What's so radical about caring for the Earth?



  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    Godfather. wrote:

    no offense my friend but the large checks they earn are something that they have worked for thier whole lives and have earned it,that's not something you can take away from someone...and if you could see the profits made by the major corps you might not worry too much about the CEO bonus and pay amounts, I work for a large corp and follow the profits and stocks etc. it's just amazing what they profit at the end of the year, also I can tell you for certin that if said corps don't move up the scale on profits of if they drop in profit it's only a mater of time before the CEO and other high ranking managment are moved or cut and that's the hard reality of it bro...no profit no dice.


    Please. Worked their asses off? Let's not forget about nepotism.
    The negative correlation between an individual's importance to society and their income is staggering. I have friends who are millionaires in their early 30s after working on Wall St.f or only 10 years. They contribute nothing to society, pay nothing in taxes, and work in a field that rewards greed and selfishness. That's the problem with the system as it is now. How much do soldiers get paid? Fireman?

    Pure bullshit:
    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/2 ... f=business
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    whygohome wrote:
    Also, China, with Germany likely right behind, has got the solar panel market covered. So, another missed opportunity
    U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.!!!!

    How efficient is their solar power nowadays? I haven't looked at it in a while.

    Is it okay if I just cut and paste the last few articles I have read?

    http://www.npr.org/2012/01/19/145403625 ... -trade-war
    http://seekingalpha.com/article/320874- ... -potential
    http://reason.com/blog/2012/01/20/you-c ... in-the-air
    http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2 ... gy-towers/
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    Godfather. wrote:

    no offense my friend but the large checks they earn are something that they have worked for thier whole lives and have earned it,that's not something you can take away from someone...and if you could see the profits made by the major corps you might not worry too much about the CEO bonus and pay amounts, I work for a large corp and follow the profits and stocks etc. it's just amazing what they profit at the end of the year, also I can tell you for certin that if said corps don't move up the scale on profits of if they drop in profit it's only a mater of time before the CEO and other high ranking managment are moved or cut and that's the hard reality of it bro...no profit no dice.


    Dang, Godfather, if that is true, how come I'm not a billionaire!!
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    I'm of the opinion that we have to leave it up to the people. If humans decide they want to create cataclysmic climate change... fine. The Earth will be back to normal in a blink of an eye (in relative terms) and we'll be gone and forgotten. Humanity has had a suicidal tendency for thousands of years and I think it is time to let go of this idea that we're important somehow, and stop trying to control chaos. Humans want to endlessly produce and consume shit at an exponentially increasing rate? Fine. We'll get what we deserve.

    or maybe I just got out of bed on the wrong side this morning

    When I'm in a really pissed mood I feel exactly the same way. And then I remember that their are those younger than I, especially kids, who may well be screwed big time in their lifetime due to climate change after I'm dead and gone and I get right back into the fray. I do it for them. I've had a good and fairly long life. It's for them.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    brianlux wrote:
    I'm of the opinion that we have to leave it up to the people. If humans decide they want to create cataclysmic climate change... fine. The Earth will be back to normal in a blink of an eye (in relative terms) and we'll be gone and forgotten. Humanity has had a suicidal tendency for thousands of years and I think it is time to let go of this idea that we're important somehow, and stop trying to control chaos. Humans want to endlessly produce and consume shit at an exponentially increasing rate? Fine. We'll get what we deserve.

    or maybe I just got out of bed on the wrong side this morning

    When I'm in a really pissed mood I feel exactly the same way. And then I remember that their are those younger than I, especially kids, who may well be screwed big time in their lifetime due to climate change after I'm dead and gone and I get right back into the fray. I do it for them. I've had a good and fairly long life. It's for them.

    wow what a great post !brianlux you are a good man with an honest heart.

  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Jeanwah wrote:
    David Suzuki is a scientist and environmentalist who lives in Canada. This article he wrote has Canada and its government in mind, but his ideas and thoughts are universal....

    i find it interesting that you feltthe need to say who david suzuki is. i thought everyone already knew. im not trying to be funny or condescending i just figure if i keep hearing about someone and hearing what they have to say that its the same for everyone.

    anyways i dont know why people find it easier to drop their trash on the ground than stuffing it in their pockets or bag. PICK UP YOUR TRASH PIGS!!!

    Ya know, I just threw that in in case someone didn't know who he was! Not everyone reads or pays attention... especially lately on this board with the trollish behavior of late... I find it interesting that you need to be sarcastic a lot of the time. :lol:

    do you now??? :think:
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    Just picked up a copy of this today. Looks like good reading!

    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    I'm of the opinion that we have to leave it up to the people. If humans decide they want to create cataclysmic climate change... fine. The Earth will be back to normal in a blink of an eye (in relative terms) and we'll be gone and forgotten. Humanity has had a suicidal tendency for thousands of years and I think it is time to let go of this idea that we're important somehow, and stop trying to control chaos. Humans want to endlessly produce and consume shit at an exponentially increasing rate? Fine. We'll get what we deserve.

    or maybe I just got out of bed on the wrong side this morning

    The minute when realize that money is not the answer to our problems, nor the end goal, perhaps then we'll wake up and discover what's truly important. Life. Love. Friends, family and taking care of each other. But the notion that money is more important than anything else has pretty much taken over humanity (capitalism). We just need to realize that in order to thrive as well as continue to thrive, for the sake of our future generations.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    I'm of the opinion that we have to leave it up to the people. If humans decide they want to create cataclysmic climate change... fine. The Earth will be back to normal in a blink of an eye (in relative terms) and we'll be gone and forgotten. Humanity has had a suicidal tendency for thousands of years and I think it is time to let go of this idea that we're important somehow, and stop trying to control chaos. Humans want to endlessly produce and consume shit at an exponentially increasing rate? Fine. We'll get what we deserve.

