Video surfaces of Rand Paul's violent detention at tairport

Prince Of DorknessPrince Of Dorkness Posts: 3,763
edited February 2012 in A Moving Train
A few days ago, rand Paul made huge headlines as he was detained by airport security when he set off a metal detector too many times and had to submit to a search.

Like the good freedom-loving American that he is, he immediately called his dad's campaign press agent from the cage they were keeping him in. While the liberally-biased media taunted him and called him a "drama queen," the freedom fighters of the Tea Party and the Libertarian Warriors for the American Way stood by Ron.

“The police state in this country is growing out of control,” Ron Paul’s campaign said. “One of the ultimate embodiments of this is the TSA that gropes and grabs our children, our seniors and our loved ones and neighbors with disabilities. The TSA does all of this while doing nothing to keep us safe.”

Here is video of his ordeal... ... ture=email
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • peacefrompaulpeacefrompaul Posts: 25,293
    I failed to see the violence and I thought the commentary was stupid but the TSA IS getting a bit ridiculous.

    We need to be searched of course but to the point of patting me down because I moved a little bit in your full body scanner? Come on.

    I guess I just don't like living in fear.
  • I failed to see the violence and I thought the commentary was stupid but the TSA IS getting a bit ridiculous.

    We need to be searched of course but to the point of patting me down because I moved a little bit in your full body scanner? Come on.

    I guess I just don't like living in fear.

    He didn't move a bit, he set off the metal detectors two times in a row, and that means everyone needs to have extra searches. It happens to me about 75% of the time that I get a "random" search because I have a shaved head and tattoos. But I just shrug it off, take the extra 90 seconds to get patted down and have never once called my daddy to complain.

    But I'm not a drama queen. :twisted:
  • his ordeal...

    Yikes. Ordeal is an understatement. That was horrifying and brutal, the way they treated him. You should have put a warning on your link.

    First World Problems…
    "If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit." - Mitch Hedberg
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    OMG i can hardly believe it
    its a wonder he's still alive
    geeezuzzz ;)
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • JTHJTH Chicago Posts: 3,238
    Why wasn't Seal Team Six called in to rescue him from that ordeal?
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,298
    Don't like it, don't fly. What a f-ing baby. If there were two airliners one that had scanners and pat downs and one that had zero security which one would you fly?
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    I failed to see the violence and I thought the commentary was stupid but the TSA IS getting a bit ridiculous.

    We need to be searched of course but to the point of patting me down because I moved a little bit in your full body scanner? Come on.

    I guess I just don't like living in fear.

    He didn't move a bit, he set off the metal detectors two times in a row, and that means everyone needs to have extra searches. It happens to me about 75% of the time that I get a "random" search because I have a shaved head and tattoos. But I just shrug it off, take the extra 90 seconds to get patted down and have never once called my daddy to complain.

    But I'm not a drama queen. :twisted:

    ah...have you really had extra security pat downs, the new enhanced variety, 3 out of ever 4 times you fly?

    but you are right...if you weren't doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about right?

    I think I will go to the post office...wonder why they don't search people there every time someone comes in...I mean I could be sending a bomb is a government agency...they should open up all the packages...I mean, if you aren't sending anything illegal you have nothing to worry about right?
    oh come on...we should allow the police a little more leeway don't you think...I mean random stops on the street should be allowed...if you aren't doing anything wrong it should be okay right? There is a reason we have the 4th amendment, and it should be protected...a small violation is still a violation and it sets the stage for larger ones

    ...what an asshole Rand Paul is...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    I failed to see the violence and I thought the commentary was stupid but the TSA IS getting a bit ridiculous.

    We need to be searched of course but to the point of patting me down because I moved a little bit in your full body scanner? Come on.

    I guess I just don't like living in fear.

    He didn't move a bit, he set off the metal detectors two times in a row, and that means everyone needs to have extra searches. It happens to me about 75% of the time that I get a "random" search because I have a shaved head and tattoos. But I just shrug it off, take the extra 90 seconds to get patted down and have never once called my daddy to complain.

    But I'm not a drama queen. :twisted:

    also, link to info on him setting off the metal detector twice? I thought it was the full body scanner once and they wouldn't let him go through twice?
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    mikepegg44 wrote:

    ...what an asshole Rand Paul is...

    I agree... ;)

    I understand your 4th amendment angle...that's fine and all...but fact of business is Randee's claim of being "detained" is false...

    as I've said before and will say again...if one doesn't care for the security procedures required to fly on an airplane...don't fly...
  • mikepegg44 wrote:
    also, link to info on him setting off the metal detector twice? I thought it was the full body scanner once and they wouldn't let him go through twice?

