I met Billy Corgan this past weekend

This past weekend I was fortunate to meet Billy Corgan. He has started a new professional wrestling organization in Chicago and was in attendance at an event last Friday. I was lucky to be able to meet him and he even signed both my Gish and Siamese Dream reissue lp's.Here is a pic.....
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He said he is an avid pro wrestling fan and wanted to start his own company. I used to love wrestling as a kid and decided to go in hopes to meet him. It was a good show actually.
Well, there were a few. Harry Smith won the championship. He is the son of Davey Boy Smity. Rhyno challenged him after the match. There was also Colt Cabana. It was pretty good actually. I would recommend going to the next one in February.
I haven't seen it but, I would like to. I always thought he was so funny.
One of my biggest regrets in my life was NOT going to a show in Burlington VT with one of my 'crazy music buddies' back in 1991 when I was a senior in high school.
That show that haunts me still?
RHCP, Pumpkins and PJ.
I was mildly into RHCP at that point (Mother's Milk mostly) and was not into Pumpkins or PJ at all. YET. If only I knew that a year later they would be my 2 favorites!
I wish him the best of luck with his new venture!
I caught that and holy shit it was crazy. That story about him and HBK was kinda crazy..."You're heart still beating?...Here take this".
Pretty shitty of that promoter to shove him out to the ring in the shape he was in.
WWE has spent over $100k on his rehab. It's pretty commendable of them to help those guys out. They've seemingly come a long way. They have a pretty strict drug policy nowadays. Guess it's easy to do that once you're made your money and secured your spot as the most popular organization though.