Would you rather deal with physical pain or emotional pain?
I don't mean to offend anyone, a lot of what I say should be taken with a grain of salt... that said for most of you I'm a stranger on a computer on the other side of the world, don't give me that sort of power!
Would you rather drum like Neil Peart or Meg White
If you could go back in time, would you rather go see the Doors or the Beatles?
Would you rather be here or there (where ever there is for you)
Would you rather take an ice cold shower this morning or not shower at all?
Would you rather scale a mountain or walk a tightrope
Would you rather be too short or too tall?
Would you rather eat a raw egg or a stick of butter?
Would you rather be a spinster or a granny
Would you rather give someone bad advice or have someone give bad advice to you?
Would you rather use jacuzzi for one or jacuzzi for two
Would you rather sit all day or stand all day?
Would you rather go to the symphony or the ballet?
Would you rather get paid to work really hard at an interesting job or get paid slack off at a boring job?
Would you rather be really good looking or really smart?
(Cav, I didn't use your line! LOL)
Would you rather go without a microwave or record player for a year?
Would you rather have love or money
You have had a shitty day and just need to chill out,be honest would you rather have a long all encompassing cuddle or sex
Would you rather be the person doing the breaking up or being broken up with?
Oh :? :think: the breaker up'er :oops:
Would you rather eat meat or veg
Would you rather spend the day listening to a crying baby or a barking dog?
Would you rather complain or fume internally
McDonalds or Burger King?
Orange or Grape?
Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump?
Would you rather go trapezing or rappel down a mountain?
Would you rather be the richest person on the planet or be immortal?
If you had to choose would you rather be blind or deaf?
would you rather protect yourself or rely on others to protect you?
Would you rather deal with physical pain or emotional pain?