Please remind me again....
....why I should hate Nickleback?....I just watched the Nickleback Live @ Sturgis DVD & I have to say, they are a Really Tight Band...I know I'm gonna take some shit from this board but, I can't complain/bitch about them...They sounded really good!!!! Why all the hate?

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Full disclosure: I do like AC/DC...but they have a lot more grit in their style.
AC/DC : Whisky :: Nickleback : Smirnoff Ice
i think thats rare and unique. 40 years ago, you started a band to get rich, and to get girls. to be famous.
I think people are fascinated by the lifestyle these people live, but when it gets too in your face or too blatant, kanye's another example, people are turned off by it. Just look at how alot of press reacted to the kanye and jayz album this summer. nearly every reviewer lambasted them for flaunting their incredible wealth in the current recession.
i think chad and the guys live it up. theyve made bank. they are certainly one of the most famous bands in the world. i used to be a fan. when i was an impressionable teen, in high school, i used to listen to the local modern rock/alt rock station, and thats when how you remind me and too bad came out.
i think people especially in 2012 are weary and leery of anyone who flaunts wealth and "the good life". im not sure why the general populace dislikes that, but our generation has been raised and shown a clear picture of what a band is supposed to act like, from pearl jam, to nirvana, to fugazi, alot of the indie bands like the shins and death cab, decemberists, modest mouse, spoon, fleet foxes and the like, they make a good living and are all critically and commercially respected, but they live in portland, in modest houses, none are hanging out with groupies nor are their wild stories of any of these bands in their tour bus, or on tour. if any of them do drugs, its never been reported on by fans or the press. thats what a rock star is to most people in 2012. bands that would make an appearance on portlandia.
and i think when bands dont fit that paradigm it makes people uncomfortable
What does "one dimensional" mean anyway? Whatever....sounded good to me
I'm guessing you do NOT like Nickelback
well, who is/has:
depth, anti-"samey", a WIDE scope, dynamic, INspiring, Multi-dimensional, Coc....errr...well, you got me on the "Cock-Rock" thing..
Wilco would be a quick answer, but there's plenty more out there.
I don't like Nickelback. The only song of theirs I've ever enjoyed is "Far Away"... and that's primarily due to a cross-country trip that took 34 hours and listening to radio stations that played it no less than five times a day.
Nickelback's music is shallow. It is rock music played to the lowest common denominator. There's no soul in any of their songs.
The music that really resonates with me usually has some decent hooks, but even more, it has roots in deeper places than "Hey kids, wanna be a rock star?!" or "Y'know this world isn't nice sometimes, and it makes my band sad when we see sad people, so let's do our own version of We Are the World and remind people how sad we think things can be, but first I'm gonna finish this beer and sing a song for the Spider-Man soundtrack."
I don't picture these guys ever having a hard time doing anything or struggling with something or living through something that we can all relate to. As time goes on and band evolve - so does the sound of the band. Nickelback's new stuff sounds like it could be from their first album. This band has not changed at all. I'm sure some fans think that's great, but not for people who thought they sucked in the first place. It's just more grist for the mill.
Nickelback's music feels like the soundtrack to the current GOP race (and - i'm being serious here - I am deeply sorry if I offend any staunch Republicans with this statement, and I don't really want to turn this into a political rant) - it's as out of touch as Romney and Gingrich are with the American populace.
This is just my own opinion about the band.
I don't think it's fair to attack fans of Nickelback for liking them for whatever reason. A Nickelback song means something different to someone else. Maybe a song of theirs was enough inspiration to keep from committing suicide, or helped them get through a really rough break up or the divorce of their parents. Maybe a Nickelback song reminds them of better times - first dates, parties, old friends. Like I mentioned up front, I kind of like their song "Far Away" - but it reminds me of the long-ass trip it took for me to get back home to where I needed to be. If it wasn't for the trip and the incessant radio play, I'd have no connection to that song whatsoever. If you dig Nickelback, that's great. Life is short and fuck everyone else who says you ought to think otherwise.
