town of of 8,000 people and one of the least populated states in the country. I'll take the Ivy League educated senator.
If it is as good as that it will be great!
i hope it is not just a smear campaign, as that will accomplish nothing.
recount was very good though, so i have high hopes for this one as well.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I heard that HBO heads do not throw in their two cents to the directors or writers. That they are not micro managers and there people do their job.
I'll forever love "Swegin Cocksuckah!"
I miss Rome too. And Six Feet. And the Sopranos, etc.
I guess I'm more a fan of their series than their films, though I will check this one out.
the acting was very good. the three stars did a great job. i loved woody's character. i am not used to seeing him in a serious role.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Sarah Palin was extremely unqualified to even be governor and hearing her idiot fan girls repeat the narrative like "She bordered Russia and looked right into the eyes of Putin!" was so face-palming it almost hurt to point out that New York City is a LOT closer to Moscow than Anchorage and that Russia is quite unlikely to stage an invasion of Alaska.
My favorite Palin defense from her army of idiots was "She's an energy expert" but when you asked what exactly IS an "energy expert" and what credentials did she have that made her one, they would either look on blankly or mutter something about "well there's a lot of oil in Alaska" to which I would answer "there's a lot of trees there, too, but she's not a lumberjack."
John McCain knows that he probably wouldn't have won the election anyway. But Sarah Palin made it impossible. She was such a dunce that stories about her brainlessness over-shadowed any positive coverage John McCain could have. And when Tina Fey went onto SNL and Lampooned her that well, he became the punchline to a bad joke right along with her.
And good. I can't stand John McCain and I'm very glad that four years later, he's being bonked over the head with introducing her to America and fame.
Or vote for her because she's 'Hot'.
Visions of 'Idiocracy' danced in my head.
Hail, Hail!!!
yeah ... serious face palm moments ...
i'd like to kick schmidt in the nuts for giving the world palin
I would love to hear if Palin thinks the same...
Sarah Palin's reality is on the television shows she stars in. She seriously tried to explain how living in the closest proximity to Russian soil, helps in understanding U.S./Russian politics. And goes on an on about her evecutive skillset... even though she QUIT her elected office.
She is not going to approve of anything that does not show her and her family as the modern day, 'Father Knows Best' household... where easing of Middle Eastern tensions are solved in a 23 minute episode.
Hail, Hail!!!
I didn't vote for him, but I like John McCain and I feel vaguely bad for him at how 2008 turned out. Not that he lost, but how he had to transform himself to win the nomination. And then it seemed like he just got caught up in the whole fury of the race and doing whatever it took to win. He kind of forgot his principles and I think got swept up by Schmidt and his campaign and lost his bearings. Not sure what I'm trying to say. Maybe that he went into 2008 as a great politician and exited greatly diminished and I don't think his legacy will ever recover from that. Everybody loved the "reach across the aisle," "appearing on the Daily Show a dozen times" guy, who turned into "angry old man in front of a green screen" guy.
Sorry for the ramble.
P.S. for laughs: http://www.theonion.com/video/john-mccain-accidentally-left-on-campaign-bus-over,14279/
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I would have been extremely conflicted in the 2008 Election if the John McCain of 2000 was running. The John McCain that basically told the Christian Coalition of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson to quit peddling their religious views into political agenda... rather than the 2008 John McCain who catered to those whom would champion legislation based upon religious doctrine.
The decisive factor with either of the John McCains (the 2000, buck the system, maverick... or the 2008 boot licking lackey) would have been Sarah Palin. She would need to climb the political/intellectual Mt. Everest of politics to reach the ankles of Dan Quayle. With McCain's age, there would have been no way in Hell I would allow someone like Sarah Palin the next in line as the President of our country. No fucking way.
Hail, Hail!!!
I really didn't think it was all that negative of a portrayal of her. I mean, she was a newborn mother and had a son in Iraq and a pregnant teenage daughter, and they took her away from her family and fed her information 24/7, and she didn't know anything about anything to start with. What did they expect? At least that's what I got out of it.
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
The movie further reinforced my belief that you have better acting skills then decision making skills to be elected president ... and a shitload of campaign money. I can see why Super PAC's came to fruition if the GOP was outspent by $250M.
Palin was the #1 reason why the Obama campaign was so well funded. She motivated the Democratic base better than anything Obama could've done or said.
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin at all, but I don't know why I'd want to watch an anti-Palin movie. Why waste my time. Another question is why did they release this video now? Right after Super Tuesday? IMHO - they must've thought she'd be the nominee.
Anyways, I dislike her, but I do think she was more qualified than (at the time candidate Obama). She had executive experience, and he had none. Literally, none. She served as Governor for 2 years and Mayor for about 6-8 (not sure)and served on City Council prior, whereas Obama started as a community organizer, served as State Senator for about 6-8 years (not sure) and US Senator for about 2 (at least 1 of which he was running for President). I do understand why one would debate "overall experience", because Obama served a larger constituency and was educated at a better school. But, I still think Palin wins there, despite the fact that both weren't properly qualified. In my opinion, however, there's absolutely no doubt she had more "executive experience". There's no point in arguing this fact because anyone who would argue that Obama had more executive experience (as a candidate) doesn't know the definition of executive experience.
All that said, neither had the experience necessary to be President (in my opinion). So, personally, I'm very glad she's not running for President. And I hope the current President is sent home soon, so he can work on his experience or his basketball game some more.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
It's called an "anti-Palin movie" by the "liberal" media (what hogwash that term is), but I do not believe that to be the case. As I said above I thought the movie was quite sympathetic to her. Don't bother actually reading anything that anyone else says though, just like the subject we are discussing.
John McCain also had no "executive experience" in 2008, if that's how you want to define it. :roll:
2008 candidate Obama could intelligently discuss all aspects of presidential politics, domestic and international, and it had nothing to do with memorizing flash cards.
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
Fair enough. I didn't watch it. I didn't assume it was a direct attack on her, I assumed it was more subtle. Sort of like W. I watched that movie and it was horrible. So, I still don't understand why'd I'd want to watch a movie on her, since she wasn't even President. Why not make a movie about Obama? Or Clinton? Or Regan? They were actually President. That could be interesting.
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28998869" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
Fuck executive experience. Who gives a shit? Shes a moron who had experience running a town of of 8,000 people and one of the least populated states in the country. I'll take the Ivy League educated senator.