    or maybe I just got out of bed on the wrong side this morning

    The minute when realize that money is not the answer to our problems, nor the end goal, perhaps then we'll wake up and discover what's truly important. Life. Love. Friends, family and taking care of each other. But the notion that money is more important than anything else has pretty much taken over humanity (capitalism). We just need to realize that in order to thrive as well as continue to thrive, for the sake of our future generations.

    the thing is, most people DO KNOW that is what's important. If it were strictly up to the people, pollution and other forms of environmental degradation would be gone. Of all the people you know, how many would put emphasis on the almighty dollar over the environment? For me it ain't many...

    it is big government and big business, working together against the interests of the people, that have fucked up shit. Well, at least over the past 40 years or so since we've become aware that we do have an impact on climate. Free trade and the world economy I think are largely to blame, but in economics class you're simply taught that the environment is a "negative externality" that is subjectively smaller than the producer and consumer surplus.

    I don't know... I know some of my thoughts are contradictory. I just don't see this as a problem that is fixable.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    I'm of the opinion that we have to leave it up to the people. If humans decide they want to create cataclysmic climate change... fine. The Earth will be back to normal in a blink of an eye (in relative terms) and we'll be gone and forgotten. Humanity has had a suicidal tendency for thousands of years and I think it is time to let go of this idea that we're important somehow, and stop trying to control chaos. Humans want to endlessly produce and consume shit at an exponentially increasing rate? Fine. We'll get what we deserve.

    or maybe I just got out of bed on the wrong side this morning

    The minute when realize that money is not the answer to our problems, nor the end goal, perhaps then we'll wake up and discover what's truly important. Life. Love. Friends, family and taking care of each other. But the notion that money is more important than anything else has pretty much taken over humanity (capitalism). We just need to realize that in order to thrive as well as continue to thrive, for the sake of our future generations.

    the thing is, most people DO KNOW that is what's important. If it were strictly up to the people, pollution and other forms of environmental degradation would be gone. Of all the people you know, how many would put emphasis on the almighty dollar over the environment? For me it ain't many...

    it is big government and big business, working together against the interests of the people, that have fucked up shit. Well, at least over the past 40 years or so since we've become aware that we do have an impact on climate. Free trade and the world economy I think are largely to blame, but in economics class you're simply taught that the environment is a "negative externality" that is subjectively smaller than the producer and consumer surplus.

    I don't know... I know some of my thoughts are contradictory. I just don't see this as a problem that is fixable.

    I think many people know that money is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but there are still so many who are wrapped up in greed, competition, and selfishness that I think the problem isn't fixable either. World leaders lead that way to short-sightedness, and the people (the sheep anyway) follow. I'm gunning toward a higher consciousness, and would like to see more follow that train of thought. But it probably won't be everyone; money preoccupation is a disease, and inevitably that disease will bring the species down. So I do what I can do on a small scale of making the world a better place to live, I teach my daughter about the environment and why taking care of others is so important, and not to listen to what society and the media tells us what we should believe is important.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    I think many people know that money is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but there are still so many who are wrapped up in greed, competition, and selfishness that I think the problem isn't fixable either. World leaders lead that way to short-sightedness, and the people (the sheep anyway) follow. I'm gunning toward a higher consciousness, and would like to see more follow that train of thought. But it probably won't be everyone; money preoccupation is a disease, and inevitably that disease will bring the species down. So I do what I can do on a small scale of making the world a better place to live, I teach my daughter about the environment and why taking care of others is so important, and not to listen to what society and the media tells us what we should believe is important.

    +1 and agreed...

    I like the 2012 "singularity" theory proposed by mcKenna, that it isn't the end of days... it's just the end of days as we know it

    here's how it's got to happen (thoughts from the "Is World Peace Attainable?" thread):
    technology has to win the race versus the Malthusian end of days/peak oil situation.

    what is going to happen is a rapid ascension of technology that allows us to be interconnected to everyone all the time. Eventually, we will be so interconnected via technology that we will create a fabric of a single consciousness with everyone and with the technology itself. A single consciousness will pervade the world and it will be the singularity... where we are all one entity of love, peace and understanding. At that point we will hyperevolve and spread out through the universe via nano-technology and the universe will be complete; a single consciousness that communicates with everyone and everything, all the time. In short, man will create God, as has been our destiny since we began thinking about anything other than mere survival.

    come on, it's simple.

    disclaimer: LSD had something to do with my postulation, so buyer beware.

    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    What's so radical about caring for the Earth?

    Answer: Nothing.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    dignin wrote:
    Take a quick look at Germany. Going green makes sense, dont listen to the debbie downers.

    http://www.timescolonist.com/business/G ... story.html

    or a bit of a longer look

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art ... 8109ba8af2


  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    whygohome wrote:
    What's so radical about caring for the Earth?

    Answer: Nothing.
    :thumbup: Often times the best answer is the most simple, straight-forward.
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • Isn't caring about the Earth a form of socialism? As I understand things, this is unacceptable for most capitalists. The thought of having your markets regulated to ensure that the planet is sustained over the long term just doesn't fit into the equation. When I think of the US, I think of muscle cars with large V8s and accountants driving pickup trucks that will never see so much as a piece of plywood in the back. Environmentalism runs counter to those ideals.

    I think it's very hard to sell environmentalism in a world where mass consumption is romanticized.
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