6/29/06 - Milwaukee, WI
9/25/11 - Vancouver, BC
11/4/12 - (Eddie Vedder) Phoenix, AZ
11/1/13 - New Orleans, LA
11/19/13 - Phoenix, AZ
11/21/13 - San Diego, CA
10/12/14 - Austin, TX
10/22/14 - Denver, CO
8/22/16 - Chicago, IL (Wrigley 2)
5/9/22 - Glendale, AZ
5/18/24 - Las Vegas, NV
I don't like/dislike a band because of their tightness live or lack thereof. if the music speaks to me, it speaks to me. if you like Nickelback, more power to you.
a buddy of mine who I no longer go to shows with (you'll see why) complained constantly after the Chili Pepper's show about the snare drum sounding too tinny for him to enjoy it.
people like that ruin the experience.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
My point is that to me there are two types of music, music I like and music I don't. You need to make up your own mind. I regularly go through the forum here and that is how I became a big fan of Ryan Adams. At the same time I have listened to some other artists that are getting raved about and can't understand the fuss. Be guided by what's on here but not led because if you just follow everyone else you may miss out on some great (in your opinion) music from sources you don't expect.
but those seagulls are still out of reach.
nope. I know many people who like them (and Default and the like) and are fine about admitting it. they don't really think they are "admitting" anything. the same as I don't think I'm "admitting" that I love PJ.
be proud of the music you love!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
They are a toaster in human form.
Their songs are just as mass produced as that big mac you ate last tuesday.
They have the soul and passion of a dead sheep.
They have the creativity of a 60 year old right wing politician.
They are puppets to the music industry.
They are everything that is wrong with todays music and its industry.
thats why.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
RNDM- 11/27/12
PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
im sticking by what i said before, u2, kings of leon, nickelback. all these bands seem to be hated for various reasons, but all are among the most popular bands in the world, and all write and craft catchy as hell songs.
I think generally people are embarassed to admit liking pop music once they reach college years. high school is all about fitting in, and that usually means listening to bands popular at the school or popular with friends, not seeking out adventurous sounds.
pop music is looked at as a lesser art form. and i think thats unfair.
im not a listener or fan of nickelback, but i dont think its just as simple as "they are disliked because their music is trash". there are deeper reasons. they are a multimillion dollar selling band, they are rock stars in every sense of the word and flaunt it, the songs arent experimental and as has been said, their formula has pretty much stayed the same for over a decade, the hard rocker songs and the sensitive ballad songs coexist peacefully. and the lyrics are viewed as not addressing much beyond relationships. And they write songs that are popular on top 40 stations
They're my girlfriend's favourite band.
if I wanted to compare them, I'd say they are Motley Crue without the hair and makeup.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Another thing I once read a "60 Minutes" in a Guitar World magazine done by the singer, where he picked an hour of his favorite music.....Under one song by Metallica or Pantera, don't remember which, he wrote "when I sit down to write a riff I think one of 2 things...Hetfield or Dimbebag" I just have to ask, what the hell is he hearing when he listens to those bands that is comparable to the stuff he writes? He's either a poser or has the inability to differentiate between virtually any style of music...He may as well have said Bob Hope and Lindsay Lohan in Freaky Friday.
I don't totally subscribe to the "they're so hated b/c they're so loved" argument either. The other bands mentioned that are like that(U2, KoL) also have other really annoying things about them and still aren't viewed as nearly the joke that Nickelback are. There's plenty of hugely successful bands that have gotten or get overplayed that don't have the backlash that they have.
Yup, there's just nothing interesting about them good or bad. Complete middle of the road mediocrity.
I disagree - Motley Crue was at least entertaining if nothing else. Nickelback is boring as hell.
Nickelback rode the second wave of grunge wannabe's...they immitated the sound of bands who were immitating the sound of other bands....derivative of a innovation, zero originality. It's the same argument that I came up with to justify why I defend AC/DC against accusations of being one-dimensional, while not defending Nickelback for the same.
That said...I do find myself turning the radio up to some of their more upbeat songs while driving...IF I'm in a really good mood and feel like doing ironic rockstar fist pumps.
If you really need a reason to hate Nickelback, here it is:
And MC could play the hell outta their instruments.
I'm listening to Mark Lanegan's new record as I type this - now this is a real artist. He knows he's not going to sell millions of copies, yet you can tell he's put an incredible amount of thought and effort into creating these songs. Nickelback on the other hand have been peddling the same tired music for years - boring, cliched lyrics, big cheesy chorus - sung by a guy who's trying to mimic the vocal stylings of the Seattle/90's vocalists before him - people who actually had something to say.
I don't hate them, I just think their music is boring and lazy.