"oye oye está bien!
oye oye está bien!
oye oye está bien!"
i think this goes down in my book as the cutest post ever!! EVER
i oye oye esta bien !
The songs went like this, they are futbol cheering songs changing the names of the teams for Pearl Jam.
"Oooooooooleeeeeeeeee, ole, ole, oleeeeeeeeeeeee, Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaam"
"Oleeeeee, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ola, Ole, ole, ole, cada dia te quiero mas, soooooooooooooooooy de Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaam, es un sentimientoooooooooooooooo, no puedo paraaaaaaaaaaaaaar" (again)
"Oleeeeee, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ola, Ole, ole, ole, every day day i love you more, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, i am Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, it´s a feeling, i just can´t stooooooooooop!!!!!!
está bien, está bien
tu ya no te tienes que esconder
está bien, está bien
sabes que te quiero como ayer
está bien, está bien
tu ya no te tienes que esconder
está bien, está bien
quiero como, como ayer
este soy yo, esta es mi vida
esta es mi oportunidad
este soy yo, esta es mi voz
tal vez no hay mañana, no
este es mi juego, esta es mi voz
y nadie se queda aqui
está bien, está bien
tu ya no te tinenes que esconder
está bien, está bien
sabes que te quiero como ayer
está bien, está bien
sabes te quiero como ayer
está bien, está bien
está bien, está bien
todos bien
Transcribed by Betterman
Thanks for the lyrics coldoc, never thought i would see myself belting out song lyrics in spanish. The band we all truly love just proved once again why they are "the greatest band in the world" Ben Harper.
Thanks for the lyrics coldoc, never thought i would see myself belting out song lyrics in spanish. The band we all truly love just proved once again why they are "the greatest band in the world" Ben Harper.
You're welcome. The credit goes to Betterman, a Mexican fan, who attended all the three shows there.
Oh wow - thank you for posting that!!! So awesome!!
I ended buying the 12/10/05 show thanks to coldloc's passionate endorsement (THANK YOU COLDLOC - great version, great overall show, excellent choice!), so it's nice to have the chance to see this version too. And with video - gives me chills to see it performed, just like the TBK version ALWAYS gives me chills.
FYI - I don't have Quicktime 7, but it played in itunes - there's even a little video screen in the corner. I didn't know it had that feature.
no time to be void or save up on life
you've got to spend it all.
A video, are you kidding me... Your Board name suits you Betterman. i just can't imagine that experience in person. Thank you for sharing this with us. Did you record from the begining of daughter? Beggers can't be choosers but if you have the song with the tag in audio or video it would be awsome. thanks alot.
I just heard the Monterrey verison of It's Ok, I think it is beautiful that Eddie is putting a new spin on this song by putting it to Spanish. It makes it that special and that unique:)
Thanks Betterman for posting the lyrics
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Can anyone send me a PM of the Mexico City Daughter/It's OK tag? Dying to hear it and don't see it posted, only PM'd
"It's as comfortable as can be. But when you're on stage playing with Neil, well -- it's one thing to be at the zoo and watch an animal pace around its cage. It's another to be in the cage with him." -Eddie Vedder
"Oooooooooleeeeeeeeee, ole, ole, oleeeeeeeeeeeee, Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaam"
"Oleeeeee, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ola, Ole, ole, ole, cada dia te quiero mas, soooooooooooooooooy de Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaam, es un sentimientoooooooooooooooo, no puedo paraaaaaaaaaaaaaar" (again)
"Oleeeeee, ole, ole, ole, ole, ole, ola, Ole, ole, ole, every day day i love you more, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, i am Pearl Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, it´s a feeling, i just can´t stooooooooooop!!!!!!
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Song: It's Okay (Está Bien)
está bien, está bien
tu ya no te tienes que esconder
está bien, está bien
sabes que te quiero como ayer
está bien, está bien
tu ya no te tienes que esconder
está bien, está bien
quiero como, como ayer
este soy yo, esta es mi vida
esta es mi oportunidad
este soy yo, esta es mi voz
tal vez no hay mañana, no
este es mi juego, esta es mi voz
y nadie se queda aqui
está bien, está bien
tu ya no te tinenes que esconder
está bien, está bien
sabes que te quiero como ayer
está bien, está bien
sabes te quiero como ayer
está bien, está bien
está bien, está bien
todos bien
Transcribed by Betterman
the currents will shift
You're welcome. The credit goes to Betterman, a Mexican fan, who attended all the three shows there.
Thanks coldloc. I can just tell you it was amazing to see this live!! Hope you get to see them next year!
Lucky you! And yes, hopefully.
Oh my its so flippin' beautiful! gosh i love my first language!
"Esta Bien Tag" (It's Ok-By Dead Moon)
Quicktime 7 Required!!!! (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/)
Tec specs:
AAC, Stereo
22.9 Megs
Video: (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJAWU6GS)
maaaan u rule !!!!!!!!! great video and sound !!!!
Gracias Manuel!
Oh wow - thank you for posting that!!! So awesome!!
I ended buying the 12/10/05 show thanks to coldloc's passionate endorsement (THANK YOU COLDLOC - great version, great overall show, excellent choice!), so it's nice to have the chance to see this version too. And with video - gives me chills to see it performed, just like the TBK version ALWAYS gives me chills.
FYI - I don't have Quicktime 7, but it played in itunes - there's even a little video screen in the corner. I didn't know it had that feature.
you've got to spend it all.
Yep, the latest version of iTunes comes with Quicktime. That's why it plays video.
By the way this video will play on an ipod video. In case u have one.
Its 1 video, from Mexio 1.
Glad you did so.
And thanks again for the effort, Betterman. Great work. I absolutely love it!
The other link is to get Quicktime 7, required to see this vid. (in case you don´t have it)
Yea well you know i was trying to get this spread out since a couple of days ago. This was the better way.
the currents will shift
PM sent. Check it out.
Send me a PM with your e-mail addy.
Thanks Betterman for posting the lyrics
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
PM sent.