    I'm actually seeing a few different versions of the story, one was setting off the metal detector and one was a body scan that didn't work.

    Either way... those are the rules. They're not taking away your "rights," there is no "right to take an airplane ride" in the constitution.
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    I failed to see the violence and I thought the commentary was stupid but the TSA IS getting a bit ridiculous.

    We need to be searched of course but to the point of patting me down because I moved a little bit in your full body scanner? Come on.

    I guess I just don't like living in fear.

    He didn't move a bit, he set off the metal detectors two times in a row, and that means everyone needs to have extra searches. It happens to me about 75% of the time that I get a "random" search because I have a shaved head and tattoos. But I just shrug it off, take the extra 90 seconds to get patted down and have never once called my daddy to complain.

    But I'm not a drama queen. :twisted:

    ah...have you really had extra security pat downs, the new enhanced variety, 3 out of ever 4 times you fly?

    but you are right...if you weren't doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about right?

    I think I will go to the post office...wonder why they don't search people there every time someone comes in...I mean I could be sending a bomb is a government agency...they should open up all the packages...I mean, if you aren't sending anything illegal you have nothing to worry about right?
    oh come on...we should allow the police a little more leeway don't you think...I mean random stops on the street should be allowed...if you aren't doing anything wrong it should be okay right? There is a reason we have the 4th amendment, and it should be protected...a small violation is still a violation and it sets the stage for larger ones

    ...what an asshole Rand Paul is...

    Your slippery -slope argument has made me so afraid that now I'll be voting for Ron Paul.
  • mikepegg44 wrote:
    ah...have you really had extra security pat downs, the new enhanced variety, 3 out of ever 4 times you fly?

    In fact, I have. It's slowed a bit recently I think because I fly so much that the security people tend to recognize me. But my boss from a former job used to refuse to fly with me.

    And yes... more than half the time still.

    I get pulled aside for what they call "random" checking, my bags all need to be opened and swabbed for... cocain, I assume. I've had to pull down my pants and once when I forgot to remove my PA I had to pull my wang out and show the horrified agent. He wasn't horrified that I pulled it out so much as the fact that I pulled it out in full view of the entire security area and told him "go ahead and touch it."

    When you look like I look, it's assumed, I guess, that I'm a Neo Nazi terrorist? Or maybe I'm running drugs? Whatever it is, it's become a joke with co-workers and I always fill my suitcases with pornography and sex toys and boxes of condoms.

    But it's been like this for years. And so? Shit happens. I'm much happier to go through that then have a bunch of actual terrorists get on with box cutters.
  • peacefrompaulpeacefrompaul Posts: 25,293
    I get pulled aside for what they call "random" checking, my bags all need to be opened and swabbed for... cocain,

    After I was patted down the agent went over to some scanner thing and told me that he had to scan his gloves for explosive material. Not sure if that's why they swabbed your stuff. Could be cocaine too I don't know.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    A few days ago, rand Paul made huge headlines as he was detained by airport security when he set off a metal detector too many times and had to submit to a search.

    Like the good freedom-loving American that he is, he immediately called his dad's campaign press agent from the cage they were keeping him in. While the liberally-biased media taunted him and called him a "drama queen," the freedom fighters of the Tea Party and the Libertarian Warriors for the American Way stood by Ron.

    “The police state in this country is growing out of control,” Ron Paul’s campaign said. “One of the ultimate embodiments of this is the TSA that gropes and grabs our children, our seniors and our loved ones and neighbors with disabilities. The TSA does all of this while doing nothing to keep us safe.”

    Here is video of his ordeal... ... ture=email

    Hardly violent, but he has a point.. don't bring a bias of not agreeing with his views into this... all this bullshit was brought on by the Bush administration. I wish people would leave political bias out of this crap.

    The terrorist won obviously..

    I say, let everyone through... My chances are still better on a flight than in a car.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    good lord....that is sexual it not??
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Hardly violent, but he has a point.. don't bring a bias of not agreeing with his views into this... all this bullshit was brought on by the Bush administration. I wish people would leave political bias out of this crap.

    The terrorist won obviously..

    I say, let everyone through... My chances are still better on a flight than in a car.

    See, I don't think he has a point.

    He was pulled aside for about 2 minutes. It's part of the process of making sure we're all safe. Saying the terrorist won because he was inconvenienced for a long as it takes to call your daddy and whine.

