ISO: Yield or No Code Vinyl

mcrieckenmcriecken Indiana Posts: 265
edited January 2012 in Lost Dogs
After forgetting about a Yield that went for $82 on the bay... and then passing up a No Code auction (Yield is what I'm really after, and it was ending 2 minutes after No Code) that went for $86, thought I'd try my luck on here. I don't have much to offer in the ways of trading besides a few bottles of Faithfull Ale.

I'm a little under a year in since my plunge into the vinyl world, and figured it was time to add some original PJ to the mix.

Thanks! :D
St. Louis, USA 10-05-2004 | Chicago, USA 08-23-2009 | Indianapolis, USA 05-07-2010 | Hartford, USA 10-25-2013 | Lexington, USA 04-26-2016 | Chicago, USA 08-20-2016 | Chicago, USA 08-22-2016 | Chicago, USA 08-18-2018 | Chicago, USA 08-20-2018
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