Posts: 4,984
hey el kabong you still reading these terrible posts?
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The ball's in your court, Commy. Raise the bar!
what's happened to the debate ? logic and facts used to be representative of a debate. now when someone disagrees they are ganged up on by the jackals. who rarely have anything important to say
most of these posers don't get out of their own house. shit i bought an anonymous mask to wear at my local protest.
which is beside the point. who wants to debate the capitalist ethos?
what about it would you like to debate?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
and the nail in the coffin when dealing with capitalism is that for one to succeed , many have to fail.
its a class based system based on selfishness and greed.
i believe there is a better way.
i would agree when it comes to pure capitalism, however things are rarely black and white, capitlism mixed with good government can succeed and benefit people more than a fully centeralised economy
hence why a mixed economy is a better way forward
Where is that guy and his girlfriend?
that's kinda what we have now. and the problem being corporate influence in govt'/ we got sold out bank got bailed out. to the tune of trillions of dollars. while 2 trillion dollar wars rage on around wars.
for those fucking hypocrits to say they can't subsidize public housing, or food kitchens, or even health care at this point.....its nothing short of criminal.
i have been inspired by movemements across the country, people taking on banks and forclosed homes, occupying them for homeless families.
the bottom line is that there is plenty for all. its only broke if we ignore the greed these banks bring with the houses/ but there are vacant lots? waht's the difference! a family needsx a place to stay, let em stay.
Worse than vacant lots- empty house, empty strip malls, empty mega-stores... and the number of people living nowhere? Jeez, once when I lived nowhere somebody let me use their place to clean up and eat. I returned the favor later on when the situation was the reverse. Do people help each other less often now days?
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
thats america, which at the end of the day is a mess, the whole system is built so nothing can get done, and corparate influence is far too high in congress. but look at other countries like canada, austrailia, countries in europe, they don't have these problems to the same level as america, yet they are not anti capitlist. they look after their citizins and still allow people who have the brains, the talent and work their asses of to get ahead
i kinda miss those old gabbly chats cincy, how about you? it was the one time we could all fight our hearts out here during the day and all drink a beer together and talk about other things and actually agree on some things in the evening. sadly, a lot of great people from that time are not around anymore....i wonder whatever became of them...again, that was when the train was much more colorful and much more diverse.
sorry to derail, i was just feeling nostalgic....i have nothing to add to the discussion... :oops:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Agreed. You have nothing to add to the discussion!
JK...agreed, I miss those characters.
So do I.