That voice.

PJ_LukinPJ_Lukin Posts: 2,055
edited July 2008 in The Porch
Every once in awhile, after listening to a bunch of new boots as I have been. I re-appreciate Ed.

When Ed is feeling it, when he has touched that spiritual part of his being and it comes out through his voice. The direct connection to his heart, his soul, and his brain and it all comes out through his voice. You know what I mean? The emotion of his voice is like nothing I have ever heard in any other performer. It just hits me. You can't help but buy in emotionally to what he is singing.

Amazing gift that Eddie Vedder is sharing with us there.
~!~ Peace ~!~ Love ~!~ Pearl Jam ~!~
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • surfanddestroysurfanddestroy Posts: 2,786
    I know what you mean, I was listening to Down on the way to work this morning and felt just the same.
    Astoria 20/04/06, Leeds 25/08/06, Prague 22/09/06, Wembley 18/06/07,
    Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.

    Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
  • peacegirlpeacegirl Posts: 841
    I know what you mean, too.

    There are times for me where his voice makes me feel so calm, like everything's going to be alright.
  • CityMouseCityMouse Posts: 1,010
    peacegirl wrote:
    I know what you mean, too.

    There are times for me where his voice makes me feel so calm, like everything's going to be alright.

    I feel exactly the same way...sometimes when I am upset or nervous about something I try to think about it!

    Can't wait to hear it in the opera house tomorrow!
    peacegirl wrote:
    I know what you mean, too.

    There are times for me where his voice makes me feel so calm, like everything's going to be alright.
    That's what Bee Girl always did for me. Warmth and safety.
    I do declare his voice is like a fine wine.

    Good Thread!
    Here’s a question you might need to ask
    What’s self destruction and how can we last?

    "I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
    Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."

    McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
  • BlackCorduroyBlackCorduroy Posts: 1,374
    CityMouse wrote:
    Can't wait to hear it in the opera house tomorrow!

    Ditto:) his voice is going to sound amazing in there.
  • Gonzo1977Gonzo1977 Posts: 1,696
    Eddie has got that rare "something" that few artists have.

    His voice is such an incredible instrument and he can emote so much just by the way he stresses and inflects certain words or's just awesome.

    Also he's such a great performer to watch as well...I love seeing those moments when he's totally immersed and engrossed in the music. It's as if something greater is taking over his body.

    He's just got such awesome charisma and it's a beautiful thing to witness and listen too as well.
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    PJ_Lukin wrote:
    Every once in awhile, after listening to a bunch of new boots as I have been. I re-appreciate Ed.

    When Ed is feeling it, when he has touched that spiritual part of his being and it comes out through his voice. The direct connection to his heart, his soul, and his brain and it all comes out through his voice. You know what I mean? The emotion of his voice is like nothing I have ever heard in any other performer. It just hits me. You can't help but buy in emotionally to what he is singing.

    Amazing gift that Eddie Vedder is sharing with us there.

    Yes, we're lucky he continues to share it with us. :)
  • elevation622elevation622 Posts: 926
    I always thought there were better singers than Ed, but he's got the best voice.
  • electronblueelectronblue Posts: 3,462
    eddie's T0NE rocks!!...~
    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    eddie's T0NE rocks!!...~
    Guy who works for me told me his voice was scratchy at best! yesterday.

    He is about to be the guy who worked for me. (Just kidding)

    Good guy, bad ear.
  • PJ_LukinPJ_Lukin Posts: 2,055
    Release --- Bonnaroo --- Damn.

    I see the world
    Feel the chill
    Which way to go
    I see the words
    On a rocking horse of time
    I see the birds in the rain

    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me

    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll wait up in the dark
    For you to speak to me
    I'll open up
    Release me
    Release me
    Release me
    Release me
    ~!~ Peace ~!~ Love ~!~ Pearl Jam ~!~
  • emily6371emily6371 Posts: 202
    I like how he sometimes leaves letters out of words whens he's singing. Like a pause just long enough for him to tell if the audience is singing along with him. Or is this just me?
  • smile05smile05 Posts: 600
    I always thought there were better singers than Ed, but he's got the best voice.

    1:Black 2:Corduroy 3:All Those Yesterdays 4:I Got ID 5:Smile

    They can buy but cant put on my clothes
    Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~

    Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton

  • PJMEMamaPJMEMama Posts: 99
    when he played arc last night I was just absolutely...i don't know what...i just stood there with my mouth hanging open...the layers of his voice were transporting. I so so wish I could get a recording of that. Today I was listening the the mansfield 2 boot and you can hear him do a couple riffs at the start of the second disc...
    Ed's voice is incredible.
    I would like to be in one of these solo shows just to hear his amazing voice.
    It's the way he sings as well. You can feel his emotion and passion.
    Let's say knowledge is a tree, yeah.
    It's growing up just like me.
  • He has helped me through some really tough times in my life. If it wasn't for Eddie I don't think I would be here today.
    Underneath this smile lies everything...All my hopes, anger, pride and shame...make myself a pact, not to shut doors on the past just for today,... I am free.
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