Defining worth by need.

eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
edited January 2012 in Lost Dogs
There's what we're willing to pay, what the item is worth, and what we feel we have to pay because we simply must have an item. I'm not sure where I am on this issue. I've been lucky through some good trades and traders to get most of the stuff I've been looking for, but not all, so the other stuff i feel i'm gonna have to really splash out for but again, conflicted.
Where are you on this issue?
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  • movaughnmovaughn Posts: 1,293
    Well, I kinda feel the same. Some people will make you pay though, if they know you absolutely must have it and its hard to find. Some people just want to get rid of it and may not know its "value". I feel if you wait and not take the first offer, you will get what you need in your range.
    Alpine Valley - Jun 26, 1998, Alpine Valley - Oct 08, 2000, Alpine Valley - Jun 21, 2003
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  • SuziemaySuziemay Posts: 11,168
    Isn't what the item is worth and what you feel you have to pay the same thing, which is the market value?

    I've been fortunate in getting most of my big-ticket items below market, just happened to be at the right place at the right time. So I guess I haven't had to pay more than I was willing to pay, and there's nothing I want that much at the moment to do that. What I'm willing to pay isn't always going to be necessarily below market. Sometimes it might be above market if I want it very much, but given how much PJ things have been going for of late, there's probably nothing PJ-related that I'm going to be willing to pay above market (charitable causes excluded :mrgreen: )

    If I always had to pay more than I was willing to pay, I would probably give up collecting because then it would be stressful and not very fun.

    Want me to draw a flow-chart for you? :mrgreen::mrgreen:
  • ShortyShorty Ontario Posts: 1,160
    I haven't been at this long - but - I guess I logically weigh my need VRS it's worth. If I could buy something I really want - and it's $500 bucks - but I've seen it selling for $350 at other times - I guess I weigh it all together - how bad do I need it - when do I expect to see another for sale - and at $150 more than what I am use to seeing it sell for, is that really too far of a stretch go just go ahead and buy the damn thing. Change any variable (current selling price / historical selling price / frequency one is for sale / my desire to own) and it means going through the weighing process again.

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  • DAMONDAMON Posts: 256
    Just keep looking, I find stuff every once and awhile. I got a Madseason Vinyl last week for $40 bucks! that was one of my top advice is to look where the collecters are not, we are all junkies here but at my local music store that buys used records it was just a used 20 year old record.. :mrgreen:

    also anything you want most of us want so you could resell it at any time!!
  • cjzolycjzoly Posts: 508
    I needed Benaroya Vinyl...Spent to long listening to the CD...Needed to truly hear it spin for myself...Spent $800...Got It, Opened It, Spun It...And Am Still Spinning It...Worth every penny to me...However the guy that sold it to me needed the money to buy a poster...WOW...I could never spend that much for a poster, a piece of paper, not even the original, but a print...But apperently worth every penny to him...I guess thats me defining worth by need to myself (Or justification to myself anyway)... :? :lol::lol::lol:
    I'm a Thief, I'm a Liar, There's my Church, I sing in the Choir...Hallelujah...
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