    This was brought by the Bush administration but I don't think it's bullshit. It's not really enough. The new reality is that our forgiven policy of being bullies of the world means that we have enemies whose only goal is to destroy us any way they can. If that means I have to show my private parts to a man in a uniform... Then I do.

    And Rand Paul is no better than me, so he has to go through that too.
  • When you look like I look, it's assumed, I guess, that I'm a Neo Nazi terrorist?[/b] Or maybe I'm running drugs? Whatever it is, it's become a joke with co-workers and I always fill my suitcases with pornography and sex toys and boxes of condoms.

    But it's been like this for years. And so? Shit happens. I'm much happier to go through that then have a bunch of actual terrorists get on with box cutters.

    So what exactly does a terrorist look like again? Did the 9/11 hijackers look like terrorists? Do the kids that get pat downs look like terrorists? The Senior citizens? What? TSA management who are issuing these directives don't have a functioning brain cell between them. Do people seriously believe that Terrorists would go out of their way to draw attention to themselves?

    The idiocy of TSA knows no bounds. Further proof of that (not that anyone should need further proof), is that TSA security now looks at people who complain about.......TSA security. Didn't the gestapo think it was a good idea to place people under observation if a person complained about them? ... .complain/
  • Gestapo?


    The Gestapo?

    Because what nazi foot soldiers were most known for was delaying people for a couple of minutes to make sure they didn't have bombs or weapons.

    That whole "rounding up the Jews, gays, gypsys, intellectuals, mentally ill, physically handicapped... Then exterminating them..." that was nothing compared to the body serches of the "good people."

  • Gestapo?


    The Gestapo?

    Because what nazi foot soldiers were most known for was delaying people for a couple of minutes to make sure they didn't have bombs or weapons.

    That whole "rounding up the Jews, gays, gypsys, intellectuals, mentally ill, physically handicapped... Then exterminating them..." that was nothing compared to the body serches of the "good people."


    When you are finished with the hysterics feel free to address the question i asked you in my post which you ignored.

    So what exactly does a terrorist look like again? Did the 9/11 hijackers look like terrorists? Do the kids that get pat downs look like terrorists? The Senior citizens? What? TSA management who are issuing these directives don't have a functioning brain cell between them. Do people seriously believe that Terrorists would go out of their way to draw attention to themselves?
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    honestly, I hear "if you don't like it don't fly" all the time. that would be fine, if the airport security was private. this is a government agency that is doing it. I am sure we all wouldn't feel the same way if police officers were aloud to search you without probably cause...oh wait...I am remembering some people having problems with a certain Arizona law about this very thing... guys can hate it all you want, but when that shit starts happening (NDAA) then I guess we are supposed to just grin and bear it then too right...I mean if you aren't doing anything wrong than I guess you have nothing to worry about

    POD, that isn't right that you get pulled aside that often. I realize you haven't yet complained about it and are ok with it in the name of safety. My whole argument, and the argument made by many, is that this is a government agency who has the right to pat you down randomly, and yes they do it randomly...if it is ok at the airport, why isn't it ok in high crime areas? there is the same fact I would argue that the high crime areas pose more of a risk to public safety than terrorists do on an airplane...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • mikepegg44 wrote:
    also, link to info on him setting off the metal detector twice? I thought it was the full body scanner once and they wouldn't let him go through twice?

    I'm actually seeing a few different versions of the story, one was setting off the metal detector and one was a body scan that didn't work.

    Either way... those are the rules. They're not taking away your "rights," there is no "right to take an airplane ride" in the constitution.

    No, but there is the right to be free from unwarranted search and seizure. :roll: Point being, that everyone is being treated as if they were a criminal the instant they show up at an airport and want to board a plane. This is not right.

    I would think you would be against having to follow all of the "rules". Some "rules" say it isn't okay to be gay.
  • MookiesLaw wrote:
    When you are finished with the hysterics

    Oh honey, no.

    You're not allowed to post something like...
    MookiesLaw wrote:
    The idiocy of TSA knows no bounds. Further proof of that (not that anyone should need further proof), is that TSA security now looks at people who complain about.......TSA security. Didn't the gestapo think it was a good idea to place people under observation if a person complained about them?

    ... and then accuse me of "hysterics."

    If you want to have a reasonable conversation, fine. When you start comparing security searches at the airport to Nazi secret police, you have lost the argument before it's even begun.
  • Some "rules" say it isn't okay to be gay.

    What? That makes no sense at all.

    What does my sexual orientation have to do with this? (For the record, most people who meet me don't know that so if you're saying that's why I'm getting searched... we probably haven't met.)

    (I would like the record to show that I didn't bring this topic up, so when inlet/Waverider/anyone else throws a tantrum about how I bring it up in every thread, we can point to this one as more evidence that it's usually other people who bring it up.)
    Some "rules" say it isn't okay to be gay.

    What? That makes no sense at all.

    What does my sexual orientation have to do with this? (For the record, most people who meet me don't know that so if you're saying that's why I'm getting searched... we probably haven't met.)

    (I would like the record to show that I didn't bring this topic up, so when inlet/Waverider/anyone else throws a tantrum about how I bring it up in every thread, we can point to this one as more evidence that it's usually other people who bring it up.)

    His point was that "rules are rules" is a dumb argument, and cited some very dumb rules, ie "it isn't okay to be gay" to prove it.
  • Sludge FactorySludge Factory Posts: 976
    edited January 2012
    Some "rules" say it isn't okay to be gay.

    What? That makes no sense at all.

    What does my sexual orientation have to do with this? (For the record, most people who meet me don't know that so if you're saying that's why I'm getting searched... we probably haven't met.)

    (I would like the record to show that I didn't bring this topic up, so when inlet/Waverider/anyone else throws a tantrum about how I bring it up in every thread, we can point to this one as more evidence that it's usually other people who bring it up.)

    Vinny pretty much answered this spot on already for me. I wasn't trying to infer that this was why you were being searched, but simply pointing out, as Vinnie said, that the "rules are rules" isn't a very good argument. This argument usually serves as nothing more than to set yourself up to look like a hypocrite.

    Let the record stand that you weren't the first to bring up your orientation in this thread :D
    Post edited by Sludge Factory on
    No, but there is the right to be free from unwarranted search and seizure. :roll: Point being, that everyone is being treated as if they were a criminal the instant they show up at an airport and want to board a plane. This is not right.


    Speaking of "rules are rules," how about we start re-applying it to the Bill of Rights?
  • No, but there is the right to be free from unwarranted search and seizure. :roll: Point being, that everyone is being treated as if they were a criminal the instant they show up at an airport and want to board a plane. This is not right.


    Speaking of "rules are rules," how about we start re-applying it to the Bill of Rights?

    What?! No, that's crazy talk. We should only apply the ones that "I" agree with because "I" should be the authority on how people go about their lives. After all, I may not know how to live my own life, but I bet I can tell others how to best live theirs for them! :lol:
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    honestly, I hear "if you don't like it don't fly" all the time. that would be fine, if the airport security was private. this is a government agency that is doing it. I am sure we all wouldn't feel the same way if police officers were aloud to search you without probably cause...oh wait...I am remembering some people having problems with a certain Arizona law about this very thing... guys can hate it all you want, but when that shit starts happening (NDAA) then I guess we are supposed to just grin and bear it then too right...I mean if you aren't doing anything wrong than I guess you have nothing to worry about

    POD, that isn't right that you get pulled aside that often. I realize you haven't yet complained about it and are ok with it in the name of safety. My whole argument, and the argument made by many, is that this is a government agency who has the right to pat you down randomly, and yes they do it randomly...if it is ok at the airport, why isn't it ok in high crime areas? there is the same fact I would argue that the high crime areas pose more of a risk to public safety than terrorists do on an airplane...

    so...if the TSA were a private for-profit entity, you'd be supportive of the pat downs...? wow, that's really interesting...

    and the pat downs are not "random"...they happen when someone enters airport security...a person walking down the street does not get randomly patted down by the TSA...
  • Just wait til the TSA starts doing border control on highways. Which I believe is already happening in a southern state.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    honestly, I hear "if you don't like it don't fly" all the time. that would be fine, if the airport security was private. this is a government agency that is doing it. I am sure we all wouldn't feel the same way if police officers were aloud to search you without probably cause...oh wait...I am remembering some people having problems with a certain Arizona law about this very thing... guys can hate it all you want, but when that shit starts happening (NDAA) then I guess we are supposed to just grin and bear it then too right...I mean if you aren't doing anything wrong than I guess you have nothing to worry about

    POD, that isn't right that you get pulled aside that often. I realize you haven't yet complained about it and are ok with it in the name of safety. My whole argument, and the argument made by many, is that this is a government agency who has the right to pat you down randomly, and yes they do it randomly...if it is ok at the airport, why isn't it ok in high crime areas? there is the same fact I would argue that the high crime areas pose more of a risk to public safety than terrorists do on an airplane...

    although the TSA is a gov't agency ... much like everything else - the actual task of screening is contracted out to private vendors